Hex MiSTs SPAM! #1
Jo Ann/User Guardian 1/Lotus

Disclaimer: Hexadecimal belongs to Mainframe Ent. User Guardian 1 is my ReBoot avatar, and Lotus is my benevolent chaotic virus avatar and is a cousin to Hex. Rab is Hex's boyfriend in my User Guardian 1 ReBoot fics. Wild Card is my (as User Guardian 1) fanfic husband.

(Hexadecimal is sitting at a computer, reading her e-mail as Jo Ann, Lotus, Rab, and Wild Card walk in.)

Hex (disgusted): SPAM!
Rab: What is it, Hex?
Hex: I just told you: SPAM!
Jo Ann: Yuck! I hate SPAM!
Wild Card: Yer not the only one, darlin'!
Lotus: MiSTy, MiSTy!
Rab: Pokemon? Where?
Hex: Not that Misty! She means "MiST", as in "Mystery Science Theater 3000".
Jo: Why not? SPAMS deserve to be MiSTed!
Hex: Okies!

(The five crowd around the terminal for some SPAM MiSTing.)

From: "Save Money"

Hex: "Save Money"? What an unusual name!
Rab: I'd call it "Stupid"...


Wild Card: A lottery for lions, tigers, cheetahs, and other big cats...


Hex (Eyes turning red, claws unsheathing, and screaming): MEGABYTEEEEEEEEE!
Lotus: He's not here, Hex. He's back at the Tor.
Hex (returning to "normal"): I know that, dear!

| Block Address

All: Yes...PLEASE!

| Add to Address Book


To: draka_dracula

Jo: They got your e-mail addy wrong, Hex!
Hex: And yet, I still recieved it.
Rab: Amazing!


Jo: What?
Wild Card: It says, "yahoo".
Jo: I know.

Subject: Get a Low Interest

Lotus: We already have!
Jo: "Low Interest" in this SPAM, that is!

Loan or Mortgage!

All: Don't need it!


Rab: Already have one!
Wild Card: Married to mine!
Lotus: FAQ! I don't have one!
Hex: Don't worry dear; you will someday. In the meantime...
(Hex produces a bowl of fruit.)
Hex: Care for a date.

Mon, 08 Apr 2002 13:42:01 EDT

Rab: Uhh...
Hex: Never MiST the date. Besides, it's been done to death.
Rab: Okay...

Lendbetter -

Wild Card (As SPAMer): Bettin' on just how much money we'll be lendin' ya."

better by leaps and bounds

Hex: o/~Here comes Peter Cottentail, hoppin down the bunny trail...o/~
Lotus: o/~...Hippity hop and Easter's on its way...o/~

Mortgage Loan -

Rab: The Loan Ranger!
Wild Card: Rab, that's "The Lone Ranger"!
Rab: That's what I said: "The Loan Ranger"!

Apply Now!

Hex: "Apply Now"? Alright. Just let me get my paintbrushes. What color is it?
Jo: What color is what, Hex?
Hex: Now. What color is the "Now" that they want us to apply?
Jo: Looks black to me.
Hex: Okaies!

As Quick,

Lotus: Quickbooks.


Jo: Simplicity Patterns: A.K.A., Sewing for Dummies.
Lotus: I thought that was McCalls...

and inexpensive as possible.

Rab: ::CHA-CHING!!::
Wild Card: Or is it, ::KHA-KHING!!::?

We have excellent programs for

Wild Card: They're holding programs captive? And as slaves? Let's go free them!
Jo: Err...Wild Card...Do you know where they are?
| Wild Card: Uhh...no...
Jo: Then how will you find the programs?
Wild Card: Lucky guess?

- refinances

Hex: I'd rather refence. My garden needs a new one!
Lotus: Try a hedge fence. They're fun.

- second mortgages

Rab: And if you don't have a first mortgage?

- home equity loans
- home improvement loans

Rab: Ready? One...Two...Three...
Wild Card: Or KEYTOOLTIME, if ya'd rather have that...
Jo: Our tribute to Jerry the Cow, ladies and gentleman!

Right now is the perfect time to

Hex: Bake some biscuits?
Everyone else: NO!
Hex: Oh, pooh!

refinance your mortgage.

Hex: Oh.


Rab: Now we know where to find those captive programs!
Jo: Why don't we just report it to Turbo?
Rab: Okay.

Copyright (c)2002 LendBetter.com. All rights reserved.

Lotus: They've copyrighted a SPAM?!?

Privacy Policy - http://www.lendbetter.com/privacy.asp

Lotus: They should have kept this thing "private" to begin with...

Terms of Agreement -http://www.lendbetter.com/terms.asp

Wild Card: An' watch tha reader come ta terms with tha "Terms of Agreement"...

(Note: Pattern of "less-than", "greater-than" signs. These do not show up well in my editor.)

Jo: "Net Native" patterns!

* To remove yourself from this mailing list, point your browser to:

Rab: Here, Browser! Nice Browser! See that SPAMer? Sic 'em, boy!


Hex: Yes, please remove me from this list...or whatever it is...

* Enter your email address ([email protected] )

Wild Card (ala, Bela Lugosi): "I am...Dracula..."

in the field

Lotus: Where the daisywheels grow...

provided and click "Unsubscribe". The mailing list ID is "bigcatlotto".

Rab: Big cats who win get a lifetime supply of bigcat food.


All: "OR..."...

* Reply to this message with the word "remove" in the subject line.

Hex: You should tell us this before you decide to bore us with your SPAM!

This message was sent to address [email protected]

All: We know!


Hex: Only one X?
Rab: Uhh...Hex...
Wild Card: This is rated PG...
Hex: Oh, pooh!

[email protected]

Jo: Yeah...we've seen this already!

(Note: Another line of "less-than", "greater-than" signs.)

Lotus: The Net Native again...


Wild Card: Spamese?
Rab: "Spamese"?
Wild Card: See the Mighty Orbots Spam MiSTings for details...
Lotus: And that's all, folks!

(Everyone breathes a sigh of relief.)

WIld Card: May I have this, Hex, to give to Turbo? I need to report the capture of those programs to the Guardians.
Hex: Of course, dear.
Wild Card: Thanks.

(Wild Card takes the e-mail, and he and Jo Ann leave.)

Hex: Maybe we'll do this again sometime.
Rab: But not every SPAM...
Hex: Of course not! Just a few...special...SPAM mails...
Lotus: Okay. Later, then. Bye-bye.
Hex: Bye, Lotus.
Rab: Yeah...bye!
Hex: Now...let's do something else...Biscuits?

Back to MiSTing --Almost

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