Jonny Quest
Paradise Island

By: Jo Ann/Wonder Woman/Queen Hippolyte

The Questor was caught in the biggest storm the Quest Team had seen yet. Although the craft --designed and built by Dr. Benton Quest and Race Bannon-- could withstand the worst the sea and sky had to offer, this storm seemed strangely unnatural.

The day started out as calm and peaceful as any other day. The sun was bright and warm and there was not a cloud in the sky. It was a great day to study whales.

As soon as they had drifted into the area known as the Bermuda Triangle, however, the Questor was surrounded by dark clouds and angry water. Thunder, louder then any thunder they had ever heard, crashed overhead. The Quest Team had to struggle to secure the rigging of the boat.

Suddenly, a large wave swept Jonny Quest overboard.

"JONNY!" Jessie Bannon cried, grabbing a life preserver and running to the rail. She searched with her eyes for the blong teenager.

"What is it, Jessie?" Dr. Quest asked as he, Race, Hadji Singh, and Bandit --Jonny's dog-- hurried over to Jessie.

"A wave knocked Jonny overboard," she answered worriedly, "but I can't see him in this storm!"

"We can't do anything in this storm, Benton," Race said. "All we can do is keep watch and pray that he'll be safe.

"'Safe'? Out there? I don't see how, Race!" Dr. Quest cried worriedly.

"I'll stand watch," Jessie volunteered. "I'll throw the life preserver and call you as soon as I see him."

"I'll relieve you in an hour," said Hadji. Hadji was as worried as the others about his adobtive brother, but was going to try and use his yogin powers to help Jonny.

"It's all we can do," Dr. Quest admitted sadly.

Race, Dr. Quest, and Hadji went to their cabins while Jessie stood watch. Bandit, extremely worried about his master, sat beside her to keep her company.


In his cabin, Hadji sat on his bunk in the lotus position, eyes closed, and hands resting on his crossed legs. What he had planned was very tricky and extremely dangerous, but if it worked, he could use his stral self to keep Jonny alive until the Quest Team could rescue him.

Jonny, Hadji mentally called. Jonny, if you can hear me, answer me with your mind. of my heart and soul: Be alive!


Jonny floated in the water helplessly. He tried to move his arms and legs to swim upward, but he could not move.

I must be drowning, he thought. Yet, it did not feel as if he was drowning.

Suddenly, all around him, the water formed itself into the shapes of beautiful young women. Somehow, they were keeping him alive.

I've been through this before, he thought. But when, and where?


Jonny awoke to find himself in an ancient Greek-style bed. Standing around him were several, beautiful women. He recognized the woman in the purple robes and gold crown.

"Queen Hippolyte!" Jonny smiled as he realized where he was: Paradise Island!

"Greetings, Prince of Paradise Island!" the queen smiled at him. "How did you get caught in such a storm?"

Jonny told her about the whale -watching expedition and how the Questor drifted into the Bermuda Triangle --and into the storm. He explained about the wave washing him overboard and the beautiful water-women he saw while underwater.

Those were the Nereids, the fifty daughters of the sea god, Nereus. They protected you and kept you from drowning until you could be rescued by some Amazons," Queen Hippolyte explained.

"Then I owe the Nereids some thanks," Jonny replied.

"Yes," answered Menalippe, the Amazon Oracle. "When you are completely healed, you must perform the Rites of the Nereids. I will explain the Rites when the time comes."

Suddenly, Jonny remembered the Questor and the Quest Team, still stuck in that storm.

"Dad! The others! What about the Questor, your Highness?" Jonny was in a near panic now.

"Do not fear, my sweet prince," Hippolyte said soothingly. "Philippus has the Amazon Navy out on the sea, searching for them, right now. They will be brought here when they are found."

You must rest now, my prince," said Epione, the Amazon healer. "You need to finishing healing."

"But I must be up when the Quest Team arrives..." Jonny started to get up.

"I would not rise, if I were you, Jonny. You are not exactly dressed to go out," the queen smiled.

Jonny slowly, cautiously, looked under teh sheet that covered him. Underneath, he wore nothing at all!

"I see what you mean!" Jonny said sheepishly, blushes showing on his cheeks. He laid back town, covering himself with the sheet. Soon, Jonny drifted off to sleep.


In his dreams, Jonny saw a figure approaching him through a thick mist. The form seemed human, maybe male. As the figure drew closer, Jonny recognized him.

Hadji! Jonny cried in his thoughts.

Jonny! You're alive! Hadji's thoughts rang with joy.

How...? Jonny began.

Yogin. But are you all right?

Yes, Hadj. I am on Paradise Island. Jonny quickly related all that had happened after getting washed overboard.

Captain Philippus and the Amazon Nave are looking for you guys. If you see an ancient Greek galley, try to flag it down. It'll be them, looking for you.

We will. I had better get back. I can not hold this for long, and I must tell them you are all right.

Okay, Hadj. See you guys soon.

Until then, brother of my heart and soul.

Hadji faded from Jonny's dream. The remainder of Jonny's sleep was dreamless. He sighed and smiled happily in his sleep, secure in the knowledge that his family and friends would soon be with him on Paradise Island.


Hadji snapped out of his trance. Gone were the mists of Jonny's dream. The young East Indian was once again in his cabin on the Questor. He leaped off the bunk and ran to tell the others.

He found them with Jessie, discussing who was to stand the next watch.

"He's okay!" Hadji cried. Calming down, he told them what had transpired while he was in the astral plane.

"He said to look for a Greek-style galley. It will be the Amazons looking for us."

"How do you guys know Wonder Woman's mother?" Jessie asked, a little envious.

"When Jonny was nine years old, and after we met Hadji, the same thing happened to us that happened just now --the Bermuda Triangle, the storm-- the whole show. We were rescued by the Amazons. We stayed on the island while we recovered. While there, we studied the Amazon culture, hsitory, even the language. We are all fluent in Themysciran, the Amazon tongue," Dr. Quest explained.

"Queen Hippolyte even 'adopted' us as members of the Amazon civilizationi. Both Jonny and Hadji became the first Themysciran princes," added Race. Hadji interrupted them.

"I see the galley. We must attract their attention." He unwound his turban and waved it at the approaching Amazon ship.

Each of the Quest Team began doing something similar: Bandit began barking, Jessie waved the life preserver --still in her hands all this time--, Dr. Quest worked the signal flags, and Race (A little more practical at this time than the others) fired a flare gun.

All this commotion attracted the other ship, which sailed in their directioni. When the Amazon ship was beside the Questor, Philippus looked down at them from the high deck.

"Greetings, Dr. Quest and crew! It is good to see you again!" the black Amazon grinned as she spoke.

"It is good to see you again, as well, Philippus!" Dr. Quest smiled back. Then the Amazon Captain of the Armies said the words that the Quest Team's hearts wanted to hear:

"Prince Jonathan of Paradise Island bids you join him on the Island of Healing, where he is recovering from the effects of the storm!"

"Lead the way, Captain!" Dr. Quest shouted joyfully.

"Nay! We will tow you to the island." She and several Amazons threw ropes with grappling hooks onto the deck of the Questor.

"Tie these ropes to your craft, and we will bring you to Paradise Island!" Philippus shouted. Race, Hadji, and Jessie did as they were instructed. When the ropes were secure, the galley and its charge headed toward the Amazon's Island of Healing.


"Do you remember this, Jonny?" Queen Hippolyte showed him a small costume that looked like a short, Greek tunic and a pair of pants, both whtie. There were also an adjustable belt, sandals, a small, gold and jeweled circlet, and a pair of Amazonian wrist bands, especially made just for a nine year-old boy.

"Yes," he smiled. "I remember my Amazonian clothes. But they are too small for me, now."

"I know. So while you were unconscious, I had another made for you. they are now."

As she spoke, two Amazons entered, one carrying neatly folded clothes and a pair of sandals. The other carried a circlet and a pair of new Amazonian wrist bands.

"They're just like my old clothes, just bigger." Moving quickly behind a think column, Jonny hurriedly put on his new clothes.

He came out to show off his Amazonian outfit.

"They fit perfectly. But how did you know my new sizes?"

"We took new measurements while you were unconscious," the queen smiled.

Jonny blushed again, knowing that the Amazons had seen him naked.

"I dare say we will have to make another set for him before long, my queen," Aella, the Amazon who brought Jonny's circlet and wrist bands.

"Yes," agreed the queen. "When last we saw him, Jonny was but a child of nine years. Now, he' old are you, Jonny?"


"Thirteen?" The queen was astonished. "Already?" Jonny nodded.

"He's no longer a child, my Queen," said Epione.

"True. But he's not yet fully grown, either."

"Hadji's grown, too," Jonny said. "But he's thinner than I am. And wait until you meet Jessie."

"Jessie?" the queen asked.

"Yeah. Jessie Bannon. She's Race's daughter."

"My Queen!" an Amazon guard cried.

"What is it, Helice?"

"Captain Philippus returns...and with the strangest vessel we have ever seen!"

"The Questor!" Jonny exclaimed happily. He started to rush to the beach, then looked over to Epione, as it asking for her permission. After all, he was still her patient.

Epione smiled and nodded: Jonny was well enough to meet his family at the Themysciran beach.

"But you must come right back. You are still not completely recovered," she added.

"I will," he promiced. Jonny, Queen Hippolyte, Menalippe, Aella, and several other Amazons headed for the beach.


By the time Jonny and the others arrived, both ships were moored at the Themysciran pier. Philippus escourted the Quest Team to the beach, where the Queen and her court was waiting for them.

The first thing the Quest Team saw was...

"Jonny!" Dr. Quest cried happily. The blond youth ran to embrace his father. The rest of the team crowded around him.

When they finally parted, Jessie --who had never seen Jonny in anything but his black t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers-- looked at Jonny from head to toe.

"What are you wearing?" she asked.

"My Paradise Island clothes," Jonny grinned. "Do you like them?"

"'s...different..." Jessie commnted.

"You will get your own set, dear," the queen smiled. "Benton and Race's clothes will probibly still fit, but Hadji," she looked at the turbaned youth.

"Hadji's clothes will have to be remade, just as Jonny's was. You have grown since last we saw you."

"We'd better get back to the hospital. I promiced Epione I would come right back," Jonny said.

"Yes. And Epione will want to examine the rest of you, as well," Hippolyte added. She and Jonny escorted the Quest Team up the beach of Healing Island to Epione's hospital.


Epione examined wach member of the Quest Team in turn --including Bandit. Of all of them, only Jonny suffered enough injuries to be confined to bed for a day.

As Hadji and Jessie sat near Jonny's bed, talking with him, Benton Quest, Race Bannon, and Queen Hippolyte were in another room, talking about the Quest Team's adventures since they had last visited Paradise Island.

It was then that Queen Hippolyte learned about the death of Rachel Quest, Jonny's mother.

Later, the queen visited Jonny again. Hadji and Hessie was still with him. The queen smiled kindly.

"Hadji, Jessie. Aella and the others have finished your clothes. If you go with Helice, she will lead you to a room where you can change clothes."

"Thank you, your Highness," Hadji folded his hands and bowed.

"Yeah. Thanks," replied Jessie. She and Hadji followed the Amazon into the next room.

When she and Jonny were alone, Queen Hippolyte sat down on the edge of his bed and took both of his hands in hers. She loked into his eyes as she spoke.

"Your father told me what happened to your mother, Jonny. It saddens me to learn of her death."

"I remember what you told us, the day we left Paradise Island," Jonny said softly. His mind floated back to that day foru years ago.


Jonny and Hadji were standing just in front of their parents, Drs. Benton and Rachel Quest, and Race Bannon, the Quest's bodyguard. They were about to leave the Amazon island and were just saying their good-byes to Queen Hippolyte and the Amazons.

"Dear sister," the queen said, "I make you this promise: If, for whatever reason, Lord Hades calls you to the Underworld, I will be mother to your children. They shall be treated as I would my own, and they will be as princes while they are on Paradise Island. This I swear to you, as Queen of the Amazons!"

"Thank Sister," Rachel Quest answered, touched by the queen's generosity. The two women had embraced each other, sealing the motherly pact.


Now, the time had come to fullfill the terms of that promise. As far as the Amazons were concerned, Jonny and Hadji really were the princes of Themyscira --the sons of Queen Hippolyte. But only on Themyscira were they princes.

"You need to tell Hadji that you know...Mother," Jonny whispered softly. Calling Queen Hippolyte 'Mother' is going to take some getting used to, he thought.

"Yes. He will have to be told. And Jessie, too. I have already discussed this with your father, and he has agreed to honor the terms of the promise." At that moment, Hadji and Jessie came into the room, dressed in their Amazonian clothes.

Hadji was dressed as Jonny was, except that instead of a circlet, he wore a ruby set in gold on his turban. It sparkled as his forehead.

Jessie wore a short, Amazon tunic, the Amazon wrist bands, and a pair of sandals. A belt, similar to Jonny's, was around her waist. Her hair was up in a ponytail, held at the top by a gold, cone-shapped holder.

Jonny desided to tease Jessie a little. He grinned, gave a little wolf-whistle, then grinned again.

Bandit, who had been sleeping on the floor next to Jonny's bed, woke up and barked his agreement. He wore a gold dog collar, decorated with jewels and Greek designs.

"You want to stay in the hospital a while longer, Quest?" Jessie asked, balling her hands into fists. But the look in her eyes showed that she did not mind Jonny's playful whistle.

"Jonny, that was impolite," the queen admonished sternly, though her eyes gleamed with understanding.

"Yes, Mother." Jonny wondered how Hadji and Jessie would react to that.

"Mother?" Jessie said, astonished that Jonny would address the Amazon queen in that fashion. But Hadji remembered that day four years ago, and he understood the reasons behind Jonny's usage of the word, "mother".

"I'll explain everything to you at dinner tonight, Jessie," Queen Hippolyte said. "Epione, will Jonny be able to join us at dinner, or should he stay here?"

"If you have dinner here, he could join you. Otherwise, he should stay on Healing Island," the healer replied. Jonny looked toward his new mother expectantly.

"I do not see why we could not have dinner here. Tonight will be the first night with my new sons."

Hadji looked up in surprise. He had forgotten that he, too, was now the queen's son and a prince of Themyscira.

"You're in this, too...Brother!" Jonny grinned. Then he looked at Jessie and added, "You, too...Sister!" Jessie gave him a strange look.

"All Amazons are called, 'Sister', Jessie," the queen explained.

"Whether or not they are sisters by blood," Jonny added.

"Just as I sometimes call you 'brother of my heart and soul', for Jonny and I are not brothers by blood."

"Yes. And I like how you put that, Hadji: 'Brother of my heart and soul.' Not brothers born, but brothers, just the same."

"Does this mean that Dr. Quest is now your husband?" Jessie asked.


As Epione had suggested, dinner that night was on the Island of Healing. There were fruits and vegetables --both from the jungle and grown by the Amazons, themselves-- nuts, bread, and honey, cheese, and wine (with fruit juice for Jonny, Jessie, and Hadji). There was also fish caught by the Amazons and Race (who insisted on helping) and a boar a hunting party had brought back.

"Jessie brought up an interesting point today, Benton," Queen Hippolyte said.

"Oh? And what was that, your Highness?" Dr. Quest asked. He held his goblet up to his lips, ready to sip his drink.

"She wondered, if I was Jonny and Hadji's mother, did that make you my husband."

"Interesting thought. And if I were your husband, would that make me king of Themyscira?" Dr. Quest asked, ever the scientist.

"Royal consort. We are a matriarchy, Benton. Amazons have no kings," Queen Hippolyte smiled, then bit into a red apple.

"To answer your question, Jessie: No, I would not be Queen Hippolyte's husband. The pact was between her and Rachel. Queen Hippolyte has adopted Jonny and Hadji by terms of the pact and the laws of the Amazons. I am not included in the deal --unless, of course, Hippolyte wanted me, old as I am," he smiled as he said this last.

"Benton Quest: You know full well that all Amazons --except for Diana-- are over three thousand years old!" the queen laughed, getting into the joke. Only Jessie, who had not met Queen Hippolyte before that day, dropped her fork in surprise.

"It's true, Ponchita," Race smiled at his daughter. "They are that old!"

"I just thought of something else," Jonny said. The others turned to look at him.

"What?" asked Jessie.

"If Hadji and I are Queen Hippolyte's sons now, that means that Princess Diana is now our sister-sister."

"Princess Diana? As in England?" asked Jessie.

"Princess Diana as in Wonder Woman," Jonny replied.


They stood together, Amazons and Quest Team, atop a twenty-five foot cliff. Jonny had completely recovered from his ordeal with the storm and Menalippe had declared that today he was to perform the Rite of the Nereids.

"It is very simple, Jonny," Menalippe instructed. Jonny wore his Themysciran clothes, minus the pants and sandals but plus his swim trunks that Dr. Quest had gotten from the Questor.

"You rasie your hands to the sky in a prayer of thanks to the gods, and then jump. Aella, Euboea, and Diana will be in the water, so there is no danger."

The Amazons had waited to perform the Rite of the Nereids until Diana could attend the ceremony. After all, Jonny was her new brother.

"Okay, here goes!" Jonny raised his hands, thanked the gods and the Nereids as best he could, and leaped from the cliff.

The dive was perfect. Seconds later, he surfaced in the circle of the three Amazons, who embraced him. Together, they returned to the waiting Quest Team and Amazons.

"That was wonderful, Jonny!" Jessie cried excitedly.

"Indeed it was," Queen Hippolyte smiled proadly at her new son. She hugged both her sons to her.

"Welcome to the family --and to the Amazons-- my brothers!" Princess Diana smiled, also proud of the new princes.

"Someday," Jonny said, looking toward Jessie, "if she'll have me, you'll be adding Jessie to the family."

"We'll have to see about that, 'Prince Jonny'!" Jessie laughed.

They all laughed as they made their way back to the Royal Palace where a feast was waiting to honor the adoption of Jonny and Hadji into the Amazon Royal Family.


The Quest Team had many adventures on Paradise Island, before obligations forced them to return to Patriarch's World. And they returened often to visit and for more adventures, always returning to "Man's World".

As for this adventure, this is...


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