Jonny Quest:
Power Teen

By: Jo Ann/Wonder Woman/Queen Hippolyte

The day has finally come, Jonny Quest thought. He stood with his father, Dr. Benton Quest, and the rest of the Quest Team near the alter of Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom. On Jonny's left was Hadji, his adoptive brother. Behind them were Race Bannon and his daughter, Jessie. In Jessie's arms was Bandit, Jonny's pet bulldog.

In front of the alter were Queen Hippolyte, Jonny's adoptive mother, Diana --a.k.a. Wonder Woman-- his adoptive sister, and Menalippe, the Amazon Oracle. They were making the final arrangements for the ceremony that would officially end Jonny's training and begin his superhero career.

Jonny already wore his costume --a Greek-style tunic-bodysuit, held on his shoulders with ruby pins, a pair of Greek sandals with wings on the ankles, and his Silver Bracelets of Victory. The bodysuit has shorts, trimmed with gold. At his right hip was his Golden Lasso of Truth, hanging from a loop on a wide, golden belt.

Queen Hippolyte and Menalippe turned to face the audience of the Quest Team and Amazons. In her right hand she held her long, eagle-topped, golden sceptre.

"Sisters and brothers: For many months, Prince Jonathan has trained in the use of his powers. He has studied our culture, our customs, and our history."

"Now, the time has come for Prince Jonathan to enter into battle against evil, alongside his sister, Princess Diana." Then, she turned toward Jonny.

"Prince Jonathan have the Silver Bracelets of Vitory, the Golden Lasso of Truth, and the Winged Sandals of Hermes. I now add your final weapon to your arsenal of justice and right: The Headband of Stars!" Queen Hippolyte gestured to Menalippe, who stepped forward, a gleaming, gold headband in her hands. Encircling the wide band of yellow metal were large, red stars.

"The stars are removeable, so that they may be thrown," she explained. Menalippe removed one star and gave it to Jonny for him to examine. She then showed him how to replace the star on the headband. Queen Hippolyte leaned forward and whispered into Jonny's ear.

"We thought a headband of throwing stars would suit you better than a tiara, which is a princess's crown. You will be given a supply of extra stars so you won't run out quickly. But try to recover any that you throw, when you can." Jonny only nodded, understanding the importance of this gift. He handed the headband back to Menalippe.

Ceremoniously, the Amazon Oracle placed the gleaming crown around Jonny's head. The stars glittered as bright as the ruby on Hadji's turban.

Now, Queen Hipplyte once again addressed the audience.

"Now, Prince Jonathan will return to 'Man's World' to begin his fight for right. For the Glory of Gaea!" The queen raised her arms in the Amazon Salute: Hands curled into fists and arms crossed, the tops of the iron bracelets touching.

"For the Glory of Gaea!" Jonny repeated.

"For the Glory of Gaea!" the audience echoed.


Days later, in Florida, Jonny made his first appearence as Power Teen. During a press conference set up by a local TV news channel, Power Teen got his first arch-enemy.

"Are you any relation to Wonder Woman?" Lois Lane, reporter of the Daily Planet, asked. She and Clark Kent had been sent down from Metropolis to cover the story on this new superhero.

Before Jonny could answer, a man in an orange bodysuit and green mask appeared, flying by means of large, black bat wings. The design on the bodysuit was that of a jack 'o' lantern. He held a plastic trick-or-treat bag in his left hand.

"I am Haloween, and I am going to destroy you!" the man shouted.

"Didn't you know that Haloween is over for the year, Weenie!" Power Teen replied. All around him, the people ran for cover. Soon, only Power Teen and Haloween was left in the park.

"You'll regret those words, Power Brat!" Halo ween snarled. The strange villian reached into his bag and pulled out what looked like a candy apple. Removing the "stick", Haloween threw the "apple" at Power Teen. Jonny caught the "apple", flew high into the air, and tossed the "apple" far up into the air.

Seconds later, Power Teen heard a great explosion. He returned to the park to face Haloween.

"Got anything else in your bag of tricks, Weenie?"

"How about...THIS!" Haloween drew a strange gun from the bag, aimed it at Power Teen, and fired.

Jonny --who was expecting bullets-- was surprised when the ammo the gun fired was hard candy! Deftly, Jonny deflected teh candy "bullets", and they fell harmlessly to the ground.

With the speed granted to him by Hermes, Power Teen lassoed Haloween with the Lasso of Truth.

As the people returned to the park, a familiar figure in red, yellow, and blue landed, facing Jonny.

"Superman!" Jonny grinned as he recognized the figure.

"I was watching nearby, Power Teen. I waited to see how you would handle this 'Haloween' character before I decided to lend you a helping hand with him. Turned out, I wasn't needed after all. You did just fine without me."

"Thanks." Jonny blushed. This praise from Superman was worth more than a thousand medals! "NOw, let's see who this 'Haloween' really is." Jonny removed the glittery mask.

"Why...that's Henry 'Hal' 'O' Ween, the owner of Haloween Park!" exclaimed Lois. "Haloween Park was a Haloween-themed amusement park just outside of Miami. It was closed down due to the unsafe conditions of the rides and the unsanitary conditions of the restaurants. Hal 'O' Ween went insane after receiving a twenty-five year prison sentence. He swore revenge as he was led away to the prenitentiary."

By now, the police had arrived to take Hal 'O' Ween into custody. As they led him to the police car, the crazed criminal glared back over his shoulder at Jonny.

"I'll be back, Power Teen! Mark my words! You haven't heard the last of me! I'll return and get you for this!" He was still ranting as the officers closed the car door.

"That is one weird character," Race commented as the Police drove away with their prisoner.

"What will happen to him, now?" Jessie asked.

"He'll probibly be put in a loony bin," her father answered.

"It's possible that he will be sent to Arkham Asylum in Gotham City, since Archam is the only insane asylum for the extremely criminally insane," Superman said.

"If he escapes from there, he'll have to deal with the Batman," Jonny replied.

"Power Teen?" Lois said, looking at Jonny.


"You still haven't answered my question."

"If I was related to Wonder Woman?"

"Yes," she smiled. Even after all the excitement, he still remembers the question, Lois thought.

"Yes, I am. Diana is my adoptive sister."

"Your --sister?" Lois was stunned.

"Yes. It's a real long story."

"Would you tell it to me?" Lois asked, her reporter's instinct for ferreting out a newsworthy story taking command.

"Sure. It all started way back when I was nine years old..." Jonny continued his story as the others watched. The Quest Team, Superman, and Wonder Woman grinned at one another as Jonny told Lois the story of the origin of Power Teen.


Okay. So I was desprate for a first villian for Power Teen. They'll get better in later stories.

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