Mighty Orbots

By: Jo Ann Montgomery

Disclaimer: Mighty Orbots belongs to TMS Entertainment. The MiSTing concept belongs to Best Brains. The SPAMS I got in e-mail. Please note that I have problems getting anything between greater-than and less-than signs to show up, so I have converted those to ( ), where there are such signs. For the purposes of the MiSTing, Dia knows that Rob Simmons is the Orbots Commander. She still won't date him in his "other" identity, so when they go out on dates, he's always the Orbots Commander.

(The Orbots, Rob Simmons --their inventer and commander--, and Dia had arrived at Rob's lab after defeating Shadow and Umbra --again. Now, they are just sitting back and relaxing.)

Rob: Well, we won't be hearing from Shadow again any time soon.
Dia: Good! Now we can go on our first offical date!
Rob (nerviously): Err...date?
Dia: Of course. You didn't think that I would forget, did you?
Oh-no: "Forget", what? Rob, what did you tell her?
Dia: Go on, Rob...tell them...
(The Orbots gather around their commander and Dia.)
Rob: What? Oh...yeah...that. I..uh...sorta promiced Dia that I would only date her as the Orbots Commander. (winces)
Orbots: OH, NO!
Oh-No: Hey! That's my line!
(Suddenly, the doors lock themselves. The Orbots and the two human attempt to locate a way out, but can not find one. Everyone is trapped!)
Oh-No: OH, NO! We trapped!
(I just said that!)
Bo: Oh-No said it better!
(Whatever! Anyway, they heard a noise coming from the TV set --which, in their time, is a large tube for displaying holographic images. On the screen is a familiar, five-eyed face.)
Oh-No: OH, NO!
Umbra: Greetings, Mighty Orbots! I have finally found a way to defeat you! I have found an old castle filled with notes on a very strange experiment. I have decided to continue these experiements, starting with a couple of e-mails I found in my mailbox this morning! Let's see how long your minds last with this strange form of torture!
(Umbra disappears from the tube, only to be replaced by a strange-looking document.)
Boo: What are we going to do?
Crunch: Yeah ::MUNCH::!
Tor: This looks like it's going to be rough-going.
Bort: Well, maybe we can get through it...then again...maybe not...
Bo: I have an idea. (Everyone turns toward Bo.) Has anyone ever seen, Mystery Science Theater 3000?
Others: Yeah...
Rob: Hey! That just might work!
Dia: Well, come on!
(Bo plops down on the couch in front of the tube, while the others sit around. Being in 3D, the spam can be seen from all sides.)

Return-path: ([email protected])

Tor: vbghc? naseej.com?
Bo: What language is this guy speaking?
Bort: Spammese?

Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 08:43:27 -0500

Rob: Slow...
Bort: They don't call it "snail mail" for nothing.
Dia: Except this is from e-mail...
Bort: Oh.

From: "[email protected]" ([email protected])
To: "[email protected]" ([email protected])

Bo: Hey! Now we know Umbra's e-mail! Anybody want to flood his box?
Oh-No: Oh no we're not!
Boo: Besides, he'll just send it back to us to read in this terrible torture.
Bo: Oh. Right. Never mind.

Subject: Low cost merchant account for your business 1845432

Rob: On account that accounts 1 - 1845431 all failed...


Bort: He's yelling at us, Rob!
Rob: I cann't turn down the volume, Bort! It's stuck!
Bo: Uh, guys...it's e-mail. We are reading it. There is no volume on it.
Rob (sheepishly): Oh...yeah...I knew that...


Tor: 'Course, there might be some SETDOWN FEES...

Lowest cost merchant account anywhere...

Bo: Except on Mars...

we'll beat anyone's prices.

Tor: If I wasn't programmed not to hurt humans, I'd like to beat this guy to a pulp!
Rob: How do we know it's a human?

Good Credit / Bad Credit/ No Credit ***NO PROBLEM***

Rob (as astronaut): Huston, we have a problem...
Dia: Namely, this SPAM.

It Just Doesn't Matter - Everyone Gets Approved

Bort: Everyone?
Tor: No: Everyone.
Bort: Oh.

No Upfront Fees For Application-Processing

Oh-No: There may, however, be some Downback Fees...

While Others Charge You From $195 TO $250 To Get Set Up

Bo (as SPAMmer): We charge a Get Set Down fee...


Tor: Nil!
Bort: Nada!
Boo: Not a thing!
Bo: Goose egg!
Crunch: ::MUNCH!:: ::GULP!:: Ditto!
Oh-No: Absolutely nothing!
Rob: $0.00!
Dia: Love...! (Looks seductivly at Rob.)
Rob: ::gulp...:

Give your customers the convenience of ordering products right from your

Tor: Jail cell!

web page. We use SSL SECURITY (best on the NET today!).
Our program is automated, 24 hours a day 7 days a week,

Bo: On some planets, a "day" can last a "week".
Boo: Or, so I've heard...

you will be receiving orders and making money in your sleep!!!

Rob: Sleep-money making: More dangerous than sleep-walking...

We Specialize In Servicing The Following:

Crunch: Cars? ::MUNCH!::

*Multilevel Marketing

Dia: Or business in a skyscraper.

*Mail Order/ Phone Sales

Bo: Nooo...I don't think we can sell phones...
Boo: They are sooo obsolete these days...

*Home Based Business

Rob: We already have a job. Saving the galaxy from Shadow and other criminals.


Dia: No, thank you. Galactic Patrol pays enough.
Bo: Especially when your father is the GP commander.

*New Business

Tor: Old Business...

* Small Business

Bort: Big Business...

Whatever!! We Do It All!!! Everyone Is Welcome!

All: Pass!

CALL NOW! 1-888-315-4215 To get started now!

Bo: Or, chuck this thing and don't start at all!

To be removed from future mailings please email [email protected] with remove as the subject.

Oh-No: And you couldn't tell us this at the begining because...


Bort: HOy? What's that?
Rob: I dunno.


Crunch: Stars! ::MUNCH!::
Bo: But that's not all! There's more!
Bo: Umbra said "a couple of e-mails". Two.

Return-path: ([email protected])

Bo: Turbomail. When you just have to get it there 200 years ago. Turbomail!

From: [email protected]

Boo: No "To" address. Very strange.

Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 09:25:48

Tor: This thing's old enough for the SPAMmer to be dead and dust!
Bo: Ooooo...Ghost SPAM! Scary!

How would you like to

Tor: Smash a SPAMmer!

take all of your debt,

Dia: Send it to this SPAMmer...

reduce or eliminate

Rob: This SPAMmer...
Boo: You can tell we don't like SPAMmers very much...

the interest, pay less per month, and pay them off sooner?

Oh-No: Orrrrr...you can just pay them off the first time around and not get in debt.

We have helped over 20,000 people

Tor: Kill SPAMmers!
Rob: Okay...enough of that kind of talk, guys! I think we get the message!

do just that.

Bo: What? Kill SPAMmers?
Rob: Bo!
Bo: Okay, okay: No more talk of killing or maiming SPAMmers. No matter how much we want to...

If you are interested,

Dia: Which we're not...

we invite you to


request your free information by providing the following information.

Rob: What "following information"?

Visit http://www.websurfking.net/nodebt for full details.

Tor: Hey! I'm the Websurf King, Dudes and Dudettes!
Rob: Note to self: Find out what Tor is drinking and hide it.

To be removed from our mailing list, please visit

Boo: Oh-No's right. They really do need to start putting the "remove" links and addys at the begining.
Bo: It would save time.
Dia: Yeah. We could use the link, then chuck the thing.
Rob: Well, the SPAM's over. And I think Umbra's calling again.

(Indeed, Umbra once again appears on the TV tube.)

Umbra: Well, I see that you are all still sane after the dose of SPAM.
Tor: It'll take more than junk e-mail to make us lose our minds!
Umbra: Indeed. Well, prehaps next time I'll have a fanfic or something. I'll see what I can do. Until then, farewell, Mighty Orbots.

(Umbra fades from the tube. The doors unlock themselves, and the Orbots and humans leave the room.)

Rob: What say we take in a movie...
Dia: Wonderfull! Our first date! (She links her arm with Rob's arm and draws him to her.)
Oh-No: With us as chaporones!
Dia: (Whispers in Rob's ear) We'll lose 'em in the dark.
Rob: Uh...okay...
Bo: Besides, we need the practice.
Bort: Practice? For what?
Bo: MiSTing, of course. You don't believe that those little SPAMs are going to be the end of it, do you?
Tor: It will be, if we don't go in that room anymore.
Bo: It's the TV room, Tor. How long can you go without seeing yourself on the tube?
Tor: Good point. So, how about that movie, Rob?
Boo: Yeah. What's playing?
Dia: A very old movie. A real classic. The 1997 version of Titanic!
Rob: ::groans:: Not that thing!
Tor: Yeah. I mean, what's the point? The boat sank. That's it. Get over it already!
Dia: But it's a classic!

(They continue to discuss the movie as the screen fades to black.)

Okay. I thought that maybe the Mighty Orbots MiSTing something --be it SPAM, fanfic, or otherwise-- would help inspire me to write fics. I'm working on some. This was an old show I really loved --and really miss. The perfect American/Japanese cartoon. A Saturday morning show with movie quality animation, the best of the best, the most...

Rob: Enough already, Jo! Start writing fics!
Jo: ::sigh:: Okay, Rob. Can I have you as my Mighty Orbots Muse?
Rob: Yeah, sure. Whatever.
Jo: Thanks. (Kisses his cheek, then leaves to work on the fics.)
Rob: (Smiles and shakes his head. Then, his expression changed to one of confusion.) Did she say, "Muse"?
Dia: Yep!
Rob: As in, the one that inspires her to write?
The Orbots: Yep!
Rob: That's what I thought...
Crunch: ::MUNCH!:: ::BURP!::
Oh-No: Crunch!
Crunch: Sorry...

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