Team Steel Extreme!
Chapter 3: Enter: Titaina Steel

By: Jo Ann/Titaina Steel

Disclaimer: Max Steel and other characters belong to Mattel, Sony, KidsWB, and others. Titaina Steel is mine.

"What was that again, bro?" Max asked Berto. The young super-agent sat up in his bed in the medbay.

"You're stuck as Max Steel," his friend repeated, for what felt like the hundreth time. "The probes decided to sacrifice one power to save the rest of you."

"Couldn't they have let me decide on which power?" It was half-serious, half-joking, and Berto was not sure in which tone he should answer Max's inquiry. The young scientist settled on a simple answer.

"They didn't have time to ask, Max."

"So, it's 'Good-bye, Josh', and 'Hello, Max' full time, now." It was not a question.

"Until we find a way to reverse it, which may be never. I've never seen any readings like what I got from the generator."

"How's Laura taking it?"

"As well as can be expected. She said something about asking me for something, though. That kind of worries me, hermano. Any ideas what it might be that she wants?"

"Not a clue, bro," Max answered. "Not a clue."


Outside the medbay, Laura thought about what she wanted to ask Berto.

Are you sure of this, Laura? her mind asked.

Yes, I'm sure, she answered back. I want to always be near Josh --Max-- and this is the only way, now. While he could change into Josh McGrath, there was always the chance that I could be Josh's future wife. Mrs. Josh McGrath. Laura Chen McGrath. "Max Steel" would be Josh's secret agent friend, and I would treat the two as seperate men.

But that is no longer possible, her subconcious reminded her. The two are now one, and the one is Max Steel, not Josh McGrath.

Josh or Max, he's still the man I love. I will share his life. Even if it means giving up my own!

With those thoughts, Laura waited for Berto to reemerge from the medbay. There was something important she had to discuss with him. Something very important.


"You want me to do WHAT?!?" Berto exclaimed. He looked at Laura as if she were crazy. He had hardly believed it when she asked him the first time.

"Make me like Max," she said quietly. "Please," she added politely. She was dead serious.

"Laura, do you know what you are getting into? You saw what happened to Max. And he has to sit in that chair every day!"

"Feeding the Max Probes; yes, I know the risks. I still want to go through with it."

"It's also irriversible. Once 'Maximized', you can't go back. You'll have the Max Probes in your body until you die. Also, you'll --as well as Max-- will pass the probes on to your offspring."

"I understand all that. And I'm prepared to take the chance. Please, Berto! I want this --more than anything! Make me into what Max is!"

Berto looked into Laura's pleading eyes. She was willing to risk so much for Max --even changing herself forever, if that was what it took to be with the one she loved so much. How many others would face such risks for someone they cared for?

"Alright," he sighed. "Seeing as I can't change your mind about this, we might as well get started." He gestured toward the table that stood in the middle of his lab.

"Thank you, Berto!" Laura smiled. She brushed a quick kiss to his cheek and gave him a small hug, than hopped on top of the table and laid down. Berto pushed his glasses up on his nose to conceal a blush. Then he turned toward his intruments. Taking a vial of Max Probes in suspension fluid, he began to fill a hypodermic syringe with the green liquid.

"As long as you are aware of the risks..." Berto sighed as he stuck the needle into Laura's arm.


"Okay, bro," Max said, when the rest of Team Steel was assembled in the conference room. "What's this 'surprise' you're wanting to show us?" Beside of Max was Jefferson Smith. Dr. Anne Marx stood next to Cat.

"Well," Berto began. "First off: She begged me to do it, so don't blame me."

"'Blame you'?" Cat asked. "Blame you for what?"

"'ll see...," Berto replied nerviously. To someone waiting in the shadows, he said, "Come on out."

The figure emerged. Dressed in a standard N-Tek jumpsuit was a young, dark-haired woman everyone recognized.

"Laura! What...?" Max stamered.

"Laura Chen is no longer here," the woman answered. "I am --now and forever-- Titaina Steel!"

Chapter 4: Training

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