Titania Steel's Max Steel Room
Jo Ann/Titania Steel

Started: 03/22/2001 Updated on: 04/17/2002

Max Steel Logo & Pic

Hi! I'm Titania Steel, wife of Max Steel. My real name is Laura Chen, but --like Max-- I've been imbued with Max Probes. They give me super-strength, super-speed, and super-agility, along with enhanced senses and invisibiltiy.

Soon after I learned that by boyfriend, Josh McGrath, was also N-Tek's super agent, Max Steel, there was an accident in the Transphasic Energy Chamber that caused Josh to permantly become Max Steel. I begged Berto to "Maximize" me so that I could remain with the man I loved. He agreed, and I became Titania Steel. Not long after, Max and I were married. I gave up my real name and permenantly became Titania Steel.

On the outside, N-Tek is a big sports company, specializing in "Extreme Sports" --skydiving, snowboarding, jetsking, mountain climbing, etc. In reality, it's an anti-terrorist organization, led by Jefferson Smith, Josh's/Max's adoptive father.

Now, Team Steel consists of Max, Dr. Roberto "Berto" Martinez, Cat, and myself. We get most of our assignments from either Jeff Smith or Racheal Leeds. Charles Marshak still flys the Behemoth for us.

Our enemies include John Dread and his DREAD organization; Bio-Constrictor (half-man, half-snake); Dragonelle; Psycho ("Smiley"); and Electrix, among others.

There's going to be lots of new stuff soon, so come back often.

Max Steel

Max Steel Stuff:

Fanfics Library. Go here for Max Steel Fanfics, including a new Max Steel series, Team Steel: Extreme!

Max Steel Links:

Max Steel no Chishiki Baiten, (Max Steel's information Booth in Japanese). Maxy Steel's site. (Not up yet. I'll link it when it is.)
Max Steel Homepage
Hardee's Kid's site. Now available: Max Steel toys.

More to come!

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