Jo Ann

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When you get items at Neopets that you don't want, such as Gross Food, or Battledome items that you can't use, there are few ways you can get rid of the items:

  1. Simply Dispose of the item(s).
  2. Give the item(s) to a Neofriend.
  3. Put the item(s) up for Trade.
  4. Put the item(s) up for Auction.
  5. Put the item(s) up for sale in your shop.

A word of warning about Trading: Only trade using the Trading Post on Mystery Island. Don't let anyone trick you into trading through neomail. That's how I got scammed out of a Brown Paintbrush, a Spooky Treasure Map piece, and another item that I don't remember. At the time, I was looking for a Lost Desert Paintbrush to paint Cleopatra2264, my Aisha, and I was very desperate. It's an extremely rare and hard to find item, and usually very expensive. So desperate was I to get one, that when someone neomailed me about trading, I lept at the chance. Only, he said that the link to my trades wasn't working. So I canceled the trade and sent them to him through the neofriend link (you have to make someone your neofriend before you can send them anything, and they have to make you their neofriend before they can send you anything). He claimed he never got them. But I had no trouble with anyone else.

I did find the Lost Desert Paintbrush I was looking for. I found it in a shop. It was expensive, like I said, but I took a chance and bought it. So I did get the Desert Aisha that I wanted, no thanks to that skunk of a scammer!

Now, on to the shops.

When designing your shop (and your User-Lookup, for that matter) consider the following tips:

More tips will be added as I discover them. I can't guarentee that your shop will do well if you follow these tips, but I hope they help.

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