Strange Facts About Drak Pack...
By: Jo Ann/Draka/Drak/Joni Harker

Updated: 06/28/2000

Drak Pack has some strange things in it. Here are some:

  1. Dr. Dred's skin is blue! See DREDBOT! in Fanfics for one theory as to why.
  2. The pupils of Fly's yellow eyes don't match. One is colored in black, and the other is left yellow.
  3. When Drak or Vampira changes form, they do so in pink mist, but when Big D changed, there was a flash of lighting.
  4. Except for the colors of his bowtie and outer cape (the short one), Drak's costume was the same as Big D's.
  5. There is a spider that lives on Count Dracula's coffin that something always happends to.
  6. Count Dracula is a retired vampire.
  7. Big D's fangs are dull, so he can only drink plasma.
  8. In "Mind Your Manners, Dr. Dred!" Toad is standing on a stool. Behind him is the listening part of a grammaphone (old time record player). In at least one scene, Toad is standing in front of it in such a way, that it looks like he's got the Bride of Frankenstein's hairdo!
  9. When Drak changes --except for the bat-- he's always white. The bat is black.
  10. When Vampira changes, she is always either red or pink, or both.
  11. The Dredgiable and all of Dr. Dred's scientific equiptment look as if they are out of a Jules Verne book (1880's sci-fi).
  12. As long as the three of them does the "Drak Wack" together, it doesn't matter what part of their body the boys use to do it. (One episode, Drak and Frankie touched Howler's feet. In another, they used their fingers.)
  13. Although Count Dracula can't go outside in the daytime (sunlight is deadly to vampires), Drak and Vampira can BOTH walk around in the sun with no ill effects.
  14. Frankie and Howler are slightly competitive.
  15. In "The Perilous Plunder of Pirate's Park", Dr. Dred uses a pirate's accent in one scene, something that must have been nostalisic to his voice actor, Hans Conrad, who also voiced Captain Hook in Walt Disney's version of Peter Pan!
  16. Dr. Dred once called Drak, "Drake", and Drak didn't correct him. "Drake" must have been so close to "Drak", that Drak had decided to let the mispronounation slide.
  17. Drak is strong enough to lift Frankie --while Drak is in bat form!
  18. Drak and Dr. Dred sword-fought --with mops!
  19. Count Dracula is Drak's great-great- + uncle.
  20. In normal form, Frankie's hair is brown; but in monster form, his hair is black.
  21. O.G.R.E. Island --also called the "Drednaught"-- is totally man-made and is mobile.
  22. Howler can't swim.
  23. Frankie loves slides.
  24. Count Dracula's graduating The Class is 1792. (On a banner hanging from his coffin in "Hideout Hotel".)
  25. Count Dracula is the President of the Transylvanian Retired Spooks, Spectres, and Spirits Society. ("Hideout Hotel")
  26. In "Hideout Hotel", Dred has Drak, Frankie, and Howler buried up to their necks in sand, so the boys "Drak Wack" with their heads!

That's all I can think of. If you know of any more, e-mail me, and I'll put them up.

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