System Generation Sheet for ReBoot
By: Jo Ann Montgomery

  1. System theme:
  2. System Name:
  3. Current COMMAND.COM (sprite or binome?) and gender:
  4. Other Known COMMAND.COMs (sprite or binome?) and gender:
  5. Principal Office Shape:
  6. System Shape:
  7. Guardian(s): Yes or No. If "Yes", how many?:
  8. Name(s) of Guardian(s) and gender(s). If more than one, who leads? Include numbers, if possible:
  9. Resident Virus(es)? How many and names:
  10. Type of Virus(es):
  11. Other sprites of note:
  12. Other binomes of note: Optional rules for charts in 11 & 12: Use to further answer 3, 4, 8, and 9. If you perfer, answer 11 & 12 with name, gender, type (for question 12. binomes), and function.
  13. Ports to the Net? How many, and where?
  14. Addtional Information:

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