Rick Springfield Page
Jo Ann/Draka/Drak/Joni Harker

This is a page dedicated to singer/actor, Rick Springfield from a new fan. Or am I an old fan? I seem to remember watching an animated version of Rick in a Filmation cartoon called Mission: Magic!. It was about a teacher --Miss Tickle-- who was a witch. She would take her class --and Rick-- on adventures in different dimentions through a magic door she drew on a chalkboard. Kind of like a pre-Magic School Bus Miss Frizzle, only it was a high school, instead of an elementry school. Miss Tickle had a statue of a black cat. When she pointed her ring at the statue and sang:

"Tut-Tut, cat of ancient lore,
It's time to draw the magic door!"

the cat statue would come to life, while a piece of chalk would draw a door on the chalkboard. The "door" would magically open, and Miss Tickle, Tut-Tut, Rick, and the class would travel through time, to other worlds, or to other dimentions.

(If you go to my Drak Pack Episodes page, you will find a URL to the Cool Stuff website, where you can order a tape of Mission: Magic!)

I have 2 Rick Springfield CD, so far, that I got at K-Mart: The Best of Rick Springfield. And Karma, that I got for Christmas. Here are the tracks:

The Best of Rick Springfield

  1. JESSIE'S GIRL--3:13
  5. WHAT KIND OF FOOL AM I --3:19
  6. I GET EXCITED --2:31
  8. HUMAN TOUCH --7:13
  9. SOULS --4:05
  10. LOVE SOMEBODY --3:34
  11. DON'T WALK AWAY --3:39
  12. BOP 'TILL YOU DROP --4:19
  13. TAXI DANCING --3:40
  14. CELEBRATE YOUTH --3:51
  15. STATE OF THE HEART --3:50
  16. ROCK OF LIFE --3:52


  1. HIS LAST WORDS (1:32)
  5. KARMA (4:20)
  6. SHOCK TO MY SYSTEM (4:43)
  7. FREE (4:33)
  8. PRAYER (4:01)
  9. THE WHITE ROOM (3:22)
  10. IN veRonIcA'S HEAD (3:52)
  11. ORDINARY GIRL (3:47)
  12. ACT OF FAITH (5:25)
  13. Bonus Track. Due to the hackers, I have lost this information.

Rick was born Augest 23rd, 1949, in Merrylands, a suburb of Sydney Austrailia.
(Thank you to Bruce Campbell(?) --should've wrote his name down-- for the information. I had it once, but was lost because of the hackers. Bruce re supplied me with the info.)

Birth Name: Richard Lewis Springthorpe.
Birthplace: Sydney, Austrailia

Rick is also an accomplished actor, as well as a dynamite singer. Among other roles, he has played:

  1. Lt. Zak in the pilot episode of Battlestar Galactica. Saddly, Zak got killed off in the first 15 minutes of the movie.
  2. The boyfriend of a gymnist in the Wonder Woman episode, "Screaming Javelins".
  3. The leader of a rock group called "Anti-Matter" in the Wonder Woman episode, "Amazon Hot Wax". (This is the episode where he wears the red shirt and white face make-up. With his black hair in the 1970's style, and the white make-up making his lips seem redder, Rick looks like a live-action Drak, Jr! Drak, Jr is from the Drak Pack. See my entire site, Drak Pack Headquarters, for details on Drak.)
  4. Dr. Drake on the soap opera, General Hospital.
  5. Nick Night, in the movie, Nick Night, which was to become the series, Forever Night, about a vampire who becomes a cop to atone for his past sins. Unfortunetly, when it became a series, the part of Nick Night was recast. (More proof that Rick would have been a great live-action Drak. He makes a handsome vamp! ^_^)
  6. Christopher Chance on, Human Target, about an ex-Vietnam Vet that disguises himself as people marked for murder. The real person stayed aboard Chris' plane, the Blackwing, a Stealth Bomber Jet (minus the bombs), along with his crew: Filo, the special effects wizard that creates the disguises and helps Chris with the voice patterns; Jeff, the pilot and extra muscle durning fights. Jeff also flew the 'copter for Chris' 'Nam missions; and Libby, communications and computer expert. Chris used to go into other countries and kill whomever the US Govenment deemed a threat. Like with Nick Night, the Human Target thing is an atonement for the killing he did for the govenment.

If any of this information is incorrect, or you can add to it, please e-mail me.

Rick Springfield Fanfic: Fan Fiction about Rick or the roles he's played.

The ~Rick Springfield Web Ring~, where you can find some great Rick Springfield sites.

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