Mighty Orbots MiSTs "The Captive Commander"
By: Jo Ann/Dia

Note: My Eudora e-mail isn't working. Please e-mail me at Jo Ann/Dia Thank you.

Disclaimer: TMS Entertainment owns Mighty Orbots and its characters. All others are mine. Elvadoria is the name I have given the home planet of Rondu and Dia, assumming that they are aliens.

(Rob, Dia, and the Orbots are sitting around and talking about Rob and Dia's upcoming wedding.

Dia: We should definately have the ceremony on Elvadoria.
Rob: But put in some Earth traditions, too.
Oh-No: Like what?
Rob: Throwing the bouquet, for one.
Bo: What else?

(Before anyone can answer, Umbra appears on the holotube.)

Rob (Sounding bored): Hello, Umbra.
Umbra: You're not happy to see me? Commander, I'm hurt...(mock pouts)
Dia: Not now, Umbra! We're trying to plan a wedding!
Umbra: Oh? You and the Commander getting married? How...nice! Well, here is an early present for you: That fanfic I promiced you awhile back --"The Captive Commander". From "The Dark Mirror Saga". Read it in good health!

(Umbra fades away, and the fic appears in his place.)

Bo: Well, let's get this over with...

Mighty Orbots:
The Shadow Mirror Saga

Bo: "The Shadow Mirror Saga"? I thought Umbra said that it was from "The Dark Mirror Saga"...
Tor: Umbra was wrong. So what else is new?

By: Jo Ann/Dia

Rob: Did that say, "Jo Ann/Dia"?
Dia: Yep. But I don't know why. My name is not "Jo Ann".

Rob Simmons --the Orbots' Commander-- is kidnapped and tortured by Belladonna.

All: ::GASP!!!:::
Oh-No: OH-NO!
Rob: It's only a fic, guys!

Will the Orbots and Dia rescue him in time?

Tor: Of course we will!
Bort: S...s...sure...I...hope...

Rated PG-13 for the torture scenes and implied rape.

Dia: Rape?
Boo: This isn't going to be --well, you know-- is it?
Rob: It says "implied rape". I doubt if it's going to be discribed.
Oh-No: I hope not!

Not my normal fic subject (abuse), but it's necessary for the saga.

Boo: Is this fic really necessary?

Disclaimer: Mighty Orbots and its characters and places belongs to TMS Entertainment.

Crunch: ::MUNCH!:: We do?
Bo: Yeah. We do.
Crunch: Oh. Okay.

All other characters, including Kage Kagami/Robin Simmons belong to me.

Dia: "Kage Kagami"?
Rob: "Robin Simmons"?

"Kage Kagami" is basic Japanese for "Shadow Mirror".

Dia: Oh. O...kay...
Rob: Now explain "Robin Simmons" for us.

The reason for the name will be revealed in later chapters.

All: O...kay...

Chapter 1: The Captive Commander

Tor: There's going to be more chapters of this?
Bo: Apparently
Rob: It's the "Captive Commander" part that has me worried. "Torture and rape", remember?
Dia: Yes...we know...

Rob Simmons,

Bo: A Congressman for Connecticut's Second District in the late twentyth - early twenty-first century.
Rob: Really?
Bo: Yep! Look it up sometime.
Bort: It's also an art supply store.
Rob: Wow!

inventer and commander of Mighty Orbots,

Dia: As well as quite a...
Rob & Orbots: (Look over to pay attention to what Dia says.)
Rob: DIA! (Blushes very deep red.)
Dia: (Grins and kisses him. Then returns to the fic.)

awoke to find himself chained to a

Tor: Bowflex!
Bort: Building! No...an asteroid! No...a milk truck?
Bo: Horse!
Boo: Saint Barnard dog!
Crunch: ::CRUNCH!:: Ship! ::MUNCH!::
Oh-No: His lab!
Rob: Glactic Partol Headquarters!
Dia: Me!
Rob (Very tiny voice): help me....

cave wall,

All: OH!

his hands chained level with his head. His feet were chained to the floor by his ankles.

Rob: So...I'm pretty much helpless, here, aren't I?
Tor: Sure looks like it.

His head felt lighter,

Bo: His hair had just been washed.

so he concluded that he was not wearing his helmet.

Bo: That would be my next guess...

He looked around for it --and found it sitting on a grinning skull, it's face toward him.

Bort: (Jumping into Tor's arms, ala Scooby-Doo) YIIIKKKEESSS!!!

Very funny! he thought.

Rob: Oh, yeah. Real hilarious.
Bort: It was?
Bo: Sarcassium, Bort.
Bort: Oh.

He glanced down and discovered that he was not wearing the top half of his uniform.

Dia: (Wolf whistles.)
Rob: Dia...please...
Dia: (Giggles playfully.)

The pants part and boots were pretty much intact. But the pants looked a little strange.

Oh-No: They looked like chopsticks.

Then, still goggy from whatever knocked him out,

Bo: I hope he wasn't drinking.
Rob: I don't drink...remember?

Rob remembered that his uniform was a jumpsuit and an undershirt.

Rob: It is? I thought the whole thing was a flight suit.
Dia: I can check it for you...
Rob: Never mind!

One piece. Sure makes it hard to go to the bathroom.

All: Ack!
Oh-No: That was information we did not need to know...

He shook his head. Now where did that come from?!

Rob: Just what I want to know!

You're losin' it, Simmons!

Bo: That may be a possibility...
Rob: BO!

He contemplated his undershirt. Pink? Why is it pink?

Rob: Because it's magenta.

Oh, yeah. Oh-No made it.

Oh-No: I did? I don't remember making it...

She wanted "Daddy" to match her.

Dia: "Daddy"?
Rob: Well...I would be. I did design and build the Orbots, after all.
Bo: True. Can I borrow the keys to the Beamcar, Dad?
Rob: Uhh...sure...I guess...

And it's cold in here, he shivered.

Bort: Broken heater?

He heard is captor (captors?) before he saw them. Footsteps echoed as whoever it was strode down stairs cut into the rock wall on the far side.

Dia: Homey little cave, isn't it?
Boo: It could use a few plants, though.

Rob recognized her as soon as she came into veiw.

Bo: We already know it's Belladonna.
Tor: She is the only female Shadow agent we've ever met.

"Belladonna," he said evenly, his head finally clearing.

Bo: But the forcast was for heavy rain and thunderstorms tomorrow.

"Hello, Commander," she smiled at him. She sauntered up to him until she stood close enough to kiss him.

Dia: Do it, Shadow Tramp, and I'll take you apart!
Rob: Easy, Dia. It's only a fic.

"Give me a recap. What happened and how did I get here?"

"You were captured during a raid on Vegesta.

Boo: The planet of vegtables.
Oh-No: That reminds me: Rob, did you eat all of your vegtables last night?
Rob: What are you, Oh-No...my mother?

Right out from under the noses of the Orbots."

Bort: We have noses?
Bo: Yes, Bort; we do.

She ran her hand over his chest.

Dia: Hands OFF, Belladonna!

"As to 'how' --well, that must remain my little secret."

"The Orbots will search for me," he reminded her. "Eventually, they'll find us. And when they do, and if you've done anything to me..."

Tor: We'll...
Bo: Arrest her, like always. We're programed not to harm or kill anyone.
Tor: It's the thought that counts.

"Don't make threats, Commander," she interrupted him.

Boo: Make love, not war.
Dia: But not with Belladonna. You're MINE!
Rob: ::sighs::

"They ill-suit you."

Dia: But your flight suit doesn't! (Wolf whistles again.)

She walked over to a nearby table Rob had not seen at frist

Oh-No: Not being very observent, were you?

--still being pretty much out of it at the time--

Rob: Due to what, I wonder...
Bo: A little piece of information cleverly omitted in favor of moving the story along.

and picked up an object. Then, she returned to where he was chained.

Oh-No: The object was a feather duster. She planned to tickle him to death.

"Do you know what the other Shadow agents wanted to do to you?" she asked him.

Rob: No. What?

"Concidering what Mighty Orbots did to Umbra, I'd say that they want to kill me."

Tor: I'm sure.

"Indeed. They want ever so much to send your corpse back to Galactic Patrol Headquarters.

Bort: I...I...I...d...d...don't like the s...s...sound of t...t...that...
Rob: I don't care for it, myself, Bort!

'Too easy,' I told them. 'Kill the Orbots' Commander

Dia: And the Galactic Patrol would kill YOU!
Bo: You don't like Belladonna very much, do you?
Dia: Not a bit!

and you will make him a martyr --a ralling point for the Orbots, the Galactic Patrol, even the United Planets'."

Rob: Am I that important?
Bo: You're important to us, Rob.
Rob: Thanks.

"Then, what are you going to do with me?"

Dia: Yes, please tell us.
Bo: We're just dieing to know.
Bort: We are?

She showed him the object she had picked up.

Oh-No: It's a feather duster, I said.

It was a small rod about a foot long, with a thick, rubber handle and a glass ball on one end.

Boo: No. Not a feather duster, Oh-No.
Oh-No: It's not?
Bo: Nope. It's not.

She touched him lightly with the rod and pressed a hidden button.

Tor: She's gonna flashlight him to death?

Rob sucked in his breath at the sudden pain as an electrical charge ran through his body.

Oh-No: OH, NO!

Not enough to kill him,

All: Whew!

but still very painfull. Slowly, Belladonna moved the little rod around Rob's chest, following the lines of his muscles.

Dia: Ohh....
Rob: Dia, are you alright?
Dia: I'm fine, Rob.
Rob: Okay...

The pain followed the movement of the rod, and Rob resisted the urge to scream.

Bo: Strong-willed, aren't you?
Rob: I wish I was invulnerable, too.

"Awww...poor, sweet Orbots' Commander," she said in mock sympathy.

Dia: (Kisses Rob) No...he's not made of candy. But he's sweet anyway.
Rob: (Blushes.)

"Does it hurt so much?"

Rob: Yes. Yes it does.

She drew little hearts all over his chest and abdomen.

Dia: Belladonna's idea of a Valentine gift for Rob.
Rob: Couldn't she have made it to Hallmark?

Rob gasped, fighting to prevent himself from crying out. He did not want to give her the satisfaction of hearing him scream.

Bo: In space, no one can hear you scream.
Rob: That's a reassuring thought, Bo.
Dia: ...NOT!

The torture would last for at least an hour before Rob would pass out from the pain.

Crunch: ::MUNCH!:: Take asperin?


Bort: Star...wiggle...star...wiggle...star.
Tor: Scene seperater.
Bort: Oh.

Rob awoke some time later to find himself in a different part of the cave.

Boo: Now, he was in the den.

This time, he was chained in the middle of the cavern, his arms up over his head.

Boo: He wasn't in the den?
Bo: Nope.

He could not see the table, so he assumed that it was behind him.

Dia: That would be a good assumsion.

Carefully, he checked himself for injuries as best he could. He could not see any besides a slight redness of the skin.

Bo: Concidering that he could only check the top part of his chest...
Boo: That's where she used the little...thingy...on him, isn't it?
Bo: Yeah. But chould he see all of his chest from his position?
Dia: I don't know. Maybe we should try it and find out sometime.
Rob (Shocked): DIA!
Dia: Just kidding, love.
Rob: Good.

Belladonna entered the cave and walked right up to him.

Tor (As Rob): Have you been eating onions, Belladonna?
Bo (As Belladonna): Just some garlic bread.

"Sleep well, Commander?" she smiled.

Rob: Well, I could have used a pillow...and a blanket. It's freezing in here!

"Blissful," he answered sarcastically.

"You should be nice and rested. You slept for two days!"

Rob: You mean my alarm didn't go off again?!?

"And what's on the agenda for today?"

Tor: I gotta feelin' you shouldn't have asked that, Rob.
Rob: You think?

"Right to the point, as always," she smiled, rubbing her hand over his front, as if checking for damage.

Dia: Get your paws off my man, b...
Rob: Don't say it, Dia!

"I thought that today, we'd try something a little --shall we say-- 'old-fashioned'?"

Bo: "Old-fashioned"? What kind of torture is "old-fashioned"?

"'Old-fashioned'?" he repeated. "I didn't think you were the type."

Bort: She's not talking about blood type, is she?
Boo: I'm afraid not, Bort.

"Well, this one is a classic, sweets." She moved behind him, selected an intrument of torture, and turned back toward him.

Oh-No: "Classic"? There's such thing as a "classic" torture? Tor: Only amoung torturers.

Rob tried to ready himself for whatever Belladonna had planned. Whatever it was, he was determined not to give in and scream.

Dia: ::sigh:: My brave hero!

He heard the "hiss" of something swinging through the cold air.

Tor: A snake? She's torturing him with a snake?
Bort: Or a f...f...flat...t...t...tire.

A second later, he felt something flexible strike his back, and an instant later, a painful burning sensation issued from the spot where he was hit.

Bo: She's hitting him?!?
Boo: (Hides her eyes.) I can't look! Tell me when it's over!

A WHIP?! he thought frantically.

All, but Boo: ::GASP!::
Boo: What? What's she doing to him? (She peeks for a moment between her fingers, long enough to find out.)

She's using a WHIP?!

Boo: Ohhh....! (She hides her eyes again, and starts crying.)

Another lash struck, and he hissed at the pain. While the electric rod had left no wounds, the whip would leave deep cuts, maybe even scars.

This time, Rob hoped that he would pass out soon.



Bo: The whipping's over, Boo. You can look, now.
Boo: (Slowly lowers her hands, wiping her eyes as she does so.)
Rob: It'll be okay, Boo.
Boo: But...what she did to you was so...so...so horrible!
Rob: But she didn't really do that to me. Like I keep telling everyone: It's just a story!
Dia: Can we look at your back and make sure?

Rob did not know how many days and nights had passed since his capture.

Bort: No sunlight, clock, or calendar.
Bo: And it's a sure bet that Belladonna didn't tell him how long he had been there.

Belladonna had varied his torture, always either on his back or on his chest. He would always mercifully lose conciousness for a day or two between the tortures.

Tor: Conventent.

She would give him water to drink and some, something, to eat.

Oh-No: At least she fed him...

Belladonna wanted him alive, the better to enjoy his suffering.

Bo: Just her way of showing affection.
Rob: I'll stick with Dia, thank-you-very-much.
Dia: Thank you, my love.

And she was just waiting for him to lose control and scream and/or beg for mercy.

Rob: Keep waiting. It'll never happen.

It was taking all his willpower to deny her the pleasure. He wondered where Mighty Orbots were.

Dia: Good question. Just where was Mighty Orbots during all this?


Bort: More of the stars and wiggles.

One day (night?)

Rob: o/~ ...hard day's night...o/~
Others: Huh?
Rob: The Beatles. Twenith-century rock group.
Others: Oh.

after one such brutal session, Rob awoke to find himself in a bed, his arms and legs chained to bedposts.

Dia: So...Belladonna's into bondage?
Bo: Looks like it.

His sore back lay on a soft, satin sheet, and there was a satin-encased pillow under his head.

Boo: Oooo...satin! Very posh!

Another satin sheet covered him from the waist down.

Bo: Do we really want to know what's under there?
Dia: I don't. It'll spoil the honeymoon.

Now what is she up to?

Bo: I think the rape scene has arrived.

Belladonna sauntered into the room. Instead of her regular clothes, she wore a shimmering button-down shift, but nothing else.

The guys: Uhhhhh....
Bo: Say anything, and we'll clobber you!
The guys: Okay.

She moved to the bed and stared down at Rob.

Bo (As Belladonna): Comfy?
Tor (As Rob): Well, could you loosen the manticles a little? My arms are falling asleep.

"Poor, sweet boy...I've been so cruel to you, haven't I?"

Rob: Yes. Yes you have.

her finger traced hearts on his chest as she spoke. "You might enjoy this, though..."

Rob: No. No I won't.

With one hand, Belladonna unbuttoned her dress. With the other, she pulled down the sheet covering Rob.

Dia: Don't touch him...

So that's why I felt satin on my legs, when my uniform isn't made of satin! he thought, blushing at the sight. He blushed more as he saw skin under Belladonna's shift.

Bo: In other words: He's naked and she's naked.
Rob: Uh...yeah.

She wouldn't!! he thought, his eyes going wide with shock. She can't be thinking of THAT!

Bo: Oh yes she WOULD!

But she was, and she did.

Crunch: Did what?
Bo: Rape.
Crunch: Oh.


Bo: That's it?!? That's the rape scene?!
Rob: Yes. And thank goodness that was all!
Dia: "Implied rape", remember?

Rob awoke in his orginal spot, and fully clothed. His helmet was on the table, completely cleaned.

Bo: She cleaned and dressed him, too?
Rob: What am I...a Ken doll?

Belladonna entered the cave, and he glared angerly as she came up to him.

"You are quite the lover, Commander," she smiled. "Your precious Dia would be happy to hear that."

Dia: Showdown, Belladonna. You. Me. At GP HQ. To the death!
Rob: Will you calm down, Dia! You're making me nervious! It's only a fic!

"What happened had nothing to do with love and you know it!" he snarled.

Bo: You tell her, Rob!
Rob: You know, you are all taking this rather too seriously. You know it never happened.
Dia: We know. But we still don't like it when you get hurt.
Rob: Aww...

"You mean, you didn't enjoy it? Even a little?"

Rob: With you, Belladonna? No way!

she smiled. She stepped closer and whispered in his ear, "I enjoyed it immensely."

Bo: You would!

She brushed her lips to his and kissed him.

Dia: Grrr....

Suddenly, a giant hand smashed through the cave wall.

Crunch: ::MUNCH!:: King Kong?

The hand pivoted so that the knuckles rested against the floor. Then, the fingers openned, revealing a familier female figure.

Tor: Mandy Moore?


Rob: Did you bring the pizza I ordered?

Rob shouted happily. The huge hand had to belong to Mighty Orbots.

Bo: Finally! I was beginning to think we weren't in this fic!

Who else could it be?

Bort: Voltron?

"Get away from him, you witch!" Dia snarled at Belladonna.

Dia: Woo...go me!

The female Shadow agent smiled, but complied, backing up toward the stone stairs.

Boo: Then she unceremoniously tripped on the bottom stair and was at the mercy of the rescuers.
Bo: Whoa! Strong coming from you, sis!
Boo: I'm just mad about all the mean things Belladoona did to Rob!

"Of course. I'm done with him. Take him home, by all means. The keys are on the table beside his helmet. I've got what I wanted.

Bo (As Belladonna): A night with your honeybunny!
Dia: Grrr...
Oh-No: "Honeybunny"?
Bo: Well, she was calling him, "sweets", and stuff, so I thought it would be something she'd say.

Not my orginal goal, but one of my goals, anyway."

Bo (As Belladonna): Then again, I stink at soccer.

By then, Belladonna was up the stairs and just backing out of the entrance. She turned and walked quickly toward her hidden ship, rubbing her abdomen as she went.

Dia: A little forshadowing, I see.
Rob: "Foreshadowing"? Of what?
Dia: Read the next chaper, dearest.


Boo: That looks a lot like a crown...

Dia grabbed the keys and ran to release Rob from his chains. When the last shackle was removed, he fell toward the floor.


Only Dia's quick reaction kept him from hitting the rocky ground.

Bort: Dia must be pretty strong to catch Rob and hold him up.

"Easy, Rob," she said softly. "We'll get you home." She helped him toward the hand, stopping only to retrieve Rob's helmet.

Bo: Oh, yeah. Mustn't forget the helmet, mustn't we?

Then, man and woman stepped onto Mighty Orbots' hand. The fingers curled and the hand backed out of the cave and into the sunlight.

Tor (As foreman): Easy does it! Back it up slow and easy! Be carefull! Don't hit the wall!

Rob winced at the sudden pain to his eyes.

Oh-No: He's not a vampire, now, is he?

He had been in the cave for so long, where there had been just enough light from candles for Belladonna to torture him in, that his eyes would take a while to readjust.

Oh-No: Oh.

The chest doors in the giant robot openned, and Rob and Dia were placed inside. Once inside the control center, Dia eased Rob into a chair and strapped him in.

Bo: I'm a little surrprised that he can sit down, especially after last night.

"You just sit tight, love," Dia whispered gently. "I'll drive."

Rob: She'll "drive"? You don't drive a robot!
Dia: Then what do you do?
Rob: Err...uh...well...Oh, just skip it!

She brushed a lock of blond hair out of his face, then kissed him gently on the forehead before putting his helmet on.

Rob: Is that thing really clean? I mean, it was on a skull for who knows how long!

Dia sat in another chair and strapped in. Oh-No, although concerned for her "father", keyed in the ignition, and Mighty Orbots blasted off for home.

The physical scars would heal in a few weeks. It would take months --even years-- before the mental and emotional scars would heal. But the force of will that had sustained Rob through this time of suffering would serve him well again, allowing for his return to duty as the Orbots' Commander.

Rob: I hope so!
Bo: Yeah. The universe is screwwed if he doesn't.
Oh-No (Shocked at Bo's useage of the word, "screwwed".) BO!


Tor: Here she comes...Miss America!

As I said, I don't normally write abuse fics, but it's necessary for the saga. I have to explain the events in Chapter 2 somehow, don't I?

Rob: I guess so...

Next, in Chapter 2: A Dark Mirror, Rob and the Orbots must deal with the long-term results of the torture, specifically, the rape. Bet you can guess what happened to Belladonna...

Dia: I have a pretty good suspension...


Boo: Oh...how cute! It winked at us!

Coming Soon: Chapter 2: A Dark Mirror.

Oh-No: Get a glass cleaner.

(The fic fades away and Umbra appears.)

Umbra: Hmmm...not gone mad yet?
Rob: Nope! As sane as ever!
Umbra: So I see. I did enjoy reading about your torture, though.
Bo: You would!
Umbra: Well, I'll see if I can come up with something more --painfull-- next time. Until then, Orbots.

(Umbra fades from the holovision, leaving the Orbots, Rob, and Dia to continue with the wedding plans.)

Dia: Now, where were we?
Rob: We were discussing what kind of Earth wedding traditions we were going to have in the Elvadorian ceremony.
Dia: Yes. We should definately have the rings. And maybe throwing the garter would be a nice touch, too...

(Scene fades as the group continue the wedding plans.)

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