A Short Scooby Doo/Sailor Moon Crossover:
"The Shadow Demon Knows"
The 2nd Edition
Original Story written by: Brandy prpich Storowotsky
Revised and titled by: Antonio Reyna III
Jo Ann Montgomery

It was a sunny day in Coolsville, California. The Scooby Doo gang have just solved another mystery and retreated to Daphne's place to relax. Freddy and Daphne were dancing to music, while Velma was reading a book of ghost stories. Scooby was sleeping, and Shaggy was watching a cooking show called "The Fruitful Gourmet". But something wasn't quite right with him. After only a few minutes, he turned off the TV and said to Daphne,

"Hey, Daph, like, I think I'd better leave now."

"What's wrong, Shaggy? Don't you feel well?" she asked. "You look kinda funny�"

"Like, what do you mean? I always dress like this!" Shaggy snapped.

This grabbed Velma's attention from her book, and woke Scooby up. Velma looked up suddenly and said, "Shaggy, cool it! She didn't mean anything!"

"Hey Shag, what's wrong with you? How come you're leaving already?" Freddy asked him.

Shaggy just sighed and said, "Nothing, nothing at all, guys. Like, I just wanna be alone, that's all."

Then he started for the front door, but Scooby was trotting right behind him.

"Rait for me, Rhaggy," he yelped.

Shaggy turned his head and said, "Scooby, when I said I wanna be alone, that means I wanna be by myself. Like you just stay here. I'll come back for ya."

Scooby turned away and whimpered softly. Then Shaggy left the house.

"I don't believe what I just saw," Freddy said.

"Me neither," Daphne agreed.

"Likewise," Velma agreed also, "he left right in the middle of 'The Fruitful Gourmet'. That's not like him."

"Daphne," Freddy said, "Velma, Scooby, and I will try to find out what's bugging Shaggy, okay?"

Daphne showed them to the door and said, "Okay, Freddy. But if there's a problem, call me, ok?"

"We will. C'mon, guys," Velma said. Then the three left the house, leaving Daphne at home by herself.

Wandering around the house, she thought over and over again about what could be troubling Shaggy, but without any clue.


At the same time, in Japan, Serena was at the arcade playing video games. Amy was at home studying and working on her computer. Mina and Raye were having fun going shopping at the mall. Poor Lita was the only one without anything to do. She was walking outside of the arcade. She seemed kinda depressed and lonely. Looking up from her game, Serena saw Lita outside, shuffling her feet slowly past the arcade.

Wow, Lita looks really bummed. I wonder what's wrong with her, she thought.

Then Darien showed up out of nowhere and surprised Lita.

Darien said, "Lita! Where've you been keeping yourself? I heard you've been absent from school for 2 weeks! You're gonna get held back if you don't get your act together!"

Lita just passed him and went on. Then Darien just shrugged his shoulders and went his own way. Serena went outside of the arcade and watched Lita walk away in the distance.

That's right�she HAS been absent for 2 weeks. But she doesn't look like she's sick. Although she hardly said a word to any of us during that time, she thought.

Serena quickly headed to Raye's temple. Once there, she noticed Raye and Mina were going through the stuff they bought from the mall.

"Hey guys�" Serena said.

"Hi, Serena," they said together.

But then they noticed Serena's expression on her face.

"What's wrong, girlfriend?" Raye asked.

"It's Lita. Have you guys noticed anything strange about her?"

"You mean the fact that she hardly cooks anything anymore?" Mina offered.

"And the fact that she doesn't talk about her ex-boyfriend anymore?" Raye added.

"Exactly," Serena said, "not to mention the fact that she missed 2 weeks of school."

"Two weeks?!" Raye and Mina said together.

"Uh huh. She just hasn't been herself lately. I'm really worried about her. She seems like she has this dark cloud above her head, you know?"

Raye thought for a moment, and finally said, "Hmmm, I think I know what's wrong, Serena. We've been ignoring her too much!"

"We have?" Serena asked, looking puzzled.

"Yeah, I guess I'd feel a little down, too, if my friends ignored me all the time," Mina agreed.

"I mean, ever since we defeated Queen Beryl, sent Alan, Ann, and the Tree of Life to another location in space, and defeated the Wiseman, we just spent a lot of our time rediscovering life, and trying to enjoy it to the fullest," Raye explained.

"Yeah, but c'mon! Two weeks of no school, no cooking, and not being boy-crazy? We couldn't have been ignoring her for THAT long!" Serena snapped.

"Chill, Serena. We're all deeply concerned about her. Let's talk to Amy. Maybe she'll have a solution to her problem," Mina said.

So Mina, Raye, and Serena went to Amy's house to explain.


Back in Coolsville, Shaggy was standing alone, leaning against a brick wall, looking out at the seagulls flying over the Pacific Ocean. The fresh, salty air tried to fill his lungs with encouragement, but with no success.

But it wasn't long before Freddy, Velma, and Scooby caught up to him.

Velma softly said, "Shaggy, what's the matter?"

He said nothing, and continued to stare at the seagulls.

Freddy then said, "Shaggy, listen to me. We've been friends for a long time. If there's something bugging you, then tell us. Maybe we can help."

He still said nothing.

Finally, Scooby licked Shag's hand, and begged to be petted.

Shaggy let out a brief sigh, and started to scratch behind Scooby's ears.

"Like, I'm sorry, gang. I guess I'm just a little depressed right now."

"How come?" Velma asked.

"Sigh, I don't know. I guess I'm a little�well�lonely�"

"Lonely? Don't be silly, Shaggy. How could you be lonely when three of your friends are here?" Freddy asked.

"Like, not THAT kind of lonely, Fred�"

Fred thought for a moment and said, "Mmm�I get it, now. Velma, Scooby, come here for a minute. Excuse us, Shag."

He led them to the far edge of the brick wall, out of Shaggy's range of hearing.

"Did you get that, Velma? He says he's lonely. You know what that means, right?"

"Jinkees, of course. He wants a girlfriend. How sweet!"

"Reah, reet, heeheeheeheehee!"

"But we don't know anybody we can introduce him to," Fred said.

"And besides, girls might be turned off by his looks," Velma added.

"Looks don't mean everything, Velma."

"No, but they might also be turned off by his appetite."

"There must be someone in the world for him, somewhere out there," Fred said, pointing across the ocean.


And across the ocean, Serena, Mina, and Raye discussed Lita's problem with Amy.

Finally, she said, "You know, now that we have a little free time with the demise of the Wiseman, I think we need a little vacation. Maybe some time away from Japan will help Lita overcome her depression, and more importantly, get her back in school."

"Good idea, but where could we go?" Mina asked.

"Say, Mina, what about that pen pal you made on the Internet through my computer?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, I still have her address. She lives in Coolsville, California. Quick, where's your computer? I wanna send her an IM right away."

Plopping herself down in front of Amy's computer, Mina sent an Instant Message to her pen pal:

Ainosenshi: Hi! My friend Lita has been feeling depressed lately, and I'd like to know if we may come to visit you.

The girls waited�

Blakeonline: Hi, Mina! Good to hear from you again. Sure, you can come. It will be good to meet you at last. I will expect you tomorrow, around 3 pm.

"Alright, she says we can go visit her!"

The girls cheered and jumped around.

"Now, let's go tell Lita what we have planned for her, but discreetly," Amy said with a smile.

They headed to Lita's apartment and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" she asked aloud.

But there was no answer. She opened the door slowly and looked down the hallway.

"Hmmm, nobody here. Typical, the way my life has been lately�"

Lita took one step and heard a crunchy kind of sound. She looked down, and saw a letter under her foot. She picked it up, opened it, and as she read it, tears welled up in her eyes.

Dear Lita,
These are your Sailor friends inviting you to come with us on a vacation to Coolsville, California. Pack a suitcase, and meet us at the airport tomorrow, bright and early.

Serena, Mina, Amy, & Raye

A smile finally crossed her face after 2 long weeks.

"They�they didn't forget about me. They just wanted to surprise me�how could I ever doubt my friends?"


The next day, the girls headed to the airport and got onto the plane to Coolsville. As they chatted amongst themselves, Lita smiled in happiness and said, "Guys, I have just one thing to say. Thank you."

The girls smiled.

Aw, she's starting to look better already, Serena thought.

You know, it's funny...but I always had a deep fear of airplanes, ever since I lost my parents in a plane crash years ago. But somehow, just being with my friends now is helping me overcome my fear. I actually feel...comfortable for a change. I wonder if I can truly defeat that fear once and for all? Lita thought as she stared out the window.

They arrived at Coolsville Airport at 3:00 in the afternoon. Then they caught a taxicab and arrived at the address of Mina's pen pal in minutes.

"Wow! Look at that huge mansion!" Raye said.

"It's beautiful," Amy sighed.

"Your pen pal lives here? She must be rich or something," Serena remarked.

Raye gave Serena a quick elbow in the arm.

"Ow, stop it, Raye!"

"Serena, you'd better behave. After all, we're doing this for Lita. So don't cause any trouble, ok?" Raye whispered.

Lita was sitting up front, and didn't overhear the conversation. She just stared out the window at the mansion, as the cab pulled up the driveway.

The girls got out of the cab, and got their bags from the trunk, while Raye paid the fare.

The cab drove away, and the girls walked up the path to the front doors.

Mina said, "Actually, Raye, Serena's right. My friend IS rich. In fact, for years, she's financed a very special group of people who take part in international adventures. And she still does."

"Who is she, Mina? You haven't told us yet," Amy said.

Mina rang the doorbell and said, "You'll see."

The door opened and Daphne stood in the doorway.


"Hi. My name is Mina. My Internet handle is Ainosenshi. I sent you an Instant Message yesterday. And you've been expecting us."

"Oh, yeah, I remember now. You're my pen pal. Well, come in. Make yourselves at home."

Daphne closed the door and ordered her butler to take their bags.

"So, Mina, won't you introduce your friends?" she asked.

"Sure. This is Lita, Amy, Serena, and Raye. Guys, this is my friend Daphne Blake!"

"Nice to meet you," they said together.

Daphne shook hands with Mina and said, "It's good to see you face-to-face at last, Mina."

"Likewise, I'm sure, but hey! What kind of across-the-sea welcome was that? C'mon, girl, gimme a hug!"

They hugged and giggled for a brief moment. But a sudden flash came out of nowhere and interrupted them.

"What's that?" Daphne gasped.

Raye spoke, "Don't worry, Daphne. That was a Kodak moment!" Then she held up her camera.

"Where we come from, it should be called a Fuji moment," Serena quipped.

Raye gave Serena another elbow in the arm.

"Oww! One more time, and you're history, Raye!"

"Stifle it, Serena!"

The doorbell rang and Daphne went to the door to get it.

"Excuse me, girls. Just have a seat anywhere. I'll be right back."

Serena was sitting down on the big couch with Lita, Mina, Amy and Raye.

"Hey, you know, I've seen her someplace before."

"Me too, Serena, but I can't remember where," Raye said.

Just then, Daphne came back with two guys, a girl, and a dog.

The blond one said, "We got your call, Daph, so we came right over. Shaggy almost didn't wanna come. So who are your friends?"

Daphne said," From left to right, is Serena, Mina, Amy, Raye and Lita!"

Mina said," Who are you four?"

The blond one said, "This is Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby Doo. My name is Freddy!"

Lita looked at Shaggy, and then looked at the others, but she said nothing.

Amy said, "Aren't you the Scooby Doo gang that solves mysteries?"

Shaggy said, "Like, the one and only!"

Scooby said," Reah!"

Serena yelped, "That's it! That's where I've seen Daphne before. They're Mystery, Inc.!"

Shaggy said, "Yeesh! Like it's not that big a deal, Serena."

Velma and Freddy said, "No kidding!"

Mina stared at Freddy and thought he was cute.

Wow! I bet he's got a great body underneath that ascot! Mina thought.

"Ahem! Excuse me," Freddy said.

Mina broke out of her trance-like stare and blushed and giggled.

"Oh, heheheh, sorry. I was just admiring your ascot."

Amy said, "Velma! You are one of my idols!"

Velma just blushed and said, "Jinkees! I actually have a fan?"

"Certainly, Velma. Millions of people in the world like you. The way you tend to act like the mother figure of the group, reaches out to everyone's conscious. People respect that."

"Really? I had no idea�"

Serena looked at Scooby Doo and said," I can't believe I'm actually talking to you, Scooby. Say, what do those Scooby Snacks really taste like, huh? Do you have any right now?"

"Uh huh," Scooby said, showing one to her.

"Can I try it?"

"UH UH! Rit's mine!"

"C'mon, Scooby, just a little nibble? I gotta know�"

For a few seconds, they wrestled for the Snack. But eventually, Scooby ate it.

Raye said to Daphne, "Gee, you sure have a lovely place, Daphne. And I like your friends. They seem to be hitting it off well with mine."

"Thank you, Raye. Although, if I'm not mistaken, it seems two of them aren't communicating so well."

"What do you mean, Daphne?"


Daphne, of course, was referring to Shaggy and Lita. Neither of them was saying anything. They didn't look at each other, and just sat in their own chairs, looking depressed.

Just then, Lita stood up, with tears running down her cheeks, and made her way to the nearest balcony.

"Lita! What's wrong now?" Raye yelped.

"Raye, wait a minute," Daphne said, grabbing her arm. "Look at Shaggy. He's standing up."

Indeed, he stood up and looked in the direction of the balcony Lita ran to. Then he started walking her way. Looking out, he saw her, resting her head in her hands as she stared out across the Pacific, silently sobbing to herself.

He stepped up to her and said, "Lita! Is something wrong?"

Lita nodded yes as Shaggy brought a lounge chair for them to sit on.

When they sat down, Lita said, "My friends are ignoring me again like they did in Japan."

Shaggy said, "Aw, like, I'm sure they don't mean to do that, Lita. I mean, you can't blame them. You know, like, this is the first time we had someone from another country come to visit us? Usually, we have to go to other countries ourselves to meet anyone. Like, it's part of being in Mystery, Inc."

Lita looked into Shaggy's face, and they both blushed.

"Like, you know your eyes remind me of two delicious-looking grapes?"

"My eyes look like grapes?" Lita asked, feeling offended. Then she backed away, looking disgusted. "Thanks a lot, buddy! Now leave me alone!"

"Like, I'm sorry, Lita," Shag apologized. "It's just that, I never had a girlfriend before, and I feel rather uncomfortable around girls, even Daphne and Velma, once in a while. I just don't know how to express my feelings right, I guess."

Lita looked back at Shaggy, who was now looking down at his hands cupped in his lap.

"I understand, Shag. I'm sorry too. It's just that, well, for 2 weeks, my friends have spent most of their time pursuing their own interests, and not one of them ever called me to join in. I felt like they were ignoring me on purpose. Then when I got their invite to come here to Coolsville, I felt reassured, because I thought they planned this all along, and didn't want to disappoint me. But now that they met all of you, they gave me the cold shoulder again. I feel like�like�I don't have anyone to be with anymore�"

Then she started to cry again. But Shaggy took her into his arms and held her tight.

Her face was streaked with tears, which glistened in the dim light of the sunset. But she said, "But�but now that I met you, I feel a little better. At least you didn't ignore me. And since Serena reminded me about Mystery Inc., I remember now that you like to eat a lot; so naturally my green eyes would remind you of grapes."

"Like, okay, I already said I was sorry, Lita. You don't have to cry about it."

"I wasn't crying about that. I was crying about my friends ignoring me."

"But, like, I'm not ignoring you. In fact, I'd been feeling kinda bummed out myself lately. I guess I was kinda lonely�well, I was, until I met you."

"�Oh, Shaggy�"

They looked into each other's faces again and gazed into each other's eyes. Slowly their heads came nearer to each other, and without knowing it, they kissed each other on the lips.

Have I finally found the one for me? they both thought.

But just then, Mina, Raye, Serena and Amy came out onto the balcony. They gasped, and sweat drops appeared on their heads. But Raye recovered quickly, and produced her camera.

CLICK! Whirrrr�another Kodak moment captured forever.

Lita and Shaggy released the kiss once they saw the flash. They looked back and found out that they were being watched as Scooby, Freddy, Daphne, and Velma came out, too.

Shaggy and Lita said to each other, "I'm sorry!"

Then the both of them started to laugh. Everyone else joined in. Mina said, "Is this a mystery romance or what, guys?"

Mina and the girls nodded and stopped laughing.

Lita said as she hugged Shaggy, "Thank you for talking to me!"

Shaggy felt a chill down his spine and said, "Like, any time! Say, it's getting late. Hey guys, like Scooby and I better be getting home."

"Aw, do you have to leave now? We were just getting acquainted!" Lita whined.

"You sure were, like lovebirds! Cheep, cheep, cheep," Serena joked.

Well, here comes Raye's Elbow #3�

"OW! That's it!"

Then Serena grabbed a lounge pillow and whapped Raye on the butt with it.

"Yipe! Oh yeah? Two can play THAT game, Meatball Head!"

Then she grabbed another pillow and gave her camera to Daphne.

"Here, Daph. Hold this while I clobber Serena a little!"

"In your dreams, Pyro!" Serena retorted.

"C'mon, put up your fluff, Serena!"

The two girls exchanged blows left and right, and feathers flew everywhere, until Serena's pillow made contact with Mina's head by accident.

"Oops, sorry, Mina!"

"Oh, yeah?" she snarled in fun. Now she grabs a pillow and joins in. But she accidentally strikes Scooby! And now he grabs a pillow and starts attacking everyone else in range.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a pillow comes down upon Amy's head.

"Hey, who did that?"

She turns her head and sees Freddy laughing at her, holding a pillow.

"Hahahaha, got you good, huh?"

"Freddy, stop that! You know better!" Velma scolded him.

"Hmph! Ordinarily, I wouldn't indulge in such childhood frivolities, but you leave me no choice!" Amy said, grabbing a pillow. Then she whapped Velma with it!

"Hey! Leave me out of it!" she snapped.

"Hear that? She doesn't wanna play!" Raye said aloud. "Let's change her mind, shall we?"

So Serena, Mina, Scooby, Amy, Raye, and Freddy ganged up on Velma, as the feathers filled the air, and Daphne continued taking pictures of the action.

"Wow! These are gonna come out great!" she said happily.

"Alright, enough, stop it, already!" Velma yelled.

"Not until you say you'll join us!" Raye said.


"C'mon, Velma. We came all the way from another country. The least you could do is make us feel welcome," Mina said.

"Mina's right, Velma!" Freddy said. "After all, we spent so much of our lives solving mysteries, and this is a good way to release all the tension and stress we accumulated over the years."

"Rit's fun, too! Heeheeheehee," Scooby added.

"Yes, Velma, I admit, in the last few minutes, I do feel a lot more comfortable. Here, use my pillow. I'll get another one," Amy said.

Velma just looked at all the eyes fixed on her, smiles everywhere. And somehow, seeing all those smiling faces made her feel more relaxed herself. Then she took Amy's pillow.

"I guess it couldn't hurt to let go once in a while," she said.

"That's the spirit, Velma!" Serena said.

"And as long as I have this soft, pliable material in my hands, I guess I'll make the most of it!" she screamed as she whapped Serena with it.

Giggling like a hyena, Serena immediately exchanged blows with Velma. And soon everyone was involved in one of the biggest pillow fights in history, with the exception of Daphne, who was still taking pictures, until�

"Uh oh, I'm afraid you ran out of film, Raye," Daphne said as she put the camera down on the patio table.

"Don't worry, I have more film in my suitcase, but I'm not gonna get it yet," Raye said with a smirk.

"Hm? Why not?"

"Well, as long as you're not taking pictures, you might as well get whapped!" Raye said, as she whapped Daph's butt with her pillow.

"Hey! No! Stop!"

"C'mon, Daph! If I can, YOU can�" Velma said with a smirk.

"Listen, you guys are destroying my pillows. Daddy will have a fit when he sees this mess, too!"

"Don't worry, Daphne. We'll clean it up," Freddy said as he whapped her.

"Fred, stop it!"

"Sure, after all, we have an expert housekeeper named Lita in our midst. Right, Lita?" Mina said.

But she didn't answer.

"I said, right, Lita?"

Still no answer.

"Time out, guys! Hey, Lita, where are you? There's so many feathers still floating around, and I can't see you," Mina said.

"Rood. Row I'll get Rhaggy!" Scooby said, clutching his pillow tight. "Rhaggy! Rhere are you?"

He didn't answer either.

"Rhaggy? Uh oh, ah�ah�aaahhhhh�"

"Oh, no! The feathers are gonna make Scooby sneeze! Get down, everyone!" Velma yelled.


All the feathers were blown away onto the grass below the balcony. But doing so revealed something important.

"Hey! Shaggy and Lita are gone!" Amy said aloud.

It was true. Only eight people of the ten were standing on the balcony, now lit by an automatic floodlight.

"Wow! We've been at it a long time. It's dark already," Serena said.

"But how the heck did Shaggy and Lita sneak out without us noticing them?" Raye asked.

"Would you notice anything when someone is throwing a pillow at your noggin?" Serena said, then whapped Raye again.

Raye seized Serena's pillow and said, "Hey, playtime's over! We gotta find those two."

"Here, give me those pillows. I'll get one of the servants to send them out to be repaired," Daphne said as she gathered them up in a plastic bag.

"You know," Velma began, "Shaggy did say he was going home."

"Uh oh�you don't think�" Raye said.

"Yeah, I bet Lita went with him," Velma said. "Quick, Daphne, where's the phone? I'll call him right now."


Meanwhile, at Shaggy's place, he and Lita were spending a great deal of time cleaning up the house.

"Like, I can't believe this place was such a mess, before you came along," Shaggy said while sweeping up.

"It's no big deal, Shag. I don't mind helping you. I'm a good housekeeper, don't you think?" Lita said, while washing dishes.

"Like, yeah. Now the place looks so clean, I can't even recognize it."

"Hahaha, you're so funny, Shaggy! I really like you."

"Likewise, Lita, hahaha."

Once they finished, they settled down on the couch to take a breather, with a couple of soft drinks.

"Like, thanks for helping out, Lita."

"No problem, Shag. Helping you took my mind off my friends for a while."

"Like, are you still upset about them ignoring you?"

"Well�not really, anymore. I thought more about what you said, and I discovered that I'm no different from them. Remember when they started having that pillow fight? I would've joined in, but then I noticed you were leaving."

"Well, like, uh, well, you know, pillow fights aren't really my thing. But like, you didn't have to follow me."

"I know, but for some reason, I had to. So you see, I ignored my friends, just to be with you."

"Uh, yeah, but that was a couple of hours ago. Like, they must be worried sick about you right now."

Right on cue, the phone rang.

"Ha! What did I tell ya?" Shaggy said as he answered it.

"Like, hello?"

It was Velma. She said, "Shaggy! Are you alright? And by any chance, is Lita there?"

"Well, now that you mention it�like, yes!"

Just then, Raye took the phone from Velma and said, "Shaggy, put Lita on the phone, would you please?"

"Like, okay. Here, Lita. Like, Raye wants to talk to ya."

Lita took the phone and said, "Hello, Raye�"

"Lita! Thank goodness, you're okay! Are you feeling any better?"

"Yeah, thanks to Shaggy."

A sweat drop appeared on Raye's head.

She mumbled to herself, "�oh no�no�no way�that's silly�they wouldn't�would they???"

"Hello? Hello? Raye? Are you there?" Lita said on the other end.

"Raye, please give me the phone. We got a call from Daphne's other line. Someone needs Mystery, Inc." Velma said.

"Okay�" Raye said.

"Shaggy�oh, it's you, Lita. Put Shaggy on, please�hello, Shaggy? This is Velma again. We've got another mystery to solve. And we're taking the girls with us. Are you and Lita coming?"

Shaggy looked at Lita and said, "I'm thinking, Velma!"

Lita said, "What's going on, Shaggs?"

"Like, another mystery, what else? But, like, Velma says they're taking your friends along. Uh, you wanna go, too?"

Lita's eyes lit up. She said, "You bet! Let's go for it, man!"

Shaggy said to Velma, "Like, I guess we're gonna have a full carload on this one, Velma. We'll be right over."

He hung up the phone, and the two rushed back to Daphne's place.


Soon the gang and the girls were driving off in the Mystery Machine, to solve a new mystery. Freddy, Daphne, Velma, and Amy were in the front, while the others were in the back.

"Wow, what a creepy road. Do you know where we're going, Freddy?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, but this is a shortcut," Fred replied.

"Like, why do shortcuts always have to be so spooky?" Shaggy said.

"Yeah, it's so dark. No lights�" Serena said, starting to shiver.

"And no sign of life," Raye added.

Lita asked, "Shaggy, does every mystery you guys go on, start like THIS?"

"Like, all the time, oho-ho-ho-ho�"

"So what's the scoop, Velma?" Mina asked.

"There's trouble at the old Westiseast Mansion. You're not gonna believe this, but there have been reports about a shadow demon roaming the halls," Velma explained.

"Rhadow remon, ro nooooo�" Scooby wailed.

"Y-y-you mean like�a g-g-ghost?" Serena said while shaking.

"�yes�" Velma said gravely, intending to spook her on purpose.

"Like, don't say yes that way, Velma. You make me nervous!" Shaggy said.

Daphne remarked, "Everything makes YOU nervous!"

"Maybe so, but I don't like ghosts, either, so can we please go back now?" Serena asked.

Freddy interrupted and said, "Break it up, guys. We're here!"

The Mystery Machine pulled up into the cracked-up driveway. Everyone got out of the van and looked around. The mansion looked exactly like something out of a horror movie: huge cracks in the walls, broken windows, no lights anywhere, bats flying out of the bell tower, and a heavy mist that covered the neighboring cemetery.

Serena started to wail as she hugged Scooby, who was shivering as much as her.

"No, I don't like ghosts! I don't wanna do this anymorrrre! I wanna go hooooome!"

"Ree too, ree too-oo-oo-oo!" Scooby howled.

"Jeepers! I thought nobody could be afraid of ghosts as much as Scooby," Daphne commented.

"Ha! You don't know Serena," Raye said.

Shaggy said, "Like, there's no way us chickens are going in there!"

"I second that emotion!" Serena agreed.

"C'mon, Serena, this should be fun. This is the first time we've ever experienced something like this," Raye said.

"And it may be our last�" Serena retorted.

Lita tried to push Shaggy and Scooby towards the doors .

She said, "Now you guys aren't gonna let lil' ol' me go into that big house all by myself, are ya?"

"Like, no way, UH UH!" they said together.

"Good," Lita said.

"Because like, THEY are gonna go with you. We'll wait in the Mystery Machine," Shaggy said.

"Right," Scooby agreed.

"That approach doesn't work on them, Lita. Use these instead," Velma said, giving her a box of Scooby Snacks.

"Doggie treats?" Lita asked, looking puzzled. "I can understand them being for Scooby, but for SHAGGY???"

"It's the only thing that'll get him to face danger."

"Oh yeah? I've got a better idea."

Then Lita said to Shag and Scooby, "Tell you what, guys. When this mystery is over, I'm gonna prepare a big feast for all of us. What do you say?"

"Like, say no more! That shadow demon is practically captured already!" Shaggy said with delight.

"Ha, it'll probably be just another person in some weird costume like always," Fred remarked.

"Well, let's get this over with, so we can plan our big pigging-out session," Serena said as they all went inside the house.

Except Raye. She hesitated for a brief moment on the front porch before going in. Mina came back outside and joined Raye.

"Something wrong, Raye?" Mina asked.

"Mina, something IS here...I can feel a strange force, but I didn't wanna say anything to the gang without revealing our true identities..." Raye said.

"I don't know, Raye. They seem like a bunch of nice people to me. I'm sure we could trust them with our secret."

"You think so, Mina?"

"Sure, besides I think Freddy's kinda cute. And Shaggy and Lita are hitting it off pretty well."

Raye stepped inside the doorway and said, "Well, still, I don't wanna worry them. I don't want them to think they're in any real danger until I'm absolutely sure. If we have to reveal ourselves to protect them, we will; but for now, don't say anything, OK?"

"OK, Raye, I won't...let's go..."

Then they went inside as well.


Unknowingly, they were being watched by a pair of glowing red eyes.


Inside, everyone saw that there were a lot of rooms.

"Wow! Not only is this place spooky, it's enormous!" Serena said.

"Yes, there's a lot of ground to cover," Amy added.

Freddy said, "Which means we'll have to split up in teams of two apiece."

"Everybody pick a partner," Velma said.

As it turned out, these were the teams:

Freddy and Mina,

Daphne and Raye,

Velma and Amy,

Shaggy and Lita,

And Scooby and Serena.

"Okay, gang, let's cover this place thoroughly. Search as many rooms as you can," Fred said.

"And above all, don't get separated," Velma added.

"Like, don't worry about that. Lita's been holding my hand ever since we left the Mystery Machine, hahahaha," Shaggy laughed.

"Oh, is that right, Lita?" Mina asked with a smirk.

Lita just blushed a little.

"C'mon, guys, we're wasting time, and I'm getting sleepy," Serena said while yawning.

"I'll bet the readers are too, if we don't get some action scenes going," Raye commented.

"Shh, Raye�stick to the script," Daphne whispered.

"Okay, let's go!" Fred commanded.

Then each team went in different directions.


In the library, Velma and Amy were searching through all the bookshelves for clues.

"Find anything yet, Velma?"


Amy was looking through a desk drawer, when her finger brushed against a small switch.

"Ow, that hurt. Hm? What's this? A diary?"

Velma looked back at Amy just in time, to see a wall panel slide open next to the desk, and a huge ax about to slice Amy in half!


Her warning came just in time, as Amy quickly dodged the ax, which sliced through the desk like a hot knife through butter. She then rushed to Velma's side.

"Oh my, that was close," she panted.

"You okay, Amy?"

"Yes, that ax just barely missed me. Are all your mysteries this dangerous?"

"No, not at all. Usually, there's just someone who tries to scare us into leaving. But obviously, somebody here means to do us physical harm."

"Well, anyway, I brushed against some kind of switch, as I found this diary inside the drawer."

"Well, I suppose the desk was booby-trapped years ago, but that doesn't make things any better for us. Now let's see that diary."

It was an old diary with pages so brittle, they crinkled very easily at the slightest touch.

"Amy, look! This diary belonged to a mister Axelrod Westiseast. He must have been the previous owner. And the last entry was dated July 12, 1823."

Amy read the entry aloud:

"My time is drawing near, I will pass away soon,
but not before my treasure is stored.
If one should find it, on the night of the full moon,
he must first defeat the shadow lord."

"The shadow lord?" Velma asked.

"Velma, I have a bad feeling about this," Amy said with a quivering voice.

"I know, Amy. If this clue means what I think it means, the shadow demon might be REAL, and NOT a fake!"

"Let's find the others, okay? I'm getting scared now."

"I don't blame you, Amy. I've never been in this position before. Let's go."

Holding hands, they exited the library with the diary, and looked for their friends.


In the master bedroom, Freddy and Mina were searching through the closets and dressers.

Then something caught Mina's attention.

"Freddy, look at this!"

She motioned to a portrait of a bald-headed man hanging above the fireplace.

"Hm, his name was Axelrod Westiseast. I learned in my history class, that he struck it rich in oil over 200 years ago; and he built this house with every penny of his profits," Fred explained. "Well, we can't find anything here, Mina. Let's try another room."

They turned to leave, but Mina decided to take one more look at the old guy, but when she did, the picture was different.

"What the�where's his head?!"

Quickly, she grabbed Freddy's arm and jerked him back to the picture.

"Hey! What's the idea?"

"Freddy! Quick! Look at the picture again! It changed!"

He looked, but the picture went back to normal when their backs were turned.

"I know, Mina. He's an interesting man to look at. I bet he reminds you of an old boyfriend, huh, haha."

"That's not funny! Freddy, I'm telling you! His head was gone!"

"And Axelrod has gone to your head. C'mon, let's move on!"

Freddy took Mina's hand, and they approached the door, but Mina looked back again. This time, Axelrod winked at her!

A sweat drop appeared on her head as she forced Freddy to walk faster out the door.


In the basement, Daphne and Raye were looking behind boxes, inside old trunks, and under staircases, but without any luck.

"There doesn't seem to be anything noticeable down here, Raye," Daph said. "Maybe we'd better head back upstairs. This place gives me the chills."

"Only because it's so damp, Daphne. And the breeze blowing through the cracks doesn't help, either," Raye said.

They were about to head back upstairs, but suddenly, Raye stopped dead in her tracks!

I was right! Something IS in this old place! Raye thought.

Then she called out, "Daphne! Help me! My feet are stuck to the floor!"

She rushed back to Raye.

"Raye, c'mon now, what're you up to?"

"I'm serious, Daphne! I can't move my arms either. Quick! Take one of my anti-evil scrolls out of my pocket, unroll it, and hold it up to my face."

Daph shook her head and said, "Huh? Anti-evil...what???"

"Please, just do as I say, hurry!"

Daph shrugged her shoulders and said, "Well, okay, if you say so�"

She reached into Raye's side pocket, and fished around for a scroll.

"Hey, heehee, take it easy, I'm ticklish!" Raye giggled.

"I'm sorry, Raye. Here's one," Daph said, holding it up to Raye's face.

"Good. Now hold it against my forehead and concentrate."


"Trust me, Daph!"

"Well, okay."

Daphne and Raye closed their eyes and concentrated. Within seconds, the scroll's markings glowed with a mysterious energy, which traveled down Raye's body, and into the floor. When the energy hit the floor, a strange symbol glowed brightly. But thankfully, Raye was able to move again. She stepped off the symbol.

"Jeepers, Raye, that was incredible! How did you do that?"

"Just part of my priestess training, Daphne. But right now, look at this symbol."

The symbol was shaped like a triangle with a circle resting on each side.

"What do you think it means, Raye?"

"I'm not sure, but I sense a great evil radiating from this symbol. We'd better find the others, and fast!"

"Okay, I'll just draw a quick picture of it, then we can go."

Daphne made a quick sketch of the symbol on a piece of paper. Then they rushed up the stairs, and looked for everyone else.


"You having any luck, Scooby?"

"Ryou bet! Munch munch munch, slurp!"

Of course, those voices belonged to Serena and Scooby, who were searching the kitchen for more than just clues.

"You know it's hard to believe there's a working fridge in this dump, plus the fact it's crammed with fresh food."

"Real resh, Rerena, heeheeheeheehee!"

"Mmmhh, mmfmmhh, mmm, this stuff is so good, I could stay here all night."

"Re too�but rith Rhaggy. Ri miss him."

"I think I understand. I'm used to being around Lita when she's in the kitchen cooking all sorts of goodies. This room does seem kinda empty without her."

"Ret's find 'em."

"Good idea, Scoob. Let's take that set of sausage links with us to eat on the way."

He tried to pull it out of the fridge, but the other end was stuck.

"Mmmm�grrrr�rit's stuck. Relp me."

"Okay, okay. Altogether now�1�2�3!"

They pulled together, but the links they held snapped off, and sent the two reeling back against the wall, which turned like a revolving door.

"Wow, what happened? Where are we?"

"A runnel."

"Yeah, some kind of secret tunnel. Let's see where it goes. Stay close."

"Ron't worry. I rill."

Scooby immediately jumped into Serena's arms as if she were Shaggy.

"Oof! Hey! You're not exactly a lap dog, you know!"

Suddenly, a ghostly moan echoed through the dark tunnel.


"My sentiments exactly, Scoob! Hang on!"

And down the tunnel she ran, carrying Scooby all the way, whose only comfort was in the sausage links they kept.

"Huff, puff, hey, save one for me, will ya? I'm gonna need it!"

"Raster, Rerena, raster!"

"I can't go any faster, plus it's so dark, I can't see where we're going!"

"Ruh oh! Rakes! Rakes!"

"Cakes? Where? Where!"

SLAM! The tunnel ended sooner than they thought. They lay on the ground for a few seconds before standing up.

"Uuuhh�I guess you meant brakes, huh?"

"Ruh huh, rakes."

"H'oh, great! A dead end! But there must be a way through somewhere."

"Reah, but where?"

"I don't know! You're the one with the nose for clues. Maybe you could sniff our way outta here."

"Ri'll try."

So Scooby began to sniff around for a way out. Soon he zeroed in on a peculiar scent coming from a small crack in the wall.

"What 'cha got, Scooby?"

"Rere, rere. Rmell it!"

Serena took a whiff.

"I don't believe it! That's Lita's perfume! She must be on the other side of this wall!"

"Ri hope so!"

"If only there were some way to break through. Let's try pushing against the wall. It's got a rather big crack, probably when we slammed into it. Whaddaya say?"


They pushed against the wall with all their might, until�

CRACK! The wall gave way, and they tumbled into another location.

"Wow, now where is this? It's some kind of secret room."

Indeed, it was so secret, there were no doors or windows leading out. The only source of light came from Serena's keychain flashlight. They started to look around.

"Scooby, look what I found!"

"Rhat is it?"

"It's a book about arcane spells and incantations."

"Rells? Rinranrations?"

"Yeah, and there's a bookmark here. Let's see what it says there."

She opened the book, and set it out on the dusty table.

"Scooby, look! There's a spell in here about conjuring up a shadow monster, plus a counter-spell that will get rid of it."

"Raybe it's a clue."

"You're darn right it's a clue. We gotta find a way outta here and fast!"

Just then, they heard a slight giggle coming from the vent in the ceiling, which sounded familiar.

"Hey, that sounds like Lita. And I can smell her perfume coming from this vent. Quick, let's move the table over here."

They pushed the table underneath the vent, then Scooby climbed on top of it, and Serena climbed on top of him.

"Uuhh, this vent grate is loose. C'mon, you, come off�"

SNAP! It broke loose. "YES!"

She dropped it on the floor, and stood up and balanced herself. Scooby started to struggle under her weight.

She managed to peer through the vent, and saw what looked like Shaggy and Lita. They were kissing!

"Giggle, your goatee tickles�heehee!"

"Like, I'll shave it off if you want."

"No way�heehee!"

"What the heck?" she whispered to herself.

Suddenly, she started to lose her balance.

"Scooby, hold still, will ya?"

"But Rerena�"

"I said hold still. Something's going on up here."

"Romething down rere, too!"

"Like what?"

"Rhe remon!"

"The demon? GASP! The shadow demon!?"

She ducked down, and saw what Scooby saw, a pair of blood-red eyes surrounded by an inky darkness, floating down the tunnel and getting closer.

"Quick, Scoob, up the vent!"

She stood up quickly, and pushed violently against the vent's grate, which clanged loudly on the floor.

"Zoinks, like, what's that?" Shaggy yelped.

Lita looked behind her quickly, and blurted, "GASP! A pair of hands is coming outta the vent!"

"Like, lemme outta here!" he shouted as he started to run away.

Lita grabbed his shirt and said, "Wait, Shaggy! Those hands look familiar."

"Like, they do?"

"Yeah, I recognize that pink nail polish. Give me a hand with these hands, Shag!"

They pulled together and dragged Serena out of the vent.

"Serena! What were you doing in there?" Lita asked.

"Forget it, Lita! The shadow demon is down there! And so is Scooby! We gotta save him!" Serena blurted.

"Scooby-Doo, where are you?!" Shaggy shouted into the vent.


"Scooby! I told you to climb up the vent! Now will you get up here?" Serena said.


"Why not?" Lita asked.


Lita thought for a second and said, "Shaggy, you're the thinnest. Reach down there and feel around for Scooby."

"Like, okay."

He reached down and felt something furry, and something leathery.


Shaggy pulled the spell book out of the vent.

"Like, hey! I found a book!"

"Actually, Scooby and I found it first," Serena said proudly.

"Reah, heeheehee," Scooby giggled as he climbed up out of the vent.

"Oh, I get it. He was trying to bring the book up at the same time. No wonder he got stuck," Lita said as she pulled him out.

"Well, anyway, it's good to see you guys," Shaggy said.

"Where were you?" Lita asked.

"The real question is, what were you two doing in here, hmmm?" Serena said as she stared at them.

"Uh oh�" Lita said to Shaggy, "if Serena was in the vent, she saw everything."

"Raw rhat?" Scooby asked.

"Oh, nothing much," Serena said, "just these two necking."

"Like, we weren't necking, Serena!"

"Oh, please, Shaggy, I know Lita better than that. She only wears that kind of perfume when she's in a romantic mood, which isn't often."

"Hey! Let's not get personal, okay?"

"Oh, come on, Lita, give me some credit. You don't think I didn't notice you and Shaggy sneaking out of Daphne's place during the pillow fight, did you?"

"Look, Serena, I don't wanna talk about it!" Lita said angrily as they started to leave the room, which was the dining room.

"Lita, it's nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about."

"Ashamed? You've got some nerve, Serena! At least we shared a small romantic moment. That's more than I can say for you and Darien!"

"Oh, give me a break! We just got back together, and it'll take a while for the wounds to heal, okay?"

"Like, who's Darien, Serena?"

"Just my potential boyfriend, Shag."

"Potential is one way of putting it, Shaggy," Lita remarked.

"Alright, Lita, if that's the way you wanna play�"

They never did leave the dining room, and Serena grabbed the nearest candlestick, intent on throwing it at Lita.

"Hey, wait! Don't throw that!" Lita yelled.

But Serena couldn't pick it up.

"What the�it's stuck!" Serena grunted. She pulled some more, until it came loose from the table.

"Uh, like, what does that string attached to that candle mean?" Shaggy asked.

"I don't know, but look!" Lita said as she pointed to a section of the wall, which slid open. "How about that? It was a secret switch! Let's see what's in the wall."

Lita looked inside and saw some papers wrapped in a bundle. She took them out and they examined them.

"Holy mackerel! These are stocks, bonds, and shares in a company called Westiseast Oil Inc."

"Did somebody say Westiseast?" a familiar voice called.

"Like, that's Freddy. Freddy, we're in the dining room!" Shaggy yelled in the hallway.

"Good, meet us out here in the living room!"

"C'mon, guys, like I think it's almost over."

"Thank goodness, it's about time for my beauty sleep," Serena yawned, as she followed the others into the living room.


Finally, all ten members were reunited in the living room, ready to share their clues.

"Thank goodness everyone's okay," Raye said as they hugged each other.

"So how did it go, guys? Anyone find some clues?" Mina asked.

"You bet! Amy and I found this diary in the library," Velma said.

"And Raye and I found this weird symbol on the basement floor," Daphne added.

"And Scooby and I found this spell book in a secret room," Serena added, while yawning.

"And we found all these papers relating to oil, in the dining room," Lita said.

"Good work, gang! We make a much more effective team with ten, than we did with five, don't you think, guys?" Fred asked his fellow mystery solvers.

"Wait a minute. Like, did you and Mina find anything, Fred?" Shaggy asked.

"Unfortunately, no�"

"Not as effective as you thought, Fred," Velma said.

"Hey, wait, Freddy. What about that portrait of Westiseast?"

"Aw, Mina, don't start with that again!"

"I know you don't believe me, but maybe they will. Guys, while we were in the master bedroom�"

"Oh, bedroom, eh?" Serena said with a smirk.

"The master one, yet�" Raye said, imitating Serena.

"Guys, stop it. Let her finish," Amy said.

"Thanks, Amy. Anyway, there was this portrait of Axelrod Westiseast. Fred said he was the previous owner of this house."

"Well, what about the portrait, Mina?" Velma asked.

"Well, one minute, the head was missing; the next minute, it was back again!"

"Mina, I'm telling you, it's just your imagination."

"My imagination, eh, Fred? Well, explain this�"

She stood up and pulled a painting from out of a space behind the sofa.

"Hey, that's the portrait from the bedroom!"

"Right. You didn't know it, Fred, but we got separated for a short while, thanks to some moving wall. I took the opportunity to take this painting down to show it to everyone."

"But there's no head," Daphne said.

"My point exactly, Daphne," Mina said with pride.

Velma looked at the Scouts and said, "Well, I guess you were right about our effectiveness, Freddy, with Mina's clue here. In fact, it was Amy who discovered the diary."

"And, like, it was Lita who discovered these papers," Shaggy added.

"And it was Raye who found that symbol on the basement floor," Daphne added.

"And I bet Serena found that book, right, Scoob?" Amy asked.

"Uh huh, uh huh," he said.

"Well, we're really proud of you girls," Fred praised. "You've proven yourselves to be just as observant as we are, in terms of finding clues."

"Thanks, Freddy," Lita said.

"Say, that reminds me. You guys gotta hear what happened to me and Raye!" Daphne jumped in. "You see, while we were in the basement, Raye said she couldn't move, so she asked me to take this weird piece of paper out of her pocket. Then we concentrated, and this weird energy rush traveled through her, and into the floor. That's how we discovered the symbol."

"Energy rush??? Like, what's an energy rush, Scoob?" Shaggy asked.

"Ri don't know," Scooby replied.

Hmmm, something's very peculiar about these girls...Velma thought.

Raye touched Daphne's shoulder and said, "Incidentally, Daphne, I must say this...you must have some special gift for being able to channel your energy through my scroll the same way I did."

"Me? You're kidding, right?" Daphne said as she giggled.

"I'm serious, Daph. You must have had some encounter with the supernatural world, am I right?"

"Well, once or twice. I do remember we crossed paths with creatures known as genies."

"There you are. That's experience at work. Nobody else would've been able to help me."

"Wait a minute! None of this makes any sense!" Fred said aloud. "Raye, maybe you'd better explain yourself."

Raye looked at Mina, who looked back at her.

I guess we'd better reveal who we are, before he starts asking too many questions, Raye thought.

Before Raye could explain, Velma said, "Freddy, cool it! Now Daphne, about this symbol you mentioned...?"

"Oh yeah, I drew a picture of it," Daphne said as she handed the drawing to Velma.

"Serena, let me see the spell book, please," Velma said next.

Velma opened it to where the bookmark was, and spotted the very same symbol that Daphne drew.

"Just as I thought! The symbol you found downstairs specifies where a conjuring took place. Apparently, someone deliberately released a shadow spirit into our dimension..." Velma explained.

It took a moment for it to register, but Velma finally said, "Jinkees!"

"Zoinks! Like, you mean, this shadow demon is FOR REAL???" Shaggy asked with a quivery voice.

"Yeah, Scooby and I saw it!" Serena jumped in. "It looked like a blob of darkness with two huge red eyes. It almost trapped us in that secret room."

"That does it! Like forget about that feast, Lita! I'm getting outta here before that things feasts on all of us!"

With those words, Shaggy started running towards the door. But Lita caught up to him, and grabbed his shirt, holding him in place. But his legs were still spinning.

"Wait a minute, Shag! We have to find out WHO released that demon in the first place, and for what reason! Will you stop already?"

"Like, let go, let go! You've hung onto me enough already!"

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" Fred asked suspiciously.

"Oh, it's nothing. They were just getting a little cozy in the dining room, that's all, no big deal, right?" Serena said, looking worried.

Everyone looked at each other, then at Lita, who was still holding Shaggy in one spot.

"No big deal? I think it's great!" Fred said at last.

"You do?" Serena asked with a sweat drop on her head.

"Yeah, it looks like Shaggy has finally found the right girl for him," Velma said.

"You mean Lita?" Daphne asked. "Why?"

"Well, look at her! Notice how tall she is compared to the rest of us girls," Raye said.

"And Shaggy's taller than you guys," Serena added.

"So what? That's only physically speaking," Daphne said.

"Well, look how devoted she is to him. She doesn't want him to give up, when things get scary. She'll stay with him through this. I know she will. She has a very protective nature," Amy explained.

"And he needs someone like her to toughen himself up, so he won't have to depend on Scooby Snacks for bravery," Mina added.

"But if that happened, he wouldn't be Shaggy. He would just be plain ol' Norville Rogers," Velma said.

"Norville???" the Scouts said together, with sweat drops on their heads.

"Yeah, like, that's my real name. Now will you let me go, Lita? I don't wanna get mixed up with any real ghost!"

"No way, Shaggy. You and I are gonna face this fiend together!"

"I think you're right, Lita," Velma said, looking worried. "Remember what the last entry in the diary said, Amy?"

"Oh, no, that's right!" Amy yelped. Then she read it again:

"My time is drawing near, I will pass away soon,
but not before my treasure is stored.
If one should find it, on the night of the full moon,
he must first defeat the shadow lord."

"Nice poem, but it'll never make the Top 10, haha!" Serena laughed.

"Serena, don't you get it?" Amy asked. "Who found those stocks and bonds and such?"

"Why, Lita, of course�"

"Exactly. That was the treasure Westiseast wrote about."

"Uh oh�and isn't there a full moon out tonight?" Mina asked.

"Why yes, there is," Daphne said. "GASP! Then that means�"

Just then, a rumbling sound echoed throughout the house.

"I'm afraid so," Mina said.

Suddenly, the house started to break up. It was about to collapse!

"Quick, everyone, get out, NOW!" Fred yelled.

"Like, that's what I was trying to do, but little Miss Tough Girl was holding me back!" Shaggy wailed.

"Okay, I'm sorry! Now let's get outta here!" Lita yelled over the sound of the house breaking up.

Everyone made it outside, but Serena yelled, "Wait, I forgot the spell book!"

"Forget it! You're not going back for it! You'll get killed!" Raye shouted.

"I must! If we don't get rid of that demon, it'll kill everyone in the world!"

With those words, she rushed back into the crumbling house, which was just barely standing now.

Just then, everyone heard her scream from inside.


"Ri'll save her!" Scooby wailed. "Scooby-Dooby-Doo!"

"Scooby Doo, DON'T!" Shaggy yelled, but Scooby ignored him.

Risking his personal safety, he galloped back inside and found Serena trapped underneath a pile of rotting wood, unconscious. He cleared away the wood, and heaved her on his back. Then he grasped the spell book in his mouth. Then he ran on his hind legs, while holding Serena up with his front paws. As he ran, a glowing crescent moon appeared on his fur above his eyebrows. They dashed outside, just as the whole house fell in completely.

"Scooby, you saved Serena!" Raye said as she kissed him.

"Good boy, Scoob!" Fred praised.

"How can we ever thank you?" Mina said as she kissed him, too.

"Like, that's my Scooby. You're a hero!" Shaggy said as he hugged him.

"Awww, shucks, rit was nothin'," he said shyly.

Then Serena began to awaken.

"Uhhh, what happened? Where am I?" she said as Scooby set her down.

"You're safe now, girlfriend," Raye said. "But don't you ever do that again! You would've lost your life, if Scooby hadn't rushed in to save you."

Tears began to form in her purple eyes.

"You scared me! And I'm gonna get you back for doing that to me," she cried as she hugged Serena.

"Raye," Serena said softly, "you knew as much as I did that that shadow demon must be destroyed. And that spell book is the only way. I won't allow the world to fall into the hands of any evil creature, no matter how scared I get, either."

"Oh, Serena, I don't know when I've ever been more proud of you," Raye said.

"Re too," Scooby said as he licked their faces, making them giggle.

"No, that tickles! Stop, Scooby!" Serena giggled.

"You can't blame him. He really likes you," Velma said.

"Yeah, he wouldn't have rushed in after you, if he didn't think you were someone special," Daphne added.

"Yeah, it took a lot of courage to get that spell book, Serena," Lita said.

"And it took a lot of courage to save Serena, Scooby," Fred said.

"You two are very much alike," Amy said.

"We are?" they said together, then smiled at each other.

"I guess we are, huh, Scooby?"

"Reah, re are, heeheeheeheehee!"

But an ominous rumbling interrupted their little moment. And from under the rubble of the old mansion, came an inky mist, which grew bigger and bigger, eventually blocking out the light of the moon. Soon the grounds were shrouded in darkness, the only light coming from the shadow demon's blood-red eyes, now glowing with fury.

"Well, I guess now's the time to put our courage to the test, right, guys?" Lita said to everyone else.

But before anyone could say anything else, the demon's eyes glowed and surrounded them with some paralyzing force. Although they could talk, only Lita could move.

"Unnhh�how come Lita can move, but we can't?" Daphne asked.

"Maybe it's because the diary's entry said, whoever found the treasure must face the shadow demon. So Lita must fight it herself," Amy explained.

"And there's only one way to defeat it, with the spell book," Freddy said.

Immediately, Lita grabbed the book and opened it to where the bookmark was. She found the counter-spell and faced the demon, determined to win.


The monster growled loudly.


It growled again and approached Lita.


It reared back, and prepared to strike.


But the monster struck Lita with such force, she was bashed into a tree trunk, and knocked unconscious.

But suddenly, Shaggy snapped out of his paralysis.


He rushed over to her and took her in his arms.

"Jinkees! He broke free! I wonder how�" Velma said.

"You'd be surprised what the power of love can do, Velma," Raye said.

"Love...?" Shaggy and Lita...in love? Velma thought.

"The spell didn't work! What do we do now?" Fred asked no one in particular.

"Raye! The monster's gonna get Shaggy and Lita! We gotta help them!" Serena screamed.

Raye replied, "The monster's grown too strong for the spell to affect it. We need to weaken it first, so that the spell will be effective."

"But how...?" Daphne asked.

"There's only one way! We gotta transform!" Mina shouted.

"Transform???" Daphne echoed in question.

"How? We can't move," Amy said.

"Like, you hurt my friend, you�you�shadow creep!" Shaggy yelled at the demon, with absolutely no fear at all. He was too angry about what happened to Lita, to think about being scared.

The monster approached closer and closer, about to crush them with its claws.

"Like, I don't care how scary you are! No one, but NO ONE hurts the people I love! NOBODY!!!" Shaggy shrieked.

Mysteriously, the symbol of Jupiter glowed on his forehead, and the symbol's green light shone brightly and blinded the monster, weaking its hold on the others. Soon everyone could move again.

"What the...where'd that light come from?" Fred blurted.

"Who cares? We're free!" Serena cheered.

"Shaggy, is Lita alright?" Amy yelled over the monster's howl.

"She's in good hands, Amy!" Raye shouted back. "Look!"

Shaggy picked up Lita, and carried her away out of reach of the shadow demon, who was still blinded by the green light. He set her down softly on the grass and gently tapped her face with his fingers.

"Lita! Lita! U-hu-hu-huh, c'mon, Lita, wake up. Open your eyes!"

Finally she stirred.

"Uhhh, what...what happened? What hit me?"

"Lita! Like, thank goodness, you came back to me!"

"I would never leave you, Shaggy�" she said as she hugged him.

Everyone else surrounded the two lovebirds.

"C'mon, Lita, you've got plenty of time for that later," Raye said. "We got a fight on our hands!"

"Oh yeah, the shadow demon," Lita said as she released the hug. "Let's take him out, guys!"

"What do you mean take him out? What can you girls do? You're just ordinary people like us," Fred said.

"Not exactly, Freddy, my boy," Mina said playfully. "Now you'll see who we really are! Right, girls?"


Serena removed her brooch, revealing the Imperium Silver Crystal, and the other girls held up their transformation sticks.






Amid colorful swirls of light, the mystery gang stood entranced as the girls transformed into their alter-egos, the Sailor Scouts. Then they took a moment to introduce themselves.

"I am Sailor Moon, the champion of love and justice!" Sailor Moon said.

The Scouts said, "And we are the Sailor Scouts!"

"Sailor Mercury..."

"Sailor Mars..."

"Sailor Jupiter..."

"Sailor Venus..."

Sailor Moon continued, "On behalf of the moon, I will right wrongs, and triumph over evil...and that includes that ugly shadow demon!"

Scooby and the gang were still trying to accept the fact that the five girls who joined them were really superheroes.

"Like wow!" was all that Shaggy could say.

"Like how?" Scooby asked.

"Wh-wh-who exactly are you guys,anyway?" Fred asked.

"It's a long story, Freddy, but right now, we have a mission to perform," Mercury said.

"Namely weakening that monster so that the counter-spell will send the demon into another dimension," Mars added.

"Jeepers! It's coming!" Daphne said as she ran away.

"Daphne...WAIT!" Velma yelled.

"Forget it, Velma! Everyone, scatter!" Fred shouted.

Everyone split up in different directions. But the monster started chasing Shaggy and Scooby.

"Zoinks! He's right behind us!" Shag yelled.

"RE-E-E-E-L-L-L-LP!!!" Scooby yelped.

But behind the monster...


A ball of concentrated lightning struck the demon in the back, making it insanely furious. It turned around and started after Sailor Jupiter.

"Uh oh! I didn't mean for THIS to happen!" Jupiter said as she ran. "Somebody do something else! Hurry!"


Sailor Mars launched several rings of fire, which penetrated the demon's body, but the demon reformed itself again, and started after Mars.

"Our powers...don't seem to have...(pant pant)...any effect on it," Mars gasped as she ran.

Suddenly, the demon thrust its right hand forward and pummeled Mars in the back with a massive jolt of dark energy, making her scream and fall.

Daphne stopped running when she saw Mars being struck down.


She rushed to her side, picked her up, and carried her away from the demon, just before it could stomp on them. As she ran, Mars' symbol glowed on Daphne's forehead.

"Jinkees! Daphne and Raye are in trouble! What now?" Velma said to Mercury.

"I'll try freezing it in its tracks!" she replied.

"I'll help you bind it, so we can think of a plan," Venus offered.



A wave of freezing water enveloped the demon, and an energy chain surrounded the ice, holding it in place.

"Quick! Let's head for the Mystery Machine!" Freddy ordered.

Everyone ran back to the driveway and piled in. Then Freddy floored it, and sped off down the dirt road.

In the back of the van, Daphne cradled Mars' head in her hand.

"Raye...are you alright?"

"...mmm...sigh, yeah, I'm fine, thank you for helping me. You really DO have the gift."

"Well, apparently, I'm not the only one. How do you think Shaggy broke out of the demon's paralyzing grip?"

"What else? He cared about her so much, and he couldn't stand to see her hurt."

Jupiter blushed and stared at Shaggy.

"You really care about me that much?" she asked.

"Uh, well, like, uh...uh, that is...well, sure I do," he stammered.

"Giggle, oh, Shaggy, I love you!" Jupiter said as she kissed him.

Velma looked back and said, "Hey, Shag, did you just eat a red hot pepper, or are you blushing?"

Everyone shared a good laugh for a brief moment, until the van skidded to a stop.

"What's wrong, Fred? Why'd ya stop?" Daphne asked.

"I didn't! The van stopped by itself!" Fred answered.

"What? That's impossible!" Sailor Moon said.

"Oh yeah? So is the existence of ghosts, but we saw one!" Shaggy replied quickly.

"Reah, rhost!" Scooby whimpered.

"It's not really a ghost, Shaggy," Mercury explained, "it's a demon, which ranks higher than a ghost..."

"Like who cares?!" Shaggy panicked. "Just get this crate goin', Freddy!"

Fred tried to start the car, but it wouldn't.

"It's no use! It won't crank over!"

"But we couldn't have lost power just like that!" Daphne said anxiously.

Mercury pressed her earring and produced her VR-visor.

"Jinkees! Where'd that come from, Amy?" Velma asked, easily impressed.

"No time to explain now, my friend. I'm scanning the insides of your van."

Digital images of the Mystery Machine blipped on and off in front of Mercury's eyes. Then one image remained onscreen and made a beeping sound.

"I knew it! The van is possessed!"

"POSSESSED?!" everyone else said in unison.

Mercury quickly explained, "The shadow demon must've infected the Mystery Machine with part of its essence before Venus and I trapped it! We've got to get out, quickly!"

But suddenly, all doors locked themselves.

Moonie tried opening the back doors, but she wailed, "Oh, NO! We're trapped!"

"Calm down, Sailor Moon! We gotta get out of here somehow!" Mars said.

"I got an idea!" Velma spoke up. "Remember when you were stuck in the basement, and Daphne helped you?"

"Right, my anti-evil scrolls. Good idea, Velma," Mars praised her.

She brought one out of her secret skirt pocket and chanted:

"I call upon the power of Mars...help me dispel the evil that invades this vehicle...


With those words, she slapped the scroll on the wall, and energy traveled through every inch of the Mystery Machine. Within seconds, the dark forces inside the van were dispelled, and the doors unlocked themselves.

Everyone took the opportunity to get out fast.

"YES! We're free!" Moonie cheered as she jumped up and down excitedly.

"Thanks to Velma's quick thinking," Mercury said as she shook her hand.

"Heck, it was nothing, really," Velma replied humbly.

But mysteriously, Mercury's symbol glowed on her forehead, and in plain sight.

"Zoinks, like what's that?" Shag asked as he pointed at Velma's head.

"The sign of Mercury," Jupiter said.

"What're you guys talking about?" Velma asked, looking puzzled.

"Look!" Daphne said as she held up her compact's mirror in front of Velma's face.

"JINKEES! What is this??? Get it off me!"

Velma started to rub her hands frantically against her forehead.

"Please, calm yourself, Velma," Mars said. "I think I can explain."

"Well, make it fast before that demon catches up to us," Fred said.

"First of all, let me tell you about who we are," Mars started...


Fifteen minutes passed, miraculously, with no appearance by the shadow demon.

"...And that's how we became the Sailor Scouts," Mars finished.

"Like wow," Shaggy said, "you mean, like, you guys used to live on the Moon?"

"And with no oxygen up there?" Velma asked, looking skeptical. "I don't know how you all managed to breathe, let alone survive."

Moonie opened her brooch and said, "The secret is inside the Silver Imperium Crystal. It gave us life, and sustained us during the Silver Millenium."

Scooby sniffed it for a brief moment.

"Ran I rouch it?" he asked.

"Sure, you can touch it if you want," Moonie said with a smile.

Scooby placed his paw on the crystal. It glowed softly, and a vision entered his mind. He saw himself carrying Serena out of the crumbling Westiseast Mansion before the monster appeared. And once again, the crescent moon glowed on his forehead.

"Jeepers! He's got a moon on his head!" Daphne blurted.

"Ah, yes, I was just about to explain why that happened to you too, Velma," Mars said. "You see, when we first came to America to visit Daphne, we paired off with you and your friends, into separate couples almost immediately. Apparently, each of us has something in common with each of you that the Imperium Silver Crystal could sense. I believe that the symbols that appeared on Scooby, Shaggy, Daphne, and you, Velma, are the crystal's blessings, in order to encourage our friendships and make them stronger."

Venus said, "That's a pretty good guess, Mars. But how come MY symbol didn't appear on Freddy's head?"

"Yeah, 'cause if what you say is true, then I didn't receive any blessing at all," Fred added.

Sailor Mars thought for a moment and said, "Perhaps you need to do something for Mina to prove your friendship, as your friends have done for my friends."

"You mean like, if the monster attacks us again, I should look out for her?"

"That would be a good start, Freddy. But remember, you would do it not because you would feel obligated, but because you would feel it in your heart, that that would be the right thing to do."

"Oh, sure, I understand completely," Fred said, then added, "...I think..."

Sailor Venus threw a look at Freddy, took his arm, and playfully asked, "What? I'm not worthy of being looked after by such a gorgeous hunk of man like you?"

Freddy blushed immediately while everyone else giggled.

"Like, looks like Freddy had one of those red hot peppers, too, Velma, hahahaha!" Shaggy laughed.

Just then, Sailor Mars gasped and said, "Uh oh! I sense the monster's coming!"

Daphne looked around and saw the inky blob of darkness heading their way.

"There it is! What'll we do now?"

Sailor Mercury said, "I'll try scanning it for weak spots."

She produced her VR visor again and scanned the blob.

But she said, "Its no use! I can't find any identifiable weaknesses within that thing!"

"Like, oh no, we're doomed, o-ho-ho-ho-ho!" Shaggy wailed as he held a trembling Scooby in his arms.

"We can't give up, guys!" Fred said. "If we don't destroy that thing, the whole world may be in danger!"

"And there's only one way, remember? The spell book!" Sailor Venus said.

"But remember? Since Lita found the Westiseast treasure, the monster will be coming after HER!" Velma said.

"Zoinks! That's right! I forgot!" Sailor Jupiter said with wide eyes.

"And our powers didn't work before," Sailor Moon said nervously. "How're we gonna weaken it so the counter-spell will work?"

"Sailor Moon," Mercury said, "why don't you try your sceptre?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that..."

She produced her sceptre and said:


The sceptre emitted shimmering pulses of positive energy, which passed right through the demon without harming it or slowing it down.

"I knew it wouldn't work!" Moonie wailed. "It's not from the Negaverse, but some other dimension! What now, Brainiac?"

"Okay, I'm sorry, alright? It was just an idea!" Mercury said, holding her hands in front of her.

"Hmmm, Amy, you and Mina combined your powers to bind the creature for a short time," Velma reasoned. "Perhaps if you all pooled your powers..."

"Of course, the Sailor Planet Attack! That oughta do it!" Sailor Venus said.

"But we'll need to divert the monster's attention from Lita, so you can attempt it uninterrupted," Fred said. "That's where you and Scooby come in, Shaggy."

"Like huh? U-hu-huh, oh no, not me!" he blurted.

"Re reither, uh uh!" Scooby yelped.

"Not even for a Scooby Snack?" Daphne said as she held some in her hand.

Of course how could they resist Scooby Snacks? After gulping some down, the two chowhounds started yelling loudly while running underneath the blob.

"Nyah! Nyah! Like, ya can't catch us, hahahahaha!"

The blob changed direction and started after Shaggy and Scooby.

"It's working! They got its attention!" Daphne said.

"Great! Okay, Scouts, let's do it!" Sailor Moon said as they formed a circle and held hands. "Stand back, friends!"

Freddy, Daphne, and Velma stood a safe distance away from the Scouts.

Velma asked the others, "Say, guys, was it me, or did Lita say 'zoinks' just a little while ago?"

A sweat drop appeared on Freddy and Daphne's heads.






Then they said together, "SAILOR PLANET POWER!"

Their bodies glowed with their respective colors, and trails of colorful light rocketed upward from their auras, joined in mid-air, and formed one single powerful force beam, which raced toward the demon, which was still chasing Shaggy and Scooby.

"Scooby Doo, DUCK!"

They hit the dirt, just as the force beam struck the blob. A terrifying shriek of pain came from the blob, as it drifted down to earth. Then it began to reform into the humanoid monster, and dropped to its knees.

"C'mon, Scoob! Let's get outta here!" Shag said as they ran back to join their friends.

"Alright! It worked! He's been weakened!" Sailor Mars said. "Now, Sailor Jupiter, recite the spell, and the shadow demon will disappear forever!"

"Right, Mars! I'm on it!" Jupiter said as she brought the spell book from the Mystery Machine.

She ran up to the demon who was still kneeling. She chanted:





The monster howled even louder and reared itself back to attack her friends.

Jupiter cried out, "HEY GUYS, LOOK OUT! IT'S GONNA..."

But her warning came a little late, as the demon's hand unleashed a wave of dark energy at the Scouts, striking all of them with incredible force. All four girls lay on the ground, very still.





"Hang on, guys, I'll try again!" Jupiter said. Then she re-read the spell:





The monster howled in pain once more, but managed to take a swipe at the unsuspecting Jupiter. She was knocked for a loop, as her body cringed in pain on the ground.


Each mystery member ran up to each Scout they were blessed to be with. Even Freddy, who did not receive the Crystal's blessing yet.

"Mina, wake up! You can't leave us now. The world needs your help!" Fred said as he held her head in his hands.

"Freddy...I'm sorry...the monster's...too...strong..." she said weakly.

Jupiter woke up and mumbled, "The spell has lost...most of its power...I can't defeat it by myself..."

"Then, like, we really ARE doomed! OH-ho-ho-ho-ho..." Shag said as he held Jupiter in his arms.

Meanwhile, the demon started to regain its strength.

"Well, I'm not gonna stand by and watch while the world falls prey to an undeserving creature like that shadow demon!" Fred said as he stood up.

"No...Fred...you don't have the power..." Venus said as she sat up.

"I do so, Mina, in here," he said as he pointed to his heart. "Even though I have not received the Crystal's blessing, that doesn't mean I haven't been blessed already. I have friends, family, and faith in the potential goodness of all mankind. And I intend to put THAT power to good use, right now!"

"That's right! I say we all recite the spell together!" Velma said with pride.

Mercury began to say, "But the diary said..."

"Who cares about that stupid diary? We HAVE to work together or else!" Daphne said sternly.

"Alright, then, let's all form a circle, just like we did for the Planet Attack," Sailor Mars ordered.

They all formed a circle and held hands, and paws.

"Now concentrate...focus your spiritual energy with ours, and let's recite the spell together, NOW!"





The demon howled in pain as it came closer to the circle.





It came closer...





...and dropped to its knees once again!

"Now, one last time, and that should do it! Concentrate!" Mars said.

Before they recited the spell again, the Sailor Scouts' bodies glowed again with their respective colors. And also, the planetary symbols of the Scouts reappeared on the foreheads of Mystery Inc.'s members.

Scooby had the yellow crescent moon...

Velma had the blue heart with the cross and V-shape...

Daphne had the red heart with the arrow pointing upward-right...

Shaggy had the green 4-shaped symbol...

And Freddy finally earned his blessing, as the orange heart with the cross appeared on his forehead.





The monster shrieked with pain for the last time, as its inky body began to dissipate. The glowing red eyes finally died out, and the monster disintegrated into nothing.

"It's gone," Mars said. "I sense the demon has left our dimension completely! We did it!"

Everyone started cheering, jumping around with glee, and twirling each other about.

Mars stopped cheering and said, "But I sense another presence. Omigosh, look!"

In the area where the shadow demon once stood, now there was the spirit of Axelrod Westiseast.

"Zoinks! Another ghost!" Shaggy yelled as he hid behind Jupiter.

"Relax, Shaggy. I think Mr. Westiseast wants to talk to us," she said.

"You are correct, miss," the spirit spoke. "Thank you for releasing me from the demon's grip. Now I shall explain everything�

"Two hundred years ago, Westiseast Oil Inc. was the nation's leading supplier of gasoline. But ever since the international oil trade started, my company was no longer needed. So before I passed away, I stored the last of my profits inside the house and conjured up a spirit to watch over it in my absence. But something went wrong. The spirit possessed my body, but I had just enough time to write the last entry in my diary, before it consumed me forever. I am fortunate that you young people have discovered my secret, and come to my rescue. Now my spirit can rest�"

"Wait! Before you go, answer me one question," Velma said. "If your company went out of business years ago, does that mean those stocks and bonds are worthless?"

"Unfortunately, yes. Now I must leave you. Farewell�"

The spirit of Westiseast faded away, never to be seen again; and the Scouts changed back to normal.

"H'oh, man, you mean after all that, we don't get anything for our troubles?" Serena whined.

Freddy said, "Serena, Mystery, Inc. never accepts rewards."

"What're you worried about?" Raye said, "Lita's gonna plan a big feast for us tomorrow anyway. That's reward enough."

"Besides, you shouldn't always expect something in return for doing a good deed," Velma said. "You do it, because you want to."

"Right, just like what Raye told me about not receiving the Crystal's blessing right away, but the fact remained that we had to help each other regardless," Fred agreed.

"But you DID earn it after all, Freddy," Mina said as she stared into his eyes, "just like I knew you would."

"Okay, okay, I get it! It's just that, we don't even get to take something back with us when we leave for home later," Serena complained.

"You mean a memento of our first adventure with Scooby Doo and company? Well, what about these?" Lita said as she pulled some familiar papers out of her pocket.

"Hey! Like, those are Westiseast's worthless stocks and bonds," Shaggy said.

"Not entirely worthless, Shag. 'Cause every time I'll see this on my bedroom wall, it'll remind me of you."

Then she kissed him again, making him blush.

"Like, zoinks�" he swooned, making the others laugh for a short time.

"And speaking of 'zoinks', Lita," Daphne said, "how come YOU said Shaggy's favorite word, huh?"

"I did? Haha! No way! Really?" Lita giggled.

"You sure did, when you remembered that the shadow demon was coming for you," Mina said with a grin "You almost panicked like Shaggy."

"I think some of his personality is rubbing off on you, Lita," Raye added. "You two DID spend a lot of time together today."

"I think the feeling is mutual, as far as Shaggy's concerned," Fred said.

"Like, why do you say that, Fred?" Shag asked.

"C'mon, like you really need to ask?" Amy jumped in. "You broke free of the shadow demon's paralyzing grip, in order to protect Lita from harm, remember? And you refused to be afraid, even though the demon could have destroyed you both. You could have run away, but you remained by her side, and didn't leave her at the monster's mercy."

"In other words, some of Lita's personality has rubbed off on HIM, right?" Serena asked.

"Exactly! They're the opposites of each other, but they're still very much alike," Amy replied.

"I have to admit, I've never seen Shaggy act so brave before," Daphne said.

"Re reither! Rat's ry Rhaggy! Heeheeheeheehee!" Scooby giggled as he licked his master's face.

Serena approached Lita from the side and said, "And Lita, I've never seen you get so scared before, the way you were running from the demon. HAHA! What a sight you were! And you guys call ME a scaredycat! HAHA!"

A sweat drop appeared on Lita's forehead as she said, "Don't start with me, Serena...or I'll give you a REAL reason to laugh..."

She tickled Serena's ribs briefly, making her squeal and pull away.

"No, don't...I'm just kidding..." she giggled.

But then Scooby jumped on Serena and started licking her like crazy.


"Jinkees, she's sure ticklish, isn't she?" Velma asked.

"You don't know the half of it, Velma," Raye said with a wink.

"C'mon, Scooby, that's enough! It's been a long night, and I think we all need a good night's sleep," Fred said. "Let's head back to Daphne's place."

Scooby stopped licking and stood up, allowing Serena to catch her breath. Then everyone climbed aboard the Mystery Machine. Once everybody was piled in, Fred drove back to Daphne's place, where they stayed overnight.


The next day, Lita made good on her promise. With the help of Daphne's financing, and Shaggy's own cooking talents, the big feast went over successfully. Lita was pleased to find something else she and Shaggy had in common. During that time, they exchanged stories about their own adventures as either Mystery, Inc., or the Sailor Scouts. They also had one more big pillow fight (this time, everyone got involved while Daphne's father took pictures) before the Scouts had to leave for home.


It was a tearful farewell at the airport, as the gang said their goodbyes to the Scouts.


Velma & Amy:

"Velma, it was wonderful meeting you. And it was fun sharing our knowledge during the mystery."

"I feel the same way, Amy. I'll e-mail you as often as I can."

"Thank you, my friend. I hope we meet again someday."

"I'm sure we will. And good luck with the Scouts."

"And good luck to you and Mystery, Inc."

They hugged, and then Amy went through the gate.


Daphne & Raye:

"Daphne, we had a lot of fun on that mystery, didn't we?"

"I guess so, Raye�but it was more fun having that pillow fight. I wish you didn't have to leave."

"Don't be sad, Daphne. Here, take this scroll, and promise you won't forget me."

"As long as you take this pillow and not forget me. Deal?"

"Hahaha, deal!"

Even though a smile crossed Raye's face, she was crying on the inside as she went through the gate.


Freddy & Mina:

"Well, I guess this is goodbye, Mina."

"No, not really, just 'so long for now'."

Then Freddy did a strange thing. He took off his ascot!

"Here, take this. I have plenty more at home."

Then Mina took off her hair ribbon.

"I shouldn't do this, but as long as you gave me your ascot, you can have my ribbon."

Freddy looked deep into her blue eyes, and then at the red ribbon in her hand, and said, "No, I couldn't take it. After hearing you talk about your past life in England before you rejoined the Scouts, it's only right that you hang onto it forever."

She let Freddy tie it back on for her.

Then he said, "It's a part of you."

"Thank you for caring, Freddy," Mina said as she kissed him. And once again, the symbol of Venus briefly glowed on his forehead.

Mina managed a small giggle, even though she was about to cry; but she said, "Looks like you've truly been blessed by the Imperium Silver Crystal now, Freddy."

"Hey, like I said before, I've been blessed with great friends," Freddy said, "including you."

They shared a hug before Mina went through the gate.


Serena & Scooby:

"*sniff*�I'll miss you, big guy�" Serena cried.

"Aw, ron't cry, Rerena. Rere! For you!" Scooby said as he gave her a box of Scooby Snacks.

"*sniff*�*whine*�Scooby Snacks�*whine*�for me? Oh, Scooby, I love you, I love you, I love you!" she cried some more as she hugged him.

"Re too, re too, re too, heeheeheeheehee!"

Hearing his laughter made Serena feel a lot better about leaving, and she followed her friends through the gate.


But more than anyone, it was Shaggy and Lita, who had the hardest time saying goodbye. They were in absolute tears. Neither could stop crying long enough to say it. They just stood in the gate, holding each other tight, refusing to let go. Fred and Mina finally had to pry them apart, because the plane was about to take off.

"Shaggyyyy! I love you! Please don't forget meeeee!" Lita bawled as they took her arms and walked her to the plane.

"Like, I won't, Lita. U-hu-hu-hu-huh, I never will, o-ho-ho-ho-ho�" he cried.

In fact, he was so saddened at their departure, that he ran out of the airport to watch the plane take off. The rest of the gang followed him outside.

U-hu-hu-hu-huh, like there they go�" he sobbed.

The gang watched the plane as it vanished over the horizon.


Aboard the plane, Serena asked Lita, "Lita, I've been meaning to ask you...do you feel okay about flying in an airplane now?"

Lita just stared out the window, thinking about Shaggy, as the airport faded away in the distance.

"Lita...are you alright?"

"...*sniff*...I'm fine, Serena...*sniff*...just fine..." she mumbled.

Serena took a good look at Lita, and saw something was different about her.

Strange...it looks like she left something behind, but I don't know what...

But her attention was quickly redirected when the stewardess walked towards them with the lunch cart.


Back at the airport, Scooby and the gang was still outside, standing behind Shaggy as he leaned on the fence.

Just then, a security guard approached Shaggy.

"Excuse me, sir."

"Zoinks! Like, I didn't do it! You got the wrong guy, honest!"

"Relax, Shaggy, er, Mr. Norville Rogers, is it?"

"Like, yeah?"

"A girl named Lita asked me to give this package to you before you leave."

It was a small gift box, normally used for jewelry.

"Really? Like wow, I gave her those old papers as mementos, and she turns around and gives me�" he started to say. But the moment he opened that box, he started crying again, and closed it immediately.

"O-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho, Lita, wherever you are, I love you, too!" he wailed.

"What is it, Shaggy? Let us see it," Velma said as she took the box and opened it for the gang.

Inside were Lita's rose-shaped earrings.

"Jeepers! She must really love him that much to forsake her trademark earrings," Daphne said.

"Shaggy, are you gonna be okay?" Fred asked.

"...*sniff*�like, sure, Fred. Sigh, I'm starving. Uh, how about we get some pizza?"

"Rizza? Ro boy! Ret's eat!" Scooby said.

"You said it, ol' pal."

"Looks like Shag's recovering nicely," Daphne said with a smile.


Two weeks later, Daphne received an E-mail from Mina. After skimming through it, she called the gang over to her house. When they got there, Fred said:

"Daphne, what's all the excitement about?"

"Like, yeah, what's going on?"

Daphne said, "Check it out, guys. This E-mail says Amy and her friends recorded their voices and sent us a WAV file from each of them."

Velma said, "Well, what're you waiting for? Play 'em!"

"Okay," she said, while opening the files. The following were recorded:

"Hi, everybody! This is Amy, with great news. Thanks to our little adventure, Lita got her spirit back, and now she's back in school."

"Hi, this is Mina! We sure had a lot of fun, and we're planning another vacation in the near future, so keep an eye out for us! Maybe we'll go on another mystery together!"

"Hey, this is Lita! Hi, Shaggy! My cute, little, goatee-wearing studmuffin! I hope you still have my earrings, because that's the only pair I ever wore. I'm wearing imitation ones now, but I'm always thinking of you."

"Hi, guys! Raye, here! We're still doing our part as the Sailor Scouts, and we hope you're still doing your part as Mystery, Inc. We good guys have to stick together."

"Scooby Doo, where are you? It's Serena! Thanks for the Scooby Snacks. Don't worry, I never tried to eat 'em. That's one thing I won't eat. *kiss* Love ya!"

And finally, there was one file with all of them speaking together:

"From all of us, to all of you�

Then laughter, and the gang joined in the laughter, as they looked forward to their next adventure with Sailor Moon�

The End

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