Team Steel MiSTs SPAM III
By: Jo Ann/Titania Steel

I do not own the Max Steel characters, or the concept of MiSTing. Note that the greater-than, less-than signs don't show up when I post with my site editor, so I am used to changing them into ( ) or other brackets for posting.

Max, Berto, and Cat sat in the TSMST5K room on the Behemoth and readied the big screen TV for another SPAM e-mail for their MiSTing pleasure.

Max: (Popcorn bowl in hand) This time, I remembered the popcorn!
Cat: Good for you, Steel! Now be quiet and MiST. The SPAM is coming up.
Max: Rightttt... (grabs a handful of popcorn and jams it into his mouth) Hmmmummm...
Berto: Don't talk with your mouth full, hermano.

Return-path: ([email protected])

Max: Drag Wayne?
Cat: Who?
Berto: Don't ask.

To: ([email protected])

Berto: Nirajprasai?
Cat: Sounds like an anime character...

From: [email protected]

Max: Hotmail. What you call email that Commisioner Gordon sends to Batman.

Subject: Didn't Earn 6 Figures in 2000?

Cat: No. Secret Agent doesn't pay that much.
Max: What did I say before? Secret Agent: Lousy pay. Insane chances...
Berto & Cat: No appreciation!
Max: Oh. You've heard it...
Cat: Yep.

Click Here.

Max: Nope. Don't want to.

Responding To Your Request

Berto: What request? I didn't ask for this SPAM. Quit sending it to me!
Max: Easy, bro. That's what we're here for.


Cat: Today's MiSTing is brought to you by the letters S, P, A, and M...
Max: And by the number 13820.

Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2001 17:22:29 -0500

Berto: This one's one time.
Cat: Yeah. I wish it wasn't.

X-MSMail-Priority: Normal

Max: o/~ Have a holly-jolly Christmas...o/~
Cat: (Grabs a handfull of popcorn and stuffs it into Max's mouth.)
Max: Mummmmph!



* You were referred to me as someone who was ready for

Cat: o/~ ...a break today...o/~
Max: (Swallowing the last of the popcorn Cat had nearly choked him with) And you say my singing is bad!

a Financial Breakthrough!

Cat: (Ignoring Max) Oh...that...

* If you want to be successful you must first find someone who

Berto: stupid enough to follow these instructions.

is successful and Duplicate what they do.

Cat: Notice that "duplicate" is capitalized?
Berto: Must be an important word...
Max: Nah...If it was important, it would be in all caps. Must be only semi-important.

* I am willing to teach you the secrets that I have leaned

Berto: "Leaned"? He "leaned" the sercets against something?
Max: Typo! Typo!

in creating

Cat: A monster!

Financial Independence given that you pass

Max: Gas!
Cat: Steel! Now that's just gross!
(Max just grins at her)

a brief qualification.

Cat: (As spammer) To see if you qualify to learn my secrets.

* I am looking for a few

Cat: good men?
Max: Or even a few mediocre men.

motivated and teachable individuals who

Berto: Have nothing to do all day but read spam.

are ready to start earning at least $2000 per week starting

Max: (as spammer) As soon as I get out of the country with your money...

right away. And a SEVEN FIGURE income within the next 2 years.

Cat: Wasn't that a "6" figure income a minute ago?
Max: (Looks back at the subject line) That's what it says.
Berto: Guess he changed his mind...
Max: What mind?

Yes, I said, "You could be a millionaire!"

Cat: AHHHH!!! Regis Philman!

Can you accept this in your life?

Max: Why should we?

** This is not multi-level marketing or a pyramid scheme or a get rich quick scheme.

Cat: It's not?
Max: Sure looks like it to me.

This is a Real,

Berto: As opposed to Fake...


Cat: As opposed to Illegitimate...


Max: As opposed

that does require

Berto: A college degree?

a certain individual.

Max: Okay. I'll bite. Who?

Call me

Cat (singing): o/~ Call me! Call me any time day or night! Call me...o/~
Max: Sheesh! And she compains about my singing...
Cat: Quiet, Max, or I'll get the bat!
Max (whispering to Berto): I hid the bat.
Berto: Oh. Okay.

Toll Free

Berto: Toll Free. An oxymoron if I ever heard one...

at the number below and I will

Max (As Spammer): Connect you with my answering machine.

contact you back to conduct

Cat: An orchastra.

a brief interview and to provide you with additional information.

Berto: Which won't be much, if any at all.

24 Hrs/ 7 Days

Max: Except on Saturdays and Sundays.
Berto: And Mondays and Tuesdays
Cat: And Wedsdays and Thursdays.
Max: And let's not forget Fridays.
Cat: Of course not.

Thank You and I hope to hear from you!

Cat: Not in this lifetime, spammer!


Berto: Now, I'm scared.

"The moment you commit

Max: To an insane asylum for even concidering this offer...

and quit holding back, all sorts of

Cat: Weird stuff.

unforeseen incidents,

Cat: That, too.

meetings and material assistance will

Berto: Run you ragged?

rise up

All: **AHEM!**

to help you. The simple act of commitment is a powerful

Cat: Excuse for not falling for this scam.

magnet for help!"

Max: No. A powerful magnet for help is Laura in a bikini, trapped on an island in the middle of nowhere...
(Cat brings out THE BAT)
Max: Hey! I hid that!
Cat: Not well enough, Steel!
Max: Epp!

- Napoleon Hill

Cat: Brother to Fanny Hill...
Max: NOW look who's making the R-rated references!
Cat: Shut up, Steel!

To be taken off send email to [email protected]

Berto: I really wish they would tell us this earlier in the spam!
Max: Yeah...Like at the begining?
Cat: Good place to put it.
Berto: That's it. Spam-mail over.
Max: Great!

(All three get up. Berto goes to his computer and deletes the spam.)

Max: I thought I hid the bat! How'd you find it, Cat?
Cat: I may not have "Stealth Mode", Steel, but I'm just as invisible.
Max: You...wouldn't hit an unarmed opponent, would you?
Cat: Mayyyybe...
Max: That's what I thought...BYE!

(Max sprints out of the room, followed by Cat.)

Berto (Looking after them): Why do I even bother?

(He follows, hoping to save as much of the Behemoth as he can from Cat's attempts to bash Max.)

Like it? Got anything for Team Steel to MiST? Send it in to the e-mail above. Or tell me where to find it. Will only MiST with the permission of the author, except for SPAM. That will be MiSTed freely and without hesitation. Or, we can MiST something together.

Drak Pack Headquarters

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