Team Steel MiSTs SPAM IV
By: Jo Ann/Titania Steel

I do not own the Max Steel characters, or the concept of MiSTing. Note that the greater-than, less-than signs don't show up when I post with my site editor, so I am used to changing them into ( ) or other brackets for posting.

Max, Berto, and Cat sat in front of the big screen T.V. Max already had his popcorn bowl on his lap, and a soda in his hand. Berto and Cat also had sodas.

Berto: We really need to install cup holders on this couch...
Max: Another SPAM? When are we going to get a fic?
Cat: When someone sends us one. Shut up and MiST, Steel!
(Max sticks his tongue out at Cat.)


Max (Peter Pan): Second star to the right and straight on until morning.
Berto: Nobody could get anywhere with those directions...
Cat: Tell that to Peter Pan...


Max (Peter Pan, Mary Martin version): o/~ I' m flyin'... o/~
Cat: Steel...what's with this Peter Pan fixation?
Berto: He saw the Mary Martin tape...
Cat: And he is like a little kid...
Max: HEY!

Max: Yahoo!
Cat: What?
Max: Nothing...

X-Apparently-From: ([email protected])

Max: Apparently...


Cat: Dorathy's Auntie Em joins the X-Men.
Berto: Now that is a scary thought...

: 5, 0, 0, 16

Max: Hut! Hut!

X-EM-Registration: #01B0530810E603002D00

Berto: The long version of C-3PO's model number...

Reply-To: [email protected]

Cat: o/~ Flying away...o/~

From: "[email protected]" ([email protected])

Max: We KNOW who it's from!

To: "first mailing"

Berto: "First mailing"? I don't like the sound of that...


Max: English Lit.
Cat: Math.
Berto: Science.


Max: Don't need it.


Berto: Why? My credit's good...

Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 16:39:04 -0600

Cat: And this is April. Just a little late...


Max: Hi, ho, Silver!
Cat (as homesteader): Who was that masked man?
Berto (as cowboy): Why, ma'am, that was the Loan Ranger!

Credit Cards, Auto Loans,

Max: Already got a car. Called Shadow. Don't need another one.
Cat: Except when you total it chasing terriests.
Max: Don't remind me!

Debt Consolidations, School Funding Sources,

Max: Hmm...
Berto: Don't even think about it Max! You don't need it!

Home Loans,

Max: Got a house. It's by the beach.
Cat: Actually, that's Josh's house. Technically, Max Steel lives at N-Tek.
Berto: She's got a point, hermano.
Max (thinking it over): True.

Loans By Mail Services

Berto: "Loans By Mail"? As if the world needs that!
Cat: Somewhere in the world, Berto, there's probibily someone who does...
Max: But not us!
Berto and Cat: RIGHT!

and so much more.


Regardless of past credit history

Max: Wonder if my History teacher will give me extra credit if I write a report on terriorism around the world.
Berto: As long as you leave N-Tek and yourself out of it.
Cat: Right. We're suppose to be all "hush-hush", rememeber.
Max: (Glares at Cat).

and instant online access.

Max: Just add water, and **POOF!** Instant online access!

For complete info just visit:

Max: You sure you don't need a grant, bro?
Berto: Possitive, hermano. Why would I need a grant, when Mr. Smith gives me everything I need.
Max: Right...


Cat: Train tracks...

Been turned down by banks?

All: Noooo....

Free Cash Government

Cat: Another oxymoron...

Grants Database. Grants are not based on your past credit history.....

Max: That's good...I think...

Instant Online Access:

Cat: Here's the, let's see the insant online access...

Max: Don't look, Berto!
Berto: Why not?
Max: Sorry. Ray Stevens reference.
Cat: Where?
Max: Ever hear of the song, "The Streak"?
Cat: Oh...


Max: o/~ Take the last train to Clarksville and I'll meet you at the station...o/~
Cat: Where is that from?
Max: You've never heard of "The Monkees"?
Cat: The who?
Berto: No. That's another group entirely.
Cat: What's another group entirely?
Max: The Who.
Cat: Which is what I asked. Who is another group entirely?
Max: That's right! (Grins)
Cat: What's right?
Berto: The Who.
Cat: Who?
Max: The Who.
Cat: Who?
Max: Yep. The Who.
Cat: Who?

(This goes on for several minutes. Finally, Cat gets frustrated and grabs a handful of popcorn and stuffs it in Max's mouth.)

Max: Mummmmph!

(Cat and Berto just look on as Max tries to chew and swallow the popcorn.

Like it? Got anything for Team Steel to MiST? Send it in to the e-mail above. Or tell me where to find it. Will only MiST with the permission of the author, except for SPAM. That will be MiSTed freely and without hesitation. Or, we can MiST something together.

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