Team Steel MiSTs SPAM V
By: Jo Ann/Titania Steel

I do not own the Max Steel characters, or the concept of MiSTing. Note that the greater-than, less-than signs don't show up when I post with my site editor, so I am used to changing them into ( ) or other brackets for posting.

Note: There's color in this SPAM mail, but just in case you don't see it, the color will be shown in ( ).

Guest MiSTer: Rachel Leeds!

(Max, Berto, and Cat are ready to MiST yet another SPAM mail. As they wait for the e-mail to finish downloading to the large T.V., Rachel Leeds enters the room.)

Rachel: What are you three up to?
Max: Oh...hi, Rache. We're just getting ready to MiST another one of Berto's SPAM e-mails.
Rachel: MiST?
Cat: From Mystery Science Theater 3000.
Rachel: What?
Max: It's like this, Rache: It's this T.V. show where this mad scientist and his assistant sends this human and two robots bad movies, hoping that the B-movies will drive them crazy. If the experiment works, the scientist plans to beam whichever movie did it all over the world. It'll make everyone in the world crazy, and the scientist can then take over. To keep their sanity, the human and the robots make fun of the movie.
Rachel: Oh. How long have you been doing this?
Berto: This makes our fifth MiSTing.
Rachel: I see...
Cat: Come on, Leeds. Sit down and join us.
Rachel: Me? MiST something?
Max: can MiST if you want to. But at least sit down and watch. It gets pretty funny.
Rachel (sighs): Alright. (Sits down on the other side of Berto.)

Return-path: ([email protected])

Max: Davy Jones and Pamala Lee
Rachel: What?
Cat: Just watch...

From: [email protected]

Berto: Start...stop...Go Directly to Jail. Do Not Pass Go. Do Not Collect $200.00.

To: ([email protected])

Max: "Recipients"? (Looks over at Berto.) I only see one Berto here.
Cat: How about the "Undisclosed" thing?
Berto: Makes me feel very small...
Max: Hey, bro! You're 10 feet tall to us!
Berto: Thanks, hermano.


Cat: The Mortgage Guys.
Max: With backup vocals by the Rent-a-Car Girls.

Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 17:07:13 -0700
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal

Cat: Yes. Normal Priority. Not Special. Normal.

(Red)Are You in Debt? If So, We've Got Some Extremely Good News For You...

Max: Ooooo...Color...
Rachel: What's wrong with Max?
Berto: Nothing. He's just being funny.
Cat: Or trying to be, anyway.
Max: HEY!

(Blue)We Have Lenders That Will

Max: Rob you blind?

(Blue)Loan You

Cat: Loan me what?

(Red)up to 125%

Rachel: Proof Alcohol
Max (applauds): Rachael Leed's first riff, ladies and gentlemen!
Cat: Great going, Leeds! Keep it up!
Rachel: I'll try...

(blue)of the Value of Your Home...

Rachel: Red and Blue. Very patriotic.

(Red)Second Mortgage,

Rachel: Assuming you already have one mortgage...

(Red)Home Improvement,

Cat: Starring: Tim Allen!

(Red)Home Equity Line of Credit,

Berto: "Line of Credit"? Like this?: ______________________________
Max: How'd you do that, bro?
Berto: Shift key and dash key.
Max: Oh. (Thinks a second.) Huh?

(Red)Refinancing with Cash out

Rachel: As opposed to Cash in...

(Red)are also available

Berto: I'm available.
Cat: Wrong audience, Martinez.
(Berto slumps in his seat.)

(Blue)Click Here

Rachel: But I don't want to Click Here. I'd rather Click There!

(Red)Are You in Debt?

Cat: No.

(Red)If So, We've Got Some Extremely Good News For You...

Max: You've willed your money to us?
Rachel: MAX!!!
Max: What?
Rachel: Never mind...

(Blue)We Have Lenders That Will

Berto: Give me a grant?
Cat: Give me a raise?
Rachel: Give me a break?
Max: Give me a wedgie?
Berto, Cat, & Rachel: WHAT?!?
Max: Nothing!

(Blue)Loan You

Cat: Money!
Berto: Cash!
Max: Moolah!
Rachel: Financial Funds!
(Max, Berto, and Cat stare at Rachael strangely.)

(Red)up to 125%

All: Proof Alcohol!
Max: Let's not over do that joke...
Berto: Yeah. It was funny the first time around...
Cat: But that's enough.

(Blue)of the Value of

Max: A foil Mewtwo card!
Rachel: Mewtwo?
Cat: Pokemon.
Rachel: Ahh...

(Blue)Your Home...

All: o/~ Home, home on the range...o/~
Rachel: I have absolutely no idea why I was singing that song...

(Red)Refinancing, Second Mortgage, Home Improvement, Home Equity Line of Credit, Refinancing with Cash out are also available

Rachel: Didn't they just say all that?
Max: Yep! SPAMmers tend to repeat stuff a lot.
Rachel: Little wonder, then, that they are not very well liked.

(Berto deletes the SPAM.)

Max: Not bad for your first MiSTing. Hopefully, we'll get a fic, soon. I'd love to MiST something like that!
Cat: Yeah. MiSTing SPAM is fun, but I'd like a fic to break up the monontiny.
Rachel: Don't worry. I'm sure one will come your way soon.
Berto: Are you going to help us MiST it if we do?
Rachel: Hmmm...Prehaps. That was rather fun.
Max: Hey, maybe we can get Chuck to guest MiST sometime!
Cat: And your dad...
Berto: And maybe Pete...
Max: And Jo...

(The agents continue to make suggestions for guest MiSTers, while Rachel lags behind, thinking about the MiSTing.)

Rachel: That was fun. I'd like to do it again. Hmm...wonder what a theme song would sound like...

(Rachel continues to ponder the possibilities.)

Like it? Got anything for Team Steel to MiST? Send it in to the e-mail above. Or tell me where to find it. Will only MiST with the permission of the author, except for SPAM. That will be MiSTed freely and without hesitation. Or, we can MiST something together.

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