Team Steel MiSTs SPAM
By: Jo Ann/Titania Steel

A quick practice MiSTing with the Max Steel characters. I do not own the Max Steel characters, or the concept of MiSTing. Note that the greater-than, less-than signs don't show up when I post with my site editor, so I am used to changing them into ( ) or other brackets for posting.

Those of you who haven't seen Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie --rent it and watch it. It's hilarious! ^_^ The MADS (or MAD, since he's alone) is Dr. Forrester. The SOLers are Mike, Tom, & Crow. The movie MiSTed was This Island Earth. It's not required for understanding this MiSTing (unless you don't know what MiSTing is...), but you'll still enjoy it.

Team Steel has had yet another successful mission and is now returning to base. They are hours away from Del Oro Bay, so Max, Berto, and Cat decided to watch a movie on the big screen TV (This is the same big screen TV that Max and Berto played Judo Enforcer 2000 on in the episode, "SPHINXES"). The choosen movie was Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie. At the end of the movie, Berto checked his e-mail (forwarded from his house to the Behemoth --don't ask).

Berto: Let's see...a note from Mom...then something from Angie --my cousin--, and...Aw...for cryin' out loud!
Max: What is it, bro.
Berto: Oh, just some SPAM mail. I hate those things!
Cat: Doesn't everybody?
Berto: Yeah...well, I'll just delete this thing...(His hand moves over the mouse.)
Max: Wait, a minute, bro.
Berto & Cat: What?
Max: Let's have some fun with this thing before you trash it.
Cat: Such as...
Max: We MiST it! (Grins)
Berto & Cat: MiST it?
Cat: Whatever for?
Max: Just for fun. Watching that movie made me want to try it. We don't have to take it up as a profession. But I'd like to see what we can do in the way of riffing.
Berto: Why not? It's not as if anyone's going to read the SPAM or the MiSTing.
Cat: True...
Berto: Just let me redirect it to the TV.
Max: Why?
Berto: You want this to feel like you're really on the Satilite of Love, MiSTing like Mike, Tom, and Crow, right?
Max: Sure.
Berto: Well, hermano, why not sit in front of a big screen and do the MiSTing? (Smiles at Max and Cat)
Max (grins back): Bro, you're a genius!
Berto: That's what everyone keeps telling me, hermano!

Berto finishes the redirecting the SPAM mail to the large screen (don't ask me how he did it. He's a genius, remember?) and takes his seat next to Cat. Max sits on the other side of the female agent.

Return-path: ([email protected])

Max: "not real words"?
Berto: "span city"?
Cat: What kind of an e-mail address is that?
Berto: Wait until you see the "To" address...

To: [email protected]

Max: I see what you mean, bro...
Cat: "NotMyHero"? That would be Psycho. He's definately not my hero!
Max: Did you notice the "stalatg13"?
Berto: Col. Klink?!!?

Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 18:01:55 -0800

Berto: Kinda late, isn't it?
Max: Sure is. And everyone complains that "snail mail" is slow!

Subject: Capital Gains to Be Made By YOU

Max: Oh...a "Money-Making" SPAM mail.
Cat: Yep! Just has a fancy name.
Berto: A money making scam by any other name is still a money making scam.
Cat: Too true...too true...

From: [email protected]

All: "SoToonBad"?!?
Max: Bad toons, huh? Let's see: Captain Hook, Cruela DeVil, Team Rocket...
Cat: Megabyte, The Digimon Emperor, the Joker...
Berto: Dr. Zen, Dr. Surd, Dr. Wily...
Max: The Ghostly Trio?
Berto & Cat: The Ghostly Trio?!?
Max: Hey, they're bad toons!

Dear Friend,

Cat: You are not a friend of mine!

The two secrets the wealthiest people in the world use

Berto: Can be found for a lot less in The Wall Street Journal.

to preserve and increase their wealth are...

Buy and sell stocks and bonds.

Leveraging and Interest Compounding

Berto: That, too...

Our Club Members have BOTH

Max: No money and no brains!

these tools to increase their personal wealth!

Cat: Somehow, I doubt it!

"If we could be in one place at one time to get rich,

Max: It would be Beverly Hills, California.

it would be here and now because of the Internet."

Cat: We now have someone to blame for this thing.

(Forbes Magazine)

Berto: Gah! How did Forbes get involved in SPAM mail!

Click Here for more info

Cat: Oooo...color and underlined! Very chic!
Max: (Frantically clicking on the "Click Here for more info") doesn't work!
Cat: Forget it, Steel! There isn't a link there!
Max: Rats!

(Author's note: Don't bother clicking. There's nothing there.)

To be removed, please click above and then follow the link at the bottom of the page.

Max: Now you tell us!

Berto: Now can I delete this SPAM?
Max: Go ahead, bro.
Berto: Thanks. (Deletes the SPAM from his mailbox)
Cat: I gotta admit, though. That was fun!
Max: Maybe we can do it again, sometime.
Berto: I'll save my SPAM mail just for the occation.
Max: And maybe there's a fanfic or something longer that we can MiST. Some of these missions are loonnggg...
Berto: That would be...interesting...
Max: All right! Team Steel Mystery Science Theater 5000 is ready to MiST!
| Cat: (looks at Berto) What have we gotten ourselves into?
Berto: Don't ask me. I'm just a techie.

The three agents share amused looks as the Behemoth flies on into the sunset, toward home.

Like it? Got anything for Team Steel to MiST? Send it in to the e-mail above. Or tell me where to find it. Will only MiST with the permission of the author, except for SPAM. That will be MiSTed freely and without hesitation. Or, we can MiST something together.

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