Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy Room
Jo Ann/NeferIsis

Started: 01/18/2005 *~*~* Updated on: 02/17/2005

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy is a game by THQ, and released on the PlayStation 2, Gamecube, and the X Box. It's about a young lion demi-god named Sphinx (your main character), who starts out having to win the coveted Blade of Osiris, a powerful sword. No sooner does he do so, when his best friend, Horus --a hawk demi-god-- turn against him. SPhinx manages to escape and gets back to the Egyptian city of Luxor.

Meanwhile, it is the birthday of Prince Tutankhamen. He is tricked by his scheming brother, Akhenaten, and Set, the Egyptian god of evil, and is changed into a walking mummy. The precess is interupted by Sphinx, however, and the two meet for the first time. The Mummy is the character you control when stealth is needed. Unlike Sphinx --who is the brawn, the fighter-- the Mummy can not fight. He is your information gatherer and main puzzle-solver. Not that Sphinx couldn't solve puzzles. He can. But the Mummy can't die, so he can go places Sphinx can't.

Other characters include Imhotep, the sorcerer-priest who teaches Sphinx and Horus; Princess Nefertiti, Tut's girfriend; Anubis, the god of the cemetary; and a whole Egypt-full of people and creatures.

Of course, it's not historically correct! It's a game! It's not suppose to be historically correct. Just think of it as an alternate universe, where history didn't quite go as it did in our world.

Fanfics or at Fanfiction.Net.

Sphinx's FaceSphinx BannerSphinx Icon
You can get the Sphinx Icon, and other goodies at the Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy manufactuerer's page.

Jigsaw Puzzles: Go here for Sphinx jigsaw puzzles, created from my deviantART artwork.

NeferIsis1: My inbox at IGN.Com.
Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy: The manufactuer's page.

This is all I got for now. I hope to have more, soon.

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