Werewolf: The Apocalypse

Bloodline Divider

Jo Ann/Gin Tsulsi

Bloodline Divider

Started: 03/28/2002 Updated: 04/02/2002

Bloodline Divider

Disclaimer: White Wolf owns both the Vampire: The Masquerade and Werewolf: The Apocalypse. This is just a fan page. Please see the general disclaimer at the bottom of both the Drak Pack Headquarters Entrance and the Main Hall. Thank you.

Disclaimer from the Werewolf: The Apocalypse rulebook
The Requisite Disclaimer

Werewolf: The Apocalypse isn't an occult handbook or spiritual reference work. It's a game. A work of fiction. If there were actul werewolves in the real world, we're sure everyone would have heard about them by now.

Thank you. Enjoy.

Bloodline Divider

"The woods surrounding the Drak Pack Headquarters are home to several tribes of werewolves. Some are friendly to humans. Others are not. Regardless of their feelings for humans, members of these tribes guard the forests around the mansion. Nothing evil can get by them.

"I am Gin Tsulsi --Silver Moon-- of the Silver Fangs tribe, and Jo Ann's werewolf avatar. I was created from the Werewolf: The Apocalypse Free Introductory Kit, published by White Wolf and availible from most hobby/book/comicbook stores. Anywhere role-playing games are sold. Jo Ann plans to get the full version, and more detail will be added to me --and this page-- then. For now, welcome to the Forest of the Werewolves."

Silver Moon is a female Silver Fang warrior. When she greets visitors, she is in Homid --or human-- form. She is pale, with silvery hair, and is armed with a sword, dagger, and bow and arrows. If threatened, she will change into Crinos form, the half-wolf, half-human form that is what others think of as "werewolf". In this, as well as in Lupus --or wolf-- form, she has silvery fur.

Like Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse is a storytelling game. The Garou --the werewolf nation-- has a different view of the world than the vampires, and each group thinks the worst of the other. The Kindred think the Garou are out to destroy civilization, while the Garou believe that the Kindred are part of the evil forces they call "Wyrm".

Bloodline Divider

History of the Garou

In the beginning, or it's said, there was Gaia. And Gaia was the world, and the world was Gaia. But into this Garden of Eden there entered a serpent --the Wyrm. Nobody knows for sure what made the Wyrm, once a great force of balance, into the force of corruption it is now. But now the Wyrm was maddened, sick like a rabid dog. It sank its poison fangs into Gaia, and the Mother screamed.

The Wyrm was the greatest enemy Gaia had ever seen. It birthed monsters, spirits of evil and the like. It spawned legions of foul creatures that raced forth to conquer.

Gaia needed a champion.

So she looked to her children, all the creatures of the land. None were strong enough to fight the Wyrm on their own. But one of her children, humanity, was clever --they had learned to use weapons and make tools and speak in language. And another of her children, wolves, were great hunters who acted as if of one mind.

So Gaia took the strongest and wisest of the humans and the fastest and fiercest wolves, and she bound them together into a new race. She made herself a race of champions, creatures that could ignore pain and rend trees and run swiftly on four legs.

Thus were born the Garou.

Bloodline Divider

There are three Breeds of werewolves. Breeds are usually in lower case:
HomidHuman born/raised Werewolves.
MetisWerewolf born of a mating between Garou and Garou, which is forbidden. Stuck in Crinos form and deformed in mind and/or body.
LupusWolf born/raised Werewolves.

The phases of the moon play an important part of a Garou's life, especially at birth. When a werewolf was born often determines special traits. The phases are called Auspices.

AuspiceMoon PhaseWolf CharacteristicSpecial Trait
RagabashThe New MoonThe TricksterStealth
TheurageThe Crescent MoonThe MysticIn tune with the Spirit World
PholodoxThe Half MoonJudge/LawgiverJudgement
GalliardThe Gibbous MoonMoon DancerWoodcraft
AhrounThe Full MoonThe WarriorCombat Mastery

There are twelve Garou tribes. Each has a Totem that gives the werewolves of each tribe their special powers. In the table below, "Unknown" means the information is unavailable at this time. "Yes-No" means I'm not sure.

TribeNickname/TypeTotemPowerCoat colorHuman Friendly?
Black FuriesFemale WerewolvesPegasusSense WyrmBlackYes (to females, at least)
Bone GnawersScavengersRatWretched Refuse (Go unnoticed)UnknownYes-No
Children of GaiaPeaceful WerewolvesUnicornHealing TouchUnknownYes
FiannaLoremastersStagIron StomachRusset/RedYes
Get of FenrisViking WerewolvesFenris, the wolf spiritImmune to painGrayYes-No
Glass WalkersCity WerewolvesCockroachMechanical MasteryUnknownYes
Red TalonsHuman-hatersGriffinMatchless trackersRusset/RedNo
Shadow LordsUnknownGrandfather ThunderFlawsightBlackNo
Silent StalkersEgyptian WerewolvesOwlSpeed of thoughtUnknownYes
Silver FangsWerewolf NobilityFalconSilver FlameWhite or SilverYes
UktenaIndian WerewolvesWater-Spirit (cougar, snake, & snake)Sixth SenseUnknownYes-No
WendigoIndian Werewolves IIWinter-SpiritWindmasterGrayYes-No

Lost Tribes:
TribeNickname/TypeTotemPowerCoat colorHuman Friendly?
White HowlersUnknownUnknownUnknownWhiteYes-No, but I presume Yes. See below, under Enemies, for the fate of the White Howlers.

The Enemies:
The WyrmSymbol of evil and decay. The cause of much evil and descruction.
BanesEvil Spirits. Found only in Umbra, the spirit world.
Fomor (pl: Fomori)Humans possessed by a Bane. Mutated & deformed.
PentexMulti-product producing company own by reprecentatives of the Wyrm.
The Black Spiral DancersFallen tribe of werewolves, formally the White Howlers. Now serves the Wyrm

Werewolf Fanfiction. Some fanfics using the Werewolf: The Apocalypse rules. May be rated either PG or PG-13.
DateTitleAuthorBrief Summory, with Rating.

The Litany: Laws of the Garou.
Werewolf Glossery: A glossery of werewolf terms.

Werewolf the Apocalypse

Bloodline Divider

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