Xena RPG: Jo Ann & Charlotte

This was a little Xena RPG that my cousin and I did over ICQ. We never got any further than this, but it's a nice little scene, anyway. Enjoy! ^_^

Disclaimer: Galatea, Perdix, and Nika were all created using the Hercules & Xena Role-Playing Game Hero's Guide from West End Games. Galatea and Perdix belong to me, and Nika belongs to my cousin, Charlotte.

Jo AnnGalatea, the Amazon & Perdix, the Gladiator (freed slave)
CharlotteNika, the Archer

(Scene discription)

The tavern was full that night. The innkeeper and his girls were busy keeping the customers happy with drinks and food. In the back sat two people, a man in green and gold leather, and a woman in black and gold leather. They had come in out of the rain, and the woman was not too happy about the choice of shelter.

Perdix: This was the closest place that was open, Galatea. [takes a swig of ale]

Galatea: But a TAVERN, Perdix?

[Nika comes into the tavern escaping the rain and looks for an open table and sees one open seat at that table.]

Nika (asks the two people): May I sit here?

Galatea: Sure. I am Galatea, the Amazon. [drinks from a goblet of wine]

Perdix: I am Perdix, the Gladiator. [takes another swig of ale]

Nika (introduces herself): I am Nika, the Archer. [sits]

Galatea [looks over to Perdix]: Someday, lover, I'm going to introduce you to the world of wine.

Perdix [chuckles]: Someday, maybe. [finishes off the ale, then grabs the wine decanter that Galatea ordered and pours some into his cup. He takes a swig of the wine] Good. Kinda sweet, but good.

Galatea: Where are you from, Nika?

Nika: I'm from Alexandria. Where are you two from?

Perdix: Galatea's from an Amazon tribe in the forest near Athens. I'm from...about.

Man, sitting nearby: He was a slave in the arenas of Symeria.

The innkeeper brings the Amazon and the gladiator their food, as well as another decanter of wine.

Man's companion [turns toward them]: I hear that he's an escaped slave.

Perdix: Not true, at least, the escaped part isn't. [takes knife and cuts the meat in front of him]

Nike: So you were really a slave? How did you get free?

Perdix: Defeated a superior opponent in the arena. [tears a bit from the piece on his knife and chews on it] Spared his life. It impressed the king at the time, and he ordered that I be set free.

(the rain is letting up)

Nika: Looks like the rain is gone now. I better be on my way.

Galatea: It's night. You may want to get a room. [takes a sip of wine and a bite of meat]

Nika: I hear the inn is full.

An angry shout is heard from the top floor. A woman in a tunic dress comes out of a room, chasing a man wearing only a pair of pants, which he is despertly trying to keep up. He is carring his belongings in a huge bundle. The two exit the inn.

Perdix: One vacancy, now. [takes as swig of wine] Ya know, I may actually begin to like this stuff. [he pours another cup of wine]

Nika: Why don't you two take the room. I can sleep outside.

Galatea: We already got a room. You can have the room.

Between the two of them (Perdix and Galatea), the meal is eaten. Now, Perdix bites into an apple.

Nika: Oh, okay. [gets up and goes to the inn to get the room. Comes back and orders her dinner and sits back down.]

Man that mentioned that Perdix was a slave (a little drunk): Now yer a slave ta that Amazon, so I hear tell.

Galatea: Only when we are in an Amazon villiage. [reaches over and strokes Perdix's short, red beard] Equal partners everywhere else. [smiles at Perdix, who grins back]

Nika: [eats her food] : So, how did you two meet?

Perdix [chuckles]: Got captured by her tribe. Then they got attacked by these pathetic band of mercs out looking for an easy mark. I joined in on the Amazons' side; I figured, if I had ta die, get killed fighting for a group of women. Anyhow, we won, and I was set free for my "heroism". Galatea decided to travel, an' we became partners. Partners in more than travel, too. [winks at Galatea, who grins at him]

That's as far as we got.

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