Yu-Gi-Oh! New Years
By: Jo Ann/Sitisis/Ebony Isidore

Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh! belongs to Kazuki Takahashi. Sitisis and her modern alter ego, Ebony Isidore, belong to me. Having the Duel Monsters monsters come to life and visit the Yu-Gi-Oh! cast is a tip of the hat to Lady Saturn, whose Yu-Gi-Oh!/Harry Potter Crossover I am enjoying very much.

Sitisis/Ebony Isidore, by-the-way, is Yami's queen in ancient Egypt, as well as my Yu-Gi-Oh! avatar.

Yugi: Well, is everyone ready for New Years?

Joey, Tea, Tristin, Mai, & Bakura: Yeah! Let's get started!

Yami suddenly appears from out of the Millenium Puzzle.

Yami: There's someone you have left out.

Yugi: Oh? Who?

Bakura's Yami --we'll call him Bakura from now on, and the real Bakura will be Ryou, his first name-- appears from out of the Millennium Ring.

Yami & Bakura: US!

Yugi and the others sweatdrop.

Tea: Oh. Opps! Sorry.

Yami & Bakura: No problem!

Yami: And, of course, we can not forget the Duel Monsters.

Bakura: Naturaly.

Yami: Sure...okay. Yugi & others, in surprise: HUH?!?

Both Yami and Bakura concentrate on their Millenium Items, and all of the Duel Monsters from the cards appear.

Dark Magician: Greetings, My Pharaoh! Thank you for inviting us!

Yami: It is good to have you and the others, my Magician.

Yugi and company find that their own monsters milling around the room, partaking of the refreshments and waiting for midnight.

Flame Swordsman: Hey! What's this? He turns on the television.

Joey: That's the T.V. What's on?

Flame Swordsman: Looks like...some kind of game. With a pointed ball, and lots of men in odd helmets.

Joey & Tristin: Football! They leap over the back of the couch and land easily on the seats.

Joey: Hey, Mystical Elf Babe! Bring some chips and soda, will ya?

The Mystical Elf and Tea look at each other. Tea raises an eyebrow, then opens two cans of soda. The Mystical Elf picks up the bowl of chips and the two women go up behind Joey and Tristin. With a wink to the blue-skinned elf maiden, Tea pours the soda over the boys' heads. Following Tea's lead, The Mystic Elf pours the bowl of chips over the boys, as well.

Joey & Tristin: Wha...?!?!?

Joey and Tristin try to clean the soda and chips off. Joey looks over at Tea and the elf.

Joey: Aww...man! Tea's teachin' the monster chicks to be Feminists!

Tea: Am not! She sticks out her tounge and pulls the lower eyelid of one eye down.

Lady of Faith: Now, now: Let's all get along. My Pharaoh, where is My Queen, Sisisis?

Yami: She should be here soon. The night has just started.

Even as Yami speaks, there is a knock on the door. The Celtic Guardian opens it, to reveal a beautiful, chocolate-skinned woman standing in the doorway.

Celtic Guardian: Welcome, My Queen! Please enter. Our Pharoah waits for thee!

(Author's note: Only Yami will call her "Sitisis" (Daughter of Isis). The Duel Monsters will call her, "My Queen". Eveyone else will call her "Ebony".)

Ebony: Thank you, Guardian. Ebony walks over to Yami, who embraces her and gives her a long, lingering kiss.

Yami, pulling away to look at Ebony: I have missed you, my beloved Sitisis!

Ebony: So I noticed! grins

The Flame Swordsman and the Cyber Commander are now sitting beside Joey and Tristin. The Lady of Faith --to make the boys forget the incident with the soda and the chips-- had brought the four T.V. watchers drinks and popcorn. While Joey, Tristin, and the Cyber Commander got cans of soda, the Flame Swordsman got a golden goblet of wine.

Cyber Commander, yelling at the T.V.: The other way, you bum! Your goal is at the other end!

Flame Swordsman: I do not think he can hear you, my friend. Prehaps you need to yell louder.

Joey: Uh...maybe not. The neighbors might get upset...

Cyber Commander: So?

Tristin: There are laws against distrubing the peace. If you guys get arrested, we'd never be able to explain it to the cops.

Yami: He is right. We shall celebrate, but we shall not break any human laws in doing so.

Cyber Commander, begrudgingly: Aww...okay...

Mai, talking to the Harpy Lady Sisters: So...what do you ladies like to eat?

Harpy 1 (Orginal): Oh, meat, mostly.

Harpy 2: Carcass', preferably.

Harpy 3: Animal carcass', of course.

Mai pales, turns green, covers her mouth, and rushes to the bathroom.

Mai: 'Scuse me! Be right back!

She disappears. The others hear vomit sounds, then the sound of a flushing toilet. She returns a moment later, still looking pale.

Harpy 1: Lady Mai! Are you well? Everyone looks at Mai in concern.

Mai, weakly: I'll...be...alright... But can we steer away from your diet from now on?

Harpy 3: Of course.

Meanwhile, the game on T.V. ends. Joey and Tristin are estatic as their team wins.

Joey: Woohoo! Did you see that play? Touchdown!

Tristin: And our team scores for a win!

Tea: Great! Now, let's see what else is on!

Before either boy could react, Tea grabs the remote control and starts channel surfing.

Joey & Tristin: Hey!

Tea, switching channels: Seen it. [click] Definately a rerun. [click] Eww...GROSS! [click] Not for this crowd. [click] Too kiddish. [click] Too adult. [click]

Joey: No, no! Leave there! Leave it there!

Tea: The Playboy Channel? Not likely! [click] Too immature. [click] Ahhh...Just the thing!

Joey: What's that?

Tea: The New Years party at Times Square.

Tristin: Do we haveta watch it?

Flame Swordsman: If Lady Tea wishes to watch the party at Times Square, then she shall watch the party at Times Squre.

Joey, under his breath: Traitor.

Flame Swordsman: What was that?

Joey, sweatdropping: Uh...I mean...Sure! Let's watch the "World's Oldest Teenager" host the party in New York!

Tea: Great! And tomorrow we can all watch the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadina, California!

Magician of Faith: A parade? With roses?

Tea: Yeah. The floats are made with flowers and plants. You'll see.

The Magician of Faith, The Mystical Elf, The Lady of Faith, all three Harpy Ladies, Tea, and Mai all plop into chairs to watch the party on T.V.

Mystical Elf: What did thy mean, Lady Tea, about the "World's Oldest Teenager"?

Tea: Dick Clark used to host a show called American Bandstand many, many, many years ago, and he still looks as young now, as he did in the 1960's.

Mystical Elf: Ahh...thus, he is called, "Worlds Oldest Teenager". I understand.

Tea: Yep. You got it.

The Dark Magician (Betcha you thought I forgot all about him, didn't you?) went into the kitchen. He found the room in a huge mess.

Dark Magician: Such a disarry! Where are the kitchen servents? Never mind. If Master Yugi's kitchen needs cleaning, then it shall be cleaned!

The Dark Magician waves his staff, and the dishes cleaned themselves, ala, Walt Disney's The Sword in the Stone. Gaia, The Fierce Knight, enters the kitchen.

Gaia: What are you doing?

Dark Magician: I'm cleaning Master Yugi's kitchen. He seems not to have any servents. Why are you here?

Gaia: Neo wants to know if there is something for Silver Fang to eat. Master Yugi mentioned something called, "Dog Chow". Would you happen to know where this "Dog Chow" is stored?

Dark Magician: I fear not. But you may look around the kitchen for it. Just do not destroy the room.

Gaia: Do not fear. I will not.

To the Dark Magician's dismay, Gaia opens the cupboards and starts rummaging through the boxes. As he searches, the knight throws the boxes over his shoulders, where they fall on the floor, spilling their contents all over the place. Finally, he finds a box labeled, "Dog Chow." Grinning, he leaves the kitchen with the box. The Dark Magician stands there, fuming as Gaia leaves without doing so much as helping to clean up the mess the knight made.

Dark Magician: Grrrr...Ga..ia... Growling under his breath, he stomps out of the kitchen.

Gaia: Here is the "Dog Chow", Neo. He hands the swordsman the box of dog food.

Neo: My thanks, Gaia.

Gaia: As I believe our human masters say, "No problemo!"

Neo catches sight of the angery Dark Magician.

Neo: Uh...oh...

Gaia: What is it?

Neo: To quote another of our human masters' sayings, "The Dark Magician looks highly pissed off."

Gaia: Why would he be angery? I only entered the cooking room for food for Silver Fang.

Neo: Well, he looks like he is having what Lady Tea has sometimes refered to as a "hissy fit", whatever that is. Are you sure you did not do anything in the kitchen to make him angery?

Gaia: Hmm...well...he was cleaning the kitchen when I came in. He said I could search the cupboards for the "Dog Chow". As I searched the paper boxes, I threw them over my shoulder and...oh my...

Neo: Uh...I have to go feed Silver Fang, now. Good fortune, my friend.

Neo leaves Gaia to the mercy of a still-fuming Dark Magician, who now stands behind Gaia. Gaia turns around to face the furious spellcaster.

Gaia: Um...Greetings, Magician. What may I do for you?

Dark Magician: You can reenter the kitchen and clean up the scattered remains of the boxes of food you strew about on the floor I had just finished cleaning!

Gaia: I?!? Clean the kitchen like a scullery maid?!?

Dark Magician: Do you wish to take the matter up with the Pharaoh? I am sure he would have something to say, as well.

Gaia, nerviously: Uh...I shall get started right away. Heh... Gaia retreats to the kitchen. The Dark Magician follows, to make sure Gaia cleans up the mess.

Hours later, the partiers gathered around the T.V. On the screen was the sparkling ball of light that signaled the end of the old year, and the start of the new one.

Tea, counting down as the ball drops: 20...19...18...17...16...15...14...13...12...11...

The others, joining her in the countdown: 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...


Everyone blows little paper horns, and waves noisemakers, forgetting to celebrate quietly. No one but the Lady of Faith sees Yami take Ebony in his arms and carry her to the guestroom in the Mutou apartment. She smiles knowingly.

I hope you enjoyed the Yu-Gi-Oh! New Years Party. The origin of Sitisis/Ebony will be in my first Yu-Gi-Oh! fanfic: "Yugi's Queen".

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