
Andre and Andrea were born and raised in a wealthy family, the result of being distantly related to the royal family of Thistlewood. Both were trained at an early age in Air magic and recieved the gifts of matching sapphire rings imbued with two spells each -- one offensive and one defensive.

It soon became clear that there was a limit to their abilities with Air magic -- but their tests showed they had much greater potential. The Twins had the rare ability to be able to performs multiple types of magic. At the age of thirteen, they parted ways but kept in touch with home and each other as they persued their own paths.

Further tests led to Andrea crossing the continent to  study what was to be her most prominent magical skill -- Earth magic. While training in Xanderah, she was reclusive and kept to herself most of the time she studied. She proved to be quite good at using herbs, making both remedies and poisons with relative ease.

Once while walking through the nearby woodlands, she greeted an old fig tree. The rising river had worn away at his roots and he called for her to help. After some argument and some pleading,  the twisted fig retracted himself from his roots and hibernated, creating a long staff which Andrea kept. Once in every long while, he will emerge again and speak with her to guide or council her.



Andrea has learned about the different plants, their tendencies, and their languages. She can easily hide among them, seemingly becoming one as she pulls vegetation to surround her. She can be very influental with certain species and will ask them to do favors, entangling or restraining the enemy in some way.

The earth itself is what she can control, shifting it and manipulating its motions. This can range from a small dust devil to turning a patch into quicksand to openning the earth and swallowing her opponents alive. She tends to refrain from using this last spell because it is difficult to manage and she normally has no need if she can entangle the opponent and get away.

Her fighting consists of defense and paralyzing potions and tranquilizers and parrying blows with her old fig quarterstaff with the help that the surrounding vegetation provides her.

Andrea Faus

Mage (Earth)
Also knows some Air magic




Courting (Khen Re)

Baxtonia, Xanderah

Rather quiet; very gentle; lightfooted and high-spirited;  often found humming or doing a soft floating dance


About average height; long black hair; somewhat frail looking; bright blue eyes


Light leather armor (skintight)
Leather chest
Leather chaps
Leather boots

Poisoned throwing knives (6)
Poisoned arrows

Bag of Holding
Sapphire Ring of Air
Quarterstaff (fig tree)
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