
NAME: Ashlee Blacque
SEX: Female
CLASS: Wizardess (Life)
AGE: 25
HOME: Entrana, Drezmore

Nice and naturally helpful; happy/serious; usually quiet; tries to be friends with a lot of people; talks only as needed; not very interested in religion, politics or sex/dating

Chainmail top
Chainmail skirt
Hard leather vambraces
Hard leather boots

Long daggers (2, in her boots)
Darts (seemingly endless; on her belt)

Magical Items:
Bags of holding (2)

Like some of her other teammates, Ashlee Blacque is the product of two different cultures. Her mother was a native of Croppell, the Kingdom of Death, who moved to Drezmore for rather shadowy reasons. She fell in love with a local man, a Life Wizard, and the two were soon married.

This strange cultural mix is what has made Ashlee the woman she is today. She has the Croppellian love of history and the color black; she also has the compassionate attitude of Drezmore. Both cultures produce hard-workers, so it's of little surprise that Ashlee is a rather dependable girl.

She enjoys adventuring and actively seeks out new missions from the Council. With Life Wizards and Wizardesses in such strong demand, someone with her talent is always needed somewhere.

Ashlee is remarkable in that she can heal people from a distance. Most healers need to touch a person to heal them, but for some reason she can send healing energy through the air. Doing this, however, weakens her more than a normal healing would.

There are others who can heal worse wounds than she can, but her "ranged" spells are quite impressive regardless. She is still capable of bringing someone back from near-death, although that would require physical contact and some sacrifice on her part.
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