
NAME: Irina "Blue" Glimmergaunt
SEX: Female
CLASS: Sorceress (Water)
AGE: 22
HOME: Brimhaven, Rineport

Generally to herself; has few friends but is very close to the ones she has; always trying to be helpful; may appear to be shy, but she really isn't; has an odd sense of humor and a playful side; religious, but to her own ideals; bisexual

Loose-fitting leather neck and shoulder armor
Light leather body armor (customized and dyed)
Hard leather arm and leg braces

Long Sword

Magical Items:
Bags of holding (2)
Dungeon Wars era "Ice Gauntlet"
Jar of "Essence"

Irina "Blue" Glimmergaunt is the only daughter of a powerful Water Wizard and a Sight Wizardess. She was born unable to speak. Because Life Magic can only heal something injured or broken, her voice cannot be returned to her -- she never had it to begin with.

Blue is fairly well known in her native Brimhaven, partially because of her powerful and respected parents. She adventures with one of her father's two Ice Gauntlets (resized to fit her smaller hand) along with her mother's work ethic.

To an extent, she is also religious. She prays silently more often than most people would expect. She primarily uses "clerics' prayers," ones meant to be mentally recited while walking, working, or fighting. (After all, in a battle a cleric can't just sit around and pray -- there is work to be done.) Blue, however, does not agree with all the teachings of the Fellowship of the One God and is thus not actually a part of any religious organization.

Blue is one of the few people to have a combination of two types of magic. This is very rare, and it is even rarer that such a person can be good enough in either type of magic to become a sorcerer/sorceress.

Blue can freeze objects in magical ice, either making the ice like a "second skin" or a block. She is capable of unfreezing these objects at will. Besides this, she can launch shards of ice from her hands, with larger shards being as powerful as throwing daggers. She can also lower the temperature of an object.

Her most major Sight Magic power is the ability to get split-second warnings of danger. She is currently trying to get "second sight," the magical version of "eyes in the back of your head." So far, she still has some ways to go on perfecting this skill.

Blue primarily uses Sight Magic to telepathically display images and illusions to people in an attempt to communicate. Very often she will "show" the words she wishes she could say, but pictures and illustrations of her thoughts are more common. If she is in a playful or goofy mood, Blue might display an anime version of herself to act out her emotions.
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