
NAME: Bria Smithe
SEX: Female
CLASS: Sorceress (Fire)
AGE: 25
MARITAL STATUS: Soon-to-be-engaged (Itneen Xavben)
HOME: Shilo, Messaria

Like her magic, she is fiery; strong headed and strong willed; tends to be loud and acertive

Combination of light and hard leather body armor

Long sword

Magical Items:
Bag of holding (2)
Protective gem
(on headband)
Fire Staff
(helps direct/control fireballs)

Bria is the first born daughter of Ferrin Smithe and Lyrali Delvoye-Smithe. She is only two minutes older then her twin sister Gwen. She also has a younger sister Lorali and a younger brother Aden. Her father, Ferrin, is a cleric and a member of the House and serves as an official representative to the Council. Her mother, Lyrali, is the Councilwoman from the Kingdom of Messaria. She will most likely one day take her seat on the Council. She was raised like a daughter of a Councilwoman and Representative, although her parents didn't become those unitl later on in her life.

When she was younger, her path diverged from her twin and she started training in fire magic with her mother.  She has spent her whole life as her mother's apprentice, although as a Fire Sorceress she has gone out on her own for private pathfinding as well as serving on some missions for the Council. Eventually, when her mother deamed her ready, she took her younger brother on as an apprentice, since he was not interested in Fire magic until he was much older.

She has had many boyfriends in her time, although none of them have ever stuck around for too long. She is the less virtuous twin, and is known in some parts of the Nine Kingdoms for her open legs, although that may be just a  rumor. Either way, she is still a daughter of nobility and class, and when it comes down to it she
usually acts to her station.

She currently resides at the Delvoye-Smithe estate in Messaria, although she is often frequenting the Council citadel to be with her parents.

Like most of the ruling mage families, Bria's magic is solely offensive, and like her family line, her magic is Fire based. She has very few secondary powers, although the few she has do include one or two defensive spells.

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