
NAME: Gwen [Smithe] Xavben
SEX: Female
CLASS: Cleric
AGE: 25
MARITAL STATUS: Married (Hadsa Xavben)
HOME: Shilo, Messaria

Shy at times; tends to stay to herself; loves to read and is curious about the world; enjoys a good conversation/debate about religion/views and other such things

Chainmail top
Chainmail long skirt
Light leather body armor (under chainmail)
Hard leather long gloves
Hard leather boots

Magical Items:
Blessed long-handled long sword
Protective gem (on headband)
Bag of holding (2)

Gwen is the second-born daughter of Ferrin Smithe and Lyrali Delvoye-Smithe. She is only two minutes younger then her twin sister Bria. She also has a younger sister Lorali and a younger brother Aden. Her father, Ferrin, is a cleric, a member of the House and serves as an official Representative to the Council. Her mother, Lyrali, Is the Councilwoman from the Kingdom of Messaria. She was raised like the daughter of a Councilwoman and Representative, although her parents did not become those until later on in her life.

When she was younger, her path diverged from her twin sister's and she began to study under her father. She has always been drawn to reading, learning and religion. By the time she was publicly known as being a servant to the religion, she was almost automatically made a cleric. She never really served as a paladin, based on her vast knowledge and commitment to the religion. She hopes to maybe someday be well known enough to take her father's seat in the House.

She currently resides in the Delvoye-Smithe estate, although like her sister she often spends time at the Council so she can be close to her mother and father.

Like most clerics, Gwen's magic is defensive in nature. She can summon barriers and shields, although she has fine tuned this skill. She often uses it for minor levitation. Also, she often creates bubble shields that she uses as an offensive attack, similiar to a wind blast.

She has minor mending and healing abilities as well, which is typical with a cleric. She also tends to rely heavily on hand to hand combat, with 'divine intervention' as she likes to put it. Any victory, no matter how small, she associates with God's will and her own faithfullness. She is often seen right after a battle dropping to her knees and praying in thanks.
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