
Hadsa Xavben is the black sheep of his family. A better description might be "white sheep," as he is a paladin in a family of infamous Death Wizards.

The firstborn of Xavdak and SeiRei Xavben, Hadsa was first in line in the royal family. By all rights he should have aspired to be a Councilman and a legendary Death Wizard. He trained as a Death Mage under his father until he converted to the Fellowship of the One God and became a paladin. This unorthodox background has produced equally unusual magical skills. It also produced a great deal of trouble and tension within his family. Hadsa is forced to balance loyalty to his family and his dedication to his God.

Hadsa's broadsword and protective gems were once owned by his ancestors -- all Death Wizards. Even visually, the Star of Sul'iss is the only sign that he is not your typical Xavben. Those familiar with the family will note that his skin is paler (from his mother's side) and he lacks the traditional beard, but most people outside of Croppell would not take this into account. As a side note, he has earned the nickname "the White One" back in Croppell.

Hadsa's main Death Magic skill is necrosis, the ability to decay or cancerously mutate flesh and bone. This is his only real ranged attack. He can also channel this through his broadsword, making the magical weapon damage an enemy's innards when in "vaporal" form, when it can pass through something solid.

He also is sensitive to life energy and can detect the presence of others just by the fact that they are alive.

As a paladin, he has healing/mending powers. While he cannot heal fatal injuries, he can act as a medic in most situations. He uses his mending magic to usually fix his chainmail or some other object that has been damaged in a battle.

Like most paladins, he has above-average strength, speed and reflexes. This is partialy from training as well as "divine intervention."

NAME: Hadsa Xavben
SEX: Male
CLASS: Paladin (former Death Mage)
AGE: 24
MARITAL STATUS: Married (Gwen Smithe)
HOME: Crandor, Croppell

Quiet and reserved around strangers and people he is not close to; humor is cynical or sarcastic; rarely looks happy; usually in check of his emotions, but he can get violently angry if provoked and offended enough; religious

Black chainmail body armor (inner)
Dark leather body armor (outer)

Magical Items:
Vaporal broadsword (
just a hilt -- blade appears on command; blade can become solid or "vaporal" at the user's will)
Protecting Gems (2, on chest)
Blessed short cape (
wards off the undead)
Blessed holy symbol (
on chest)
Bags of holding (2)
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