The middle child of Xavdak and SeiRei Xavben, Itneen is almost certainly going to replace his father on the Council some day.  While he is still a sorcerer, he in the middle of his training to become a wizard. His main concern is his magic and self-advancement, which has earned him his father's pride and blessings.

When his brother Hadsa became a paladin, Itneen instantly became the center of attention in his family. Since then, he has tried to please his family as much as possible. This often causes him to do rather dangerous -- some would say  "stupid" -- things. For example, at 20 he and a small team of people went on a "dragon hunt" and took down a full-grown Sand Dragon. The dragon's hide and bones -- rumored to be magical as they are unnaturally strong --  were divided up among them. Itneen used this to make his armor, which he wears with great pride.

Like his father, he has earned a reputation as a womanizer. There are rumors that he is bisexual, although this cannot be confirmed. Whatever the case, this shows that Itneen is definitely not like his brother Hadsa.

Itneen is what is known as a "Leech" -- a person who drains the life energies of a victim, often to heal himself in return. This does not require physical contact. He would rather just drain an enemy than seek the help of a healer. He only asks for a healer's or clergyman's aide if his precious armor is in need of repair.

He is capable of "reaping" a soul, forcibly removing it from a victim's body and thus killing them in the process. Personally, he likes to "leech" off of them, making them weaker, and killing them in a more conventional way. He will reap an enemy if needed, however, and usually does this as a ranged attack.

He controls a few Fol (supernatural spirits). He would much rather do something on his own without the help of anyone, including Fol. He will use Fol for guarding or scouting duties but rarely for anything else.

NAME: Itneen Xavben
SEX: Male
CLASS: Sorcerer (Death)
AGE: 22
MARITAL STATUS: Soon-to-be-engaged (Bria Smithe)
HOME: Crandor, Croppell

Alternates between deathly quiet or very outspoken; has a sadistic streak; very jingoistic; egotistical; independent

Magical Items:
Dragonhide body armor
Dragon fang sword
Dragon bone sickle-sword
Dragon bone vambraces (2)
Dragon bone boots (2)
Dragon bone helm
Protecting Gems (2)
Short cape of obscuring (
makes him less noticable, hide in shadows)
Jagged Cubes of Fol (10)
Bags of holding (2)
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