
The Girwood family is full of famous wizards . . . except for Ivan. While is magical ability is relatively weak for a sorcerer, his magical items have helped him greatly. Unlike most magic users who have to search for or earn their magical items, Ivan inherited them. His older sister, a wizardess, chose some weaker items fas her inherited weapons and gave her less-magically-inclinded brother the infamous Gauntlet of Wicaolith.

During the revolution that defeated the Old Order, the Old Order had given some of its monsters magical items in a desperate attempt to win. An Earth Giant, Wicaolith, was given a gauntlet that could transform plantlife into something . . . demonic. Three New Order Fire Wizards and an Earth Wizard managed to finally kill Wicaolith. The Earth Wizard had severed the giant's hand in the battle and took the gauntlet as a prize. The glove -- and more importantly the magical gem on it -- was given to the eldest child of each new generation until Ivan got it.

Always a bit eccentric, Ivan lives outside of Lumbridge in a hut on hill in a clearing. He always liked plants more than humans and he is contented there. The Council has never called on Ivan for anything, largely because they question his sanity. The fact Ivan has declared himself to be a wizard hasn't helped much.

His allergy to some pollens has caused a problem for Ivan. While most plants and him have an "understanding," there are exceptions. Some plants simply don't care and will do whatever they want with their pollen, much to Ivan's dismay. The mask over his nose and mouth works to protect him . . . most of the time.

There are more stories in the local village about Ivan than there are about the Old Order . . . not that he cares. As long as he has his plants, he can do just fine on his own.

. . . Unless he just has grass to talk to, which is a remarkably depressing plant.



Ivan is usually talking to a plant or some kind, which is his rarest power -- an universal understanding of plant languages. This can often be surprisingly helpful.

Ivan's main natural skill is making potions. These are good for various poisons and cures, although some have more random uses like turning one's hair partially neon yellow. (Do not mention this to him.) He is perpetually playing around with ingrediants, making new potions just to see what may happen. Usually there is a small fire involved somewhere along the line.

His oversized glove, stuffed with rags so it fits his hand, enables him to control and supernaturally alter plants. He can make a tree suddenly have an urge for fresh meat and give it the power to grab a victim or two.



Ivan Girwood


Sorcerer (earth)
Self-declared wizard





Courting (Nimra Griffin Starlight)

Just outside of Lumbridge, Xanderah

Eccentric; usually talks to plants more than people; likes over-the-top solutions to problems; may or may not have some mood disorder, not that he would ever have it checked

Above-average height; thin build; brown and yellow hair; green eyes; nearsighted; allergic to some forms of pollen



Hard leather body armor

Short sword


Bags of holding  (2)
Gauntlet of Wicaolith (
demonifies plants) (right hand)
Cloak of Um'ir (
transforms him into a tree)
Replentishing Vials of Nyir (
for potions)
Various herbs and potion ingrediants (keeps the specific types and items secret)

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