
NAME: Kamsi Meh
SEX: Male (yes, he is male)
CLASS: Mage (Hand)
AGE: 23
MARITAL STATUS: Taken (Elidir Duskwalker)
HOME: Sarim, Rineport

Annoying and knows it; somewhat vain; flirty; not shy in the least; loves to steal things, but usually returns them after if taken from a friend or fellow team member; bisexual

Light leather body armor
Light leather collar/shoulder armor
Hard leather braces, vambraces

Short sword
Miniature crossbow (on right vambrace)

Magical Items:
Bag of holding
"Sparky" (
stolen ring worn on left hand; that hand can give electric shocks on contact)
Ancient "lucky coin" (
questionably magical)

Kamsi is a product of Sorell and Alalsil. As a baby, he was abandoned at the front gates of Rineport's Ruling Family's compound/house. A note attached to him said little, other than that he was from Sorell. The child was given to a foster family, for lack of any better ideas what to do with him.

As Kamsi grew up, he quickly became aware of his magical powers. At a young age he began to steal and do other petty crimes. He got and kept blackmarket ties, even after the Council formally decided to train him.

Kamsi has not been able to become anything higher than a mage, as his magic is not particularly strong in any one field. He keeps busy in Rineport, going on missions now and then for the Council while enjoying the life style the most liberal of the Nine Kingdoms has to offer.

Kamsi is an odd mixture of magics. The diversity of his powers makes him an able scout or thief. His magical abilities include....

Hand Magic
Teleportation (self and others); magically-enhanced speed

Sight Magic
Farsight (can see something faraway in a vision); mild illusionistic magic that allows him to be less noticeable; audio illusionism that softens or mutes his footsteps

Life Magic
Questionable, but it has been noted that he can easily persuade others; this may be a weak form of mind control
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