
Khen was born and raised in the countryside of Drezmore. He was not brought up in either local Dungeon, but was instead raised on his family's small farm. He quickly found himself seeking something more and he left home when he was barely sixteen. He found himself living in the streets of Entrana, searching for some sort of meaning to his existence.

Khen soon became an errand boy for a local cleric named Dorian. A week later he was placed on guard duty for Dorian's house, with the cleric seeing much potential in him. By chance Dorian was robbed on the first night of Khen's patrol. The robber turned from Dorian and drew his dagger to face Khen. Khen reacted with amazing speed and, before any any one knew what happened, the robber was against the wall with his own dagger at his throat. Khen never even drew his sword.

Dorian was not entirely sure  what had happened, but he suspected that Khen had some magical ability. Khen was quickly sent to be trained as a mage -- and was rejected almost as quickly. While he did apparently have some magical powers, it wasn't enough to become a mage.

Dorien was unwilling to give up on Khen and decided to take him as one of his paladins. Never really liking the idea of being a soldier, Khen merely accepted his natural abilities and could not deny that he enjoyed wielding the weapons he was given. After two years, when Khen had just turned nineteen, he became one of the highest-ranking paladins under Dorian's command.

Unfortunately, Dorian soon became ill and died. None of the monks or Life Mages could cure him, so foul play was suspected. Khen was never a real suspect but was blackballed all the same, being an outsider of sorts.

Going back to the streets, Khen, still unable to find work, was still satisfied with a feeling that he had found his purpose in his duty to Drezmore under his retained title of Paladin.



Khen's very slight magical abilities were always questioned , hence his reasons for failing to become a mage. While his magical powers are weak, he has an inexplicable skill with daggers. He is some how able to strike rather heavy blows with such small weapons.

He also has an extreme scense of percepton. While not as nearly powerful as a Sight Mage, Ken's ability gives him what looks like  premotional powers.

Khen Re




Courting (Andrea Faus)

Entrana, Drezmore

Loyal and devoted; humble; hard-working; serious when he has a task to complete; has trouble considering himself a true paladin

Average height; lanky; slightly tanned skin; bleached blond hair


Iron chainmail shirt (covered)
Hard leather legs
Pauldren (left shoulder)
Iron plated boots

Long-handled long daggers (2)

Bags of holding (1)
Dorien's Cross of Sul'iss (traditionally for clerics)

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