
Rami does not know who her birthparents are. She was orphaned as a small child, and has very few memories of them. The only thing she has to show for her life before she came to the monk that raised her is a necklace.

Rami was raised by the monk Gamelan, which is the name she has assumed as her last name. When she came to him as a young child, she showed early signs of having the ability to heal. He picked up on that immediatley, and has helped mold her into who she is at present. She has spent her life with him refining her healing abilities, and also training for hand to hand combat. She takes great pride in her abilities with a sword.

Although she prizes her ability with a sword, she will not attack someone unless provoked. Being raised by a monk, she has picked up many of his morals, including his modesty. It takes a lot to raise her temper, although joking or teasing about her necklace or trying to take it will make her angry quickly.

She lives her life day by day, and does not know where the future will take her. All she knows is right now she is meant to be on this mission. As for what she will do afterwards, that is unclear.

Rami has opened up and become less critical of herself since the mission began. This largely has to do with the introduction of Thali Reshoff into her life. After briefly courting, they soon married.



Rami has very little magical ability. The small amount she does have is for basic things, such as mending. Her talent, questionable in nature, is healing.

Her healing ability is vast. She can easily heal small wounds or sickness. More severe wounds take a little more of her energy and make her tired, however they are not difficult either. Unlike many other healers, she can also heal severe wounds and illnesses. That is what makes her distinct among the healers of the world. This takes time and all of her energy. It usually takes her a full day to recoup from one of these healings, however it may take more, depending on the extensiveness of the heal.

Rami Gamelan-Reshoff


NA -- failed to test for notable magical ability
Healing powers are questiioned as true "magic"



Newlywed (Thali Reshoff)


Hemenster, Drezmore

Quiet; shy; modest; embarasses easily; does not talk to people she doesn't know (basically everyone)

Moderatley built; medium heigh and weight; short brown hair (usually worn in pony tail); brown eyes; wears modest baggy tan robes


Chain mail shirt
Chain mail skirt

Long sword
Throwing daggers (6)
Punching daggers (2)

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