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Who played Blair's sister Meg?
2.How did Nancy Mckeon become a Sears model?
3.What is the adress of their house?
4.How did Jo make her entrance to Eastland?
5.Who sang the theme song?
6. What show did the Facts of Life spin off from?
7. Who was a regular on that show?
8. What was the name of the store before Edna's edibles moved in?
9. Who got married or engaged?
10. What is the adress of the shop?
11. What was the age order of the characters?
12. Who played Kim Fields/Tootie's mom?
13. Which character's mom changed in the show?
14. Why did Edna's Edibles close?
15. What was the adress of George Burnetts house?
16. What episode did Helen Hunt guest star in?
17. What are Jo and Tootie's full name?
18. Why did Sherrie Krenn change her name?
19. Who is Mindy Cohn the voice of on "The Kids From room 402"?
20. What show did Nancy McKeon's brother star in?
21. What was Kim Fields name in "Comeback Kid"
22. Who does Nancy McKeon play in "The Division"?
23. Who else was on the NMMC with Lisa Whelchel that also appeared on The Facts Of Life?
24. What was Lisa Whelchel nominated for in the young Artist Awards in 1980/81?
25. Natalie's adopted, what is her real mothers name?
26. How is Lisa's hair really?
27. Why did Tootie wear roller skates?
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