Sunday 06 January 2002

Real life starts tomorrow for me so I thought I might get a few things sorted out with the web site before then. More stuff has been added to the conglomeration of useless stuff. Some of these things include the return of the discussion forum, the random question below the menu only on the index this time, an all new chat room - and yes I will be in there sometimes. And before you go trotting off to Ebay for all your trading needs you may wish to check out the new Project Falkor Trading Post. All this stuff and more may be found in the Kommunik8 section.

Saturday 05 January 2002

Well, it's almost time to join the rest of the world in the daily grind of real life. So go on, get off your lazy arse's and do something... Enough of this holidays and gratuitous celebrating of Christmas and New Year bullshit... /rant

Site updated and extended. And I am not telling you what's new - go find it for yourself.

Tuesday 01 January 2002

I would like to wish you a 


(You know who I'm talking to!!!)

Thursday 27 December 2001

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.             9.9/10
I believe this to be one of the best novel adaptations I have EVER witnessed. I won't go into more detail here just yet as most of may not have seen the movie yet.       

Wednesday 26 December 2001

So... Who got caught up in the commercial ritual called "Christmas"??? Who now needs to mortgage the rest of their assets just to pay off the credit cards and survive the next twelve months??? If this sounds like you then I only have two words - SUCKED IN!!!

On a lighter note, I'm off to the movies tonight, will let you know what it was like tomorrow.

Tuesday 25 December 2001

To those people who still know what Christmas is all about - MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Sunday 23 December 2001

I have completely re-designed the site (yet again - for the umpteenth time this year) but it should work for the best this time. Maybe the design will stay like this one for a while. 

Anyway, I am off for a few days, and as Tel$tra haven't yet disconnected me for an unpaid bill I should be back on Boxing Day. And while on the subject of unpaid bill, I just thought I'd let you know how much a lousy 7764Mb will cost via my ISP here in Australia -- AU$1467.00.

Saturday 22 December 2001

As this may be the last time I get a chance to, I would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas. Hope to catch you again in 2002.










Old news will be archived here, although I'm not sure why you would need it...

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