Ferman's Cosmos Model
The fifth planet
Mars later on the Asteron's destruction, when asteroids begin to crash with it.
This produced its partial destruction with loss of possible live and a lot of water.

I include in this website the summary of a very small book that I wrote in 1997 on the possible existence in past of a fifth planet in the orbit where now are asteroids. To this planet I call
This planet would have been destroyed by a great meteor, resulting of this crash many other great meteor that follow orbiting in the same orbit to which we call asteroids. Likewise many of the flocks of shooting stars that visit us assiduously would also be small remains of the destruction of this planet and their visit take place when we cross in their random orbits, which were acquired according to the direction of impact between Asteron and the great meteorite that destroyed it.
Because well, immediately after this great crash, many remains of this destruction began to bombard to the nearest planets, mainly Mars and Jupiter and in less measure to Earth.
In Mars, where the impacts were of enormous proportions for its proximity to the orbit of Aster�n, the consequences of this bombing would be enormous and these impacts would have changed the whole surface of the planet, destroying all possible existent live and even causing the disappearance of a lot of water for combination with the minerals that arrived in the meteorites and the minerals proceeding of the craters produced by the impacts.
In our Earth this destruction would be smaller and it would alone affect to many species of animals of great size.
Therefore this theory bet for the existence of an old planet that was located in the orbit where now are asteroids. In the same way, the destruction of this planet and the later bombard of meteorites was what caused the changes in the surface and atmosphere of Mars and the disappearance of many species in Earth.
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