Ferman's Cosmos  Model
Metaphysics: Body and Soul: Immortality
The Soul. �

The humans are eminently religious beings and maybe this would be the first question that we should make us. What is the reason of so religiousness and beliefs?
This question is pertinent since if we observe to other animals, we will see that they are governed by behaviours of survival and subsistence and however in us-the human beings have born a imperious �necessity� of believing in a God or some moral and ethical principles that guide us and bring near us the spiritual supremacy that the other animals don't look for.
To this search of a religiosity, morality or spiritual consistency, many thinkers have wanted to give many explanations and solutions of all type, from the psychic of the evolution to the fear to death, etc.
However I understand in the existence of a principal one that is due to the �human sub-conscience� where an enormous set of �unconscious data� beat inside us that indicate that a Universal Spirit creator of everything exists really. We don't have any comprehensible test of its existence, but we have many incomprehensible and unconscious proofs for it.
For that, in this chapter I try of going up to the conscience data and reasons of the existence of this Universal Spirit and also of our soul.
For this study we could divide to humans in two main parts, the body and the soul.
All we know perfectly the body and nobody has doubt of its existence and it would be the matter of which are made, as well as the form and characteristic that our body takes; therefore we won't take its study in consideration.   
The soul would be the set of non material qualities, sensitive and of intelligence that all body is supposed contain inside it, which would be really immortal qualities and maybe not belonging to the beings that possess them, but to its environment or in any case to that Universal Spirit that we have mentioned.
But do those qualities really exist?
At this point it will be necessary to respond flatly, yes they do.
For example, to a physicist that has been studying during all his existence, teaching and practicing physics we cannot tell him that the physics doesn't exist.
Because well, that physics that directs his life is pure intelligence, immaterial and it doesn't die when the physicist dies.
If we continue analyzing to this physicist, we will see that his also have other many qualities of intelligence that not belonging him neither die when he dies.
But also if we observe his sensitive part we can see that it is endowed with many feelings and aptitudes that are not exclusively his but rather they have it the other human, and even in animals.
Apart from this, his body is also organized and developed for enormous of physical laws that transfer and direct his from its birth until his death and neither these physical laws are matter, but pure cosmic intelligence. If the human being dies this set of cosmic abilities will continue creating new beings indefinitely.
Then we can consider that the human being (and any creativity) more than matter is eminently creative capacity with immortal character, that is to say, soul.
Now we could wonder: Who or what are endowed with soul, alone the humans?
In this point the conclusion would be that the frontiers of the soul or spirit are much wider that those that give our religions.
Any things have its soul quota in fact because they are created and directed by a supposed Universal Spirit or cosmic Intelligence creator or �thinker� of all the things.
In this point I could ask to any religious: If God creates and directs in all its facets and in each one of its points for example to a tree? Then we can say that this tree is not impregnated of the spirit, wisdom and sensitivity from that God to which this abilities will return when the tree stops to exist?
As example of soul possession I use to put to a book.
In a book we can distinguish its body clearly, which would be their leaves, tints, lining, etc. And its soul would be the poetries, mathematical or physical teachings, pictures, etc.
Its body can be destroyed in any moment, but its teachings are external to it and they lasted after its destruction.
Nevertheless, for the human ones it is a little difficult to accept the existence of the soul and it is it due to the existence of our EGO psychic.
Our real problem is that we are still some very primitive beings and our EGO alone is a defensive mechanism of our body when in fact it should already be a support mechanism to our soul, that is to say, a psychic device located at level from our soul to which should defend and support with object of feeling us as superior beings and not simple animals with fear to the physical subsistence and not to the spiritual subsistence.
When we are truly aware of our intellectual, sensitive, moral abilities, etc., let us value them as our authentic personality and our authentic EGO and let us understand that these belong to an immortal Universe, we will understand that although our corporal death takes place, we will continue participating of the creativity of Cosmos through these cosmic abilities, the same thing that Universal Spirit participates of our decisions through this cosmic abilities.
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