Ferman's Cosmos Model Chaos Meaning
Factors of Chaos.

Although we have said in anterior chapters that in most of the cases of chaotic situations it is not to our reach the total adjustment of parameters, we can study this situation by means of modules or factors that help us to understand better what the structuring or functionality of  chaos is.
This way, we have observed in chaos parameters such factors as the number of elements or sub-systems that form them, the autonomy or variability of these sub-systems and the interaction capacity among them.
number of elements or sub-systems that form a chaotic situation logically should be important and can define the chaos capacity of the system that we are observing.
If many elements exist, then each one of them will increase the chaotic capacity of the system and for us it will be of more difficult solution.
autonomy or variability is also a factor of first importance in the chaotic potential of the system that we are studying. If the elements or sub-systems were static, the chaotic potential would be almost null, and if the sub-systems were mutable and movable the chaotic capacity it will be much bigger.
In the case of the autonomy o variability we will always keep in mind the middle autonomy of the sub-systems due to they will be more of one.
factor interaction on the other hand turns out to be a little more complex because besides its capacity or interaction width, other factors that increase or decrease the chaotic potential of the system exist.
I am referring to the capacity or aptitude of
convergence in the interactions.
interaction can be more or less convergent or divergent, and this characteristic makes the system that we are studying can be more or less chaotic. Convergence example can be a tree or an automobile.
A tree could have millions of sub-systems (atoms, molecules, branches, leaves, etc.); most of these sub-systems also have certain functional autonomy and regenerative mobility; also they have a lot of interaction capacity among them.
Because well, in spite of all these reasons it would not be correct to say that a tree has great chaotic potential.
Where is the key for it? Because the interactions of its elements or sub-systems are of great convergence, forming an authentic and stable system that we cannot call it chaotic.
convergence is an attitude or characteristic of the systems by means of which the sub-systems that compose them due to their properties and qualities can be induced to form orderly systems, which can stand perfectly organized without characteristic of chaos".
I am not a mathematician, but if we wanted to translate these circumstances to mathematical formulas maybe the following one could be worth.
C = N X A X I(d)
In which C would be the Chaotic Potential; N would be the sub-systems number; A the autonomy or variability; I the interaction capacity and d the divergence of this interaction
Although the problems of measure and  adjustment of these data continue subsisting.
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