Ferman's Cosmos  Model Metaphysics: The Death
  Corporal death:
Aging and death on multi-cellular beings.

The aging of the multi-cellular beings is in fact a �defect� of its condition of stable colony of organized cells, that is to say, aging exists to be an stable multi-cellular entity without capacity of indefinite growth when being paralysed this growth when arriving to the maturity of the same one, conserving starting from then a quantity of cells perfectly defined.
This paralysis or detention in the development of the cells produce a functional paralysis of the same ones due to now they cannot follow their reproduction continually as they made it in the stage of growth, and this state prevents to eliminate the erosion and produced wear, which alone they could eliminate reproducing and transforming to bigger speed that the suffering wear, according to the following relative formula of organic vitality: (Biological metaphysics)

ORGANIC VITALITY =    ----------------------------------------------------------

This defect doesn't suffer the unicellular beings since when they are under conditions of reproducing, they do, and their reproduction speed and evolution is very bigger than the suffering erosion.
On the other hand the cells in the multi-cellular beings alone can reproduce when a neighbouring cell dies and they have to execute a duplication to occupy this vacant position, question that alone happens occasionally, being in this case their internal erosion much bigger than their evolution or reproduction.
The death as it is logical takes place for an extreme aging that prevents the being to continue executing the necessary vital functions for their vital maintenance.


The biological erosion has its principle in the physical erosion of the molecules that compose the vital cells. Therefore it is not a genetic problem but a physical problem.
The molecular erosion is directly proportional to the number of atoms and molecules that compose the alive fabric, mainly the genetic fabric. Therefore while more complicated it is this fabric more erosion possibility it has.
As we have said previously, when not having the cells of the multi-cellular beings continuous development and to be subjected to long periods of reproductive stagnation, this produces them a great erosion and genetic decomposition that is cumulative, finishing with the total aging and death of the multi-cellular.
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