Ferman's Cosmos Model


If as my cosmic theory proposes, the Fourth dimension exists, as much atoms as stars are equivalent and serial units of this dimension, and so that, other intermediate elements or unit fractions have to exist, which must be also equivalent.
As we have told, the
index of lineal relationship between two serial units is of 10^23. (0'7 => 0'628 x 10^23 )
Therefore, all common elements among them have to complete this relation.
-- If for example we take the diameter of our sun and we divide it for 10^23, we will have the diameter of an atom of neon, which is equivalent to our solar system to have ten occupied orbits.
-- If we take the diameter of a middling planet of our solar system and we divide it for 10^23, we will have the diameter of a middling electron of any atom.
-- If we take the diameter of our galaxy and we divide it for 10^23, we will have the diameter of a primary cosmic ray
-- If to the diameter of our galaxy we divide it for 10^46, we will have the diameter of a photon since two steps of the fourth dimension exist between them: galaxy, cosmic ray and photon.
But also the equivalence among systems can also solve other questions as the knowledge of the stars particularities.
For example:
All stars have planets and the number of them is relative to the star's mass.
-   To bigger mass of a star � bigger number of planets.
-   To same mass between two stars � same planet number and located at the same distances

(*) This theory understands as primary cosmic ray to particles formed by thousands of atoms rotating in disk form, type galaxy, which move to the speed of the light. These rays would be those that, when entering in our atmosphere, would be dissolved first in loose atoms that would be destroyed later when colliding with the other atoms of the atmosphere. Of this destruction they would produce the subatomic particles that now we know as cosmic rays.
Therefore the number of primary cosmic rays will be minimum with regard to the number of resulting particles. 10^14 about.


Physical elements can be related among them through the different levels of the fourth dimension, being some equals and other relatives.
Space and time will be relative, and therefore energy and matter.
Speed vectors will be equals, to be speed = space / time.
Therefore the matter of a star nucleus will be multiple of the matter of an atomic nucleus. In order to 10^57 (
0'3 ==> 0'248x 10^57).
On the other hand, the speed of the light will be same in all the systems.
The same happens with gravity (that can be considered a speed vector), with the turning speed of electrons and planets, etc.
Therefore and with relationship to gravity we will say that:
Gravity of a solar nucleus = Gravity of an equivalent atomic nucleus.
Demonstration in  GravityEquiv

----Next we give a simple formula to deduce lineal dimensions of any particle knowing the dimensions of another equivalent particles of any different system.
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