Ferman's Cosmos Model Hydrocarbons' Birth
Theory on the hydrocarbons formation and life�s birth, which is exposed in my works Metaphysics treatises 1997, Covalent Composition 1998 and Aster�n the fifth planet of 1998.

In this theory it aims the impossibility that hydrocarbons have been born of the transformation of dead animals and buried in archaic times because with this transformation there would not be enough elements for the production of hydrocarbons neither for a single year with the current consumption.
Different reasons can support this theory, as unusual existence of big quantities of single nitrogen in the atmosphere or the great quantity of water existent in our planet.
In both cases these elements (also oxygen) are residual elements from atmospheric transformations carried out during millions of years.
The development of hydrocarbons it aimed, as we can observe in the beginning square, as result of the chemical transformation of the very abundant products in the cosmic nature as they are
ammonia NH3, carbonic anhydride CO2, and water OH2, (�broth of the life�) everything carried out by the natural solar heat on our planet, with arrangement to the following chemical transformation:
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As we see, this theory bet for an ideal bar of temperature for the birth of life. If temperature were lower or higher than in this bar, very not favourable atmospheric gases for the proliferation of life could exist. With little temperature there would be too much ammonia NH3, which could not be destroyed easily and with a lot of temperature there would be too much CO2 and sulphurous and nitrous acids as well as a destruction of the possible vital chains.
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