Ferman's Cosmos Model Mathematics Language
Real or Imaginary ?

Mathematics was firstly used as measure method of the circumstances and physical events. And maybe this should be its main function.
However, with the development of operations and mathematical systems it is believed to have surpassed the simple measure method to transform mathematics into an expression and demonstration language with which we can discover the whole physical reality.
And would the question be, is mathematics an expression method really?
It seems to be so, of course. Mathematics has so extensive dimensions that it can become method of expression and demonstration of any event.
But here an important problem arises: As expression method, mathematics can embrace any real event, but also any imaginary or invented event.
Therefore when using the mathematical language we can take two options:
--We can make formulations, measures and demonstrations on real physical fact, for which is necessary to check that the mathematical parameters and their resultants coincide with the parameters and physical events and also with their resultants.
---The second option is we can create starting from arbitrary and preconceived mathematical formulations, any creativity or imaginary physics, which we could manage to our will.
And in this second option we seem to be now. Inventing us formulas with which we try to explain an universe to our way, and if the physical laws and therefore the real universe doesn't coincide with our preconceived ideas, we say that it is the real world the one that is incomprehensible, unstable, virtual or simply wrong.
But as it is logical, we always try that this virtual world where we apply our formulas is located far from our reach (as in the micro-space or quantum space; to the speed of light, etc.) and this way we can accept our deceits better.
This way, the physics that we can observe is different from the one that we cannot observe. Here the whole logical and comprehensible physical laws are completed. There, where we don't reach, the laws are different, illogical and incomprehensible. Unacceptable.
Therefore, I believe before explaining complicated mathematical formulas we should know what is mathematics in fact and which it is its real and unreal reach.
It can be wonderful to invent us a universe to our pleasure, but it is sad to be deceived with as many mathematical allegories as we are at the present time.
As example of these errors we can point out:
---The formula of Lorentz to justify the possible increase of mass that Einstein proposed in the particles that come closer to the speed of light, everything due to the ignorance that they have on the property of all energy of having a maximum speed of development.
---The tremendous error of choosing Cartesian coordinates instead of the radial coordinates in the composition of electrons� orbits in quantum mechanics.
---The one of choosing the Planck constant as real number when alone it is an arbitrary quantity to be able to relate frequency with energy.
---The one of creating a Uncertainty Principle or probabilities and later to tell us that physics is really uncertain and that its laws are completed alone there where we are looking. Etc.
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