Ferman's Cosmos  Model Metaphysics: The Live
Mother or Common Cells
Common cells or mothers.
These cells that are the feminine ovum before being fecundated, can be considered as the direct line of the alive beings' descendant.
These cells act as warehouse of all being's vital elements, going at the same time readapting and improving each ones of these elements during the being's live with object of transmitting this development to future generations.
When these common cells are fecundated a transformation process in the same ones begins, in such a way, that each chromosome takes a common cell and a development line until getting the organ that this chromosome takes inscribed.
---Therefore, any chromosome taking a common cell goes transforming it slowly until getting its competence organ.
Of course, it must have a total understanding among the different chromosomes to get an appropriate organization of all the body organs.
---Jointly the grown chromosome will go producing inductors to get the appropriate being's size.
---Also, the maintenance inductors will go trying that each organ has the appropriate cells number with object of maintaining the being living in good state during the maximum time that were possible.
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