Ferman's Cosmos Model

That Einstein is wrong in many of his postulates and concretely when time decrease to the speed of light it could be demonstrated mathematically from points of view relativistic and non-relativistic.
Here, so it is not necessary to mix and to confuse theories, I will put on a demonstrative example from the relativistic point of view exclusively.
Let me put an adjusted example.
Supposedly we have gotten a spacecraft that can circulate next to speed of light.
With this, we will take a trip from the earth to the moon whose distance of us we accept that it is of 390.000 Km.
So that we don't have doubts of the circulated space, we will put kilometric buoys from here to the moon, to go checking the space that we travel.
We take as reference point an observer in the earth and another inside the spacecraft with chronometer clocks.
We take the trip and the observers write down the rounded kilometres and the lapsed time.
According to the theory of the relativity the observer of the earth would give a trip duration near to 1�3 seconds.
On the other hand, the observer located in the spacecraft would give us much smaller time, about 0�6 seconds.
If now each one of them adjusts the speed to that the spacecraft has gone, the results will be surprising.
The observer located in the earth will tell us that the spacecraft circulates at 390.000 / 1�3 = 300.000 km/s and we think that it is guessed right.
On the other hand, the observer located in the spacecraft will tell us that this circulated to a speed of 390.000 / 0�6 = 650.000 Km/s. The mathematic solution cannot be another since space doesn't belong to the spacecraft and it is invariable at any speed.
We see therefore that if the spacecraft circulates to 650.000 Km/s all the relativistic postulates are false since they maintain as invariable the maximum speed that you can get (300.000 km/s).
Therefore the basic principles of the theory of the relativity are against the time decrease to the speed of light.
Also, the error in time decreasing can be demostrated in equation systems where two o more moving objects exist.
Por instance,
---If from earth (A) we throw an object (B) around sun (C) in the same turning speed of earth and in contrary sense.
Then time in  A > B,   but regardin C time in  B = A  and this is not possible.
---Analysing the supposed justification of time decrease that in airplanes the atomic clocks could show, we will see this decrease should be due to the gravity or another circumstance. Let us see: If an airplane lift off from Madrid with destination Mexico and with an approximate speed of 1.700 k/hour, we would have that the atomic clocks would give us a low decrease of time inside the airplane due to the speed with regard to their departure place.
However because earth rotates on itself next to 1.700 K/hour in the contrary sense, it would be Madrid who would take that speed, since the airplane would be really stopped regarding to earth, and therefore, the time decrease on the clock would not be due to the biggest speed.
This means we need to have a stationary space and a stationary time on which we can measure the real speed of an object, and not being this way, all the bodies that are distancing among them would have the same speed the one with regard to the other ones, and none of them will be stationary reference point to validate their speeds.
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