Ferman's Cosmos Model
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Complete link on Cosmology: Cosmos model


he Cosmos had and has its birth because of space and time union in a single body or element.
Therefore, at the beginning only space and time separated one of another existed, and nothing else.
When uniting space and time, each one of them contributed with its properties and characteristics to this union, being born a new element with the properties of both elements. This new element is the energy.
energy is made up of space and time, containing their properties, to know, time contributes to this union with its capacity of rectilinear movement, continuos pass, change amorg tis points; and space grants the site or appropiate place to carry out this movement.
The energy lines are balanced thenselves inside the Universe in all their parallel directions, since when an energy line in a sense exists, always another superimpose line in the contrary sense exists too.
However a direction in which the energy is not balanced or not annuls itself exists, and this is the concentric direction on any point. This happens because on any point of the space, the energy lines that come closer in radial form toward him are not free and separate some of other, but rather when going occupying less and less space these lines go adding or uniting progressively themselves and composing a group that takes own autonomy as energy point in the space.
Therefore, in the Cosmos, energy is annulled in all its directions except in the concentric direction where energy has the property of composing autonomous points.
These energy points that fill the whole space are the primary points of acting energy in the Cosmos and to the
concentric lines that compose them we call them gravitational lines or gravity.
Now well, these energy points due to their porperty of mutual attraction are those that later on will unite to form other bigger energy units (or mass) as they atoms, stars, etc.

-Below I put two schematic drawings of the two mathematical coordinates that give place to the matter ordination in exponential units through the Fourth dimension: Plane and exponential coordinates.
You need Java to see this applet.
NEXT->Fourth Dimension