Filling in the Gaps in American History
When did Africans arrive in the Americas?
This site is a collection of biographies, experiences, commentaries and behind the scenes looks at events in American History dealing with people of African Descent that are generally not recorded in history texts.  Imagine how much more interesting it would have been to learn the Phoenicians were Africans, images remain of early visitors throughout South and Central America, the first Africans to cross the seas were not enslaved, men of African Descent owned property and voted, Africans fought on the side of the British as well as the Colonists during the Revolutionary War, the character Queequeg in Moby Dick was only one of many African whalers and sailors and women successfully ran businesses for centuries.
When did slavery end in non Confederate states?
This Thing Called Freedom
There were artists, inventors, activists, educators, women and men of faith, cowboys, stagecoach drivers, law enforcment oficers, entrepreneurs and more who contributed to the creation and development of this land over and above the labor of those enslaved. I did not read of them in my history classes so hope to raise questions and a desire to learn about more within you.
Elgin Settlement
Fourth of July
Pinkster Festival
The list is by no means inclusive and we welcome your suggestions for additional pages.  Please visit often as new pages are always being added.
Jacqui C. Williams
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