Audience Partici-SAY IT!-pation 
Shout- out Guide
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The film itself is a rare gem, but half the fun in the movie comes from audience participation. 
Rocky Horror is one of a handful of movies that needs to be bitch-slapped back by shouting out things at the screen. 
Have some fun and get some frustration out!
Below is a list of popular lines to shout back at the movie and where they are said.


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, God said "Let there be

lips." And they were, and they were good.


LIPS:           And he told us where we stand...

                - On our feet

LIPS:           Claude Rains was the Invisible Man...

                - Who's Claude Rains ?

LIPS:           They got caught in a celluloid jam...

                - Yeah Jam !

LIPS:           It came from...

                - Where

LIPS:           Outer space...

                - Thank you !

LIPS:           I saw Leo G. Carroll...

                - Was fucking a barrel

LIPS:            When Tarantula took to the hills...

                - Lick it !

LIPS:            And I really got hot when I saw...

                - Janet's twat

LIPS:           That spits poison and kills...

                - Yeah, kills

LIPS:           Dana Andrews said prunes...

                - Gave him the shits

LIPS:            And passing them used lot of skills...

                - Yeah, skills !

LIPS:            But when the worlds collide...

                - Boom !

LIPS:           I'm gonna give ya...

                - Some joints and some pills

LIPS:           Like a...

                - Like what

LIPS:           In the back row...

                - Fuck the back row


RALPH:          Betty's gonna throw the bouquet...

                - Hey Janet, do you have syph ?

RALPH:          Hey, big fellow...

                - How would you know ?

RALPH:          See ya, Brad...

                - See ya sucker

RALPH:          Come on Betty, hop in...

                - Think about it asshole... Wait till tonight, she got hers,

                now he'll get his.

JANET:          Now she's Mrs. Ralph Hapschatt...

                - Hapshit...

BRAD:           Ralph's a lucky guy...

                - No he's not. She's got syph.

WOMAN:          I always cry at weddings...

                - So do I, honey

BRAD:           Betty's a wonderful little cook...

                - She's the hottest baked potato in Denton... Yeah Denton ! The

                home of happiness.

BRAD:           A promotion in a year or two...

                - If he doesn't get busted first

BRAD:           Hey Janet...

                - Sit on my face and wiggle...

BRAD:           I've got something to say...

                - Say it

BRAD:           I really love the...

                - Start's with an "S". Sku...Sku...Sku..Sku...

BRAD:           Skillful way...

                - What a fuckin' genius

BRAD:           You beat the other girls...

                - With whips and chains

BRAD:           To the bridal bouquet...

                - And that too

BRAD:           There's three ways that love can grow...

                - Sex, drugs and rock and roll

BRAD:           That's...

                - Gay, straight and mediocre

BRAD:           Oh J-A-N-E-T...

                - I want a blow

JANET:          I'm so glad you...

                - Fuck Mom and blow Dad

JANET:          Oh, Brad...

                - Oh, shit

JANET:          I'm mad...

                - Oh, shit

BRAD:           Made me...

                - Piss in my pants and then panic

JANET:          Oh, Brad...

                - You fag... I love you


(At the beginning of scene)

                - The man you're about to see has no fuckin' neck. Where's your

                 fuckin' neck ?

CRIM:           I would like...

                - You would, would you ?

CRIM:           If I may...

                - You may

CRIM:           To take you...

                - Where ?

CRIM:           On strange journey...

                - How strange was it ? It was so strange they made a movie about

                it; not the book, the movie.

CRIM:           It was a fairly ordinary night...

                - Ordinary ?

CRIM:           When Brad Majors...

                - Asshole

CRIM:           And his fiancee...

                - Slut

CRIM:           Janet Weiss...

                - Veiss !

CRIM:           Two young healthy kids...

                - Healthy ?

CRIM:           Professor Everett...

                - Snot (Boos and Hisses)

CRIM:           Now friend to both of them...

                - Is it true that you're constipated ?

CRIM:           There were dark storm clouds...

                - Describe your balls

CRIM:           They were driving...

                - Is it true you're gay ?

CRIM:           Badly in need of some air...

                - So's your fuckin' neck

CRIM:           Normal kids...

                - Normal ?

CRIM:           Spoil the events of the evening...

                - Certainly not

CRIM:           On a night out...

                - Come a little bit closer, Chuckie

CRIM:           They were going to remember...

                - For how long ?

CRIM:           A very long time...

                - What a fuckin' drip


(Scene opens)

                - Hey dick, have you ever been a quitter ?

NIXON:          I have never been a quitter...

                - Bullshit

NIXON:          To every instinct in my body...

                - You call that a body ?

NIXON:          But as President...

                - You call that a president ?

NIXON:          The interest of America first...

                - What does America need, dick ?

NIXON:          Needs a full time president...

                - What else ?

BRAD:           To that type...

                - Yeah ! That type !

JANET:          What's the matter Brad ?

                - Make a sound like a cow

BRAD:           A few miles back...

                - Asshole

BRAD:           Just have to turn back...

                - Look out !

JANET:          What was the bang ?

                - A gang bang

BRAD:           That spare tire fixed...

                - Asshole

JANET:          In the middle of nowhere...

                - What's white and sells hamburgers ?

JANET:          I'm coming with you...

                - That'll be a first

JANET:          Might be a beautiful woman...

                - He is !

JANET:          Never come back again...

                - You should be so lucky !

(Before Janet sings)

                - Buy an umbrella you cheap bitch...

                - Sing bitch !

JANET:          There's a guiding star...

                - That must hurt

(Before Riff sings)

                - Sing to us O hairless one !


(At end of song)

                - And Betsy Ross used to sit home and sew and sew and...

CRIM:           That their plight required...

                - Are you sure ?

CRIM:           Or had they ?

                - Nyah-ha-ha


(Doorbell rings)

                - Ding-dong asshole calling.

(door creaks)

                - Say hello. Riff

BRAD:           Hi, my name is Brad Majors...

                - Asshole

BRAD:           My fiancee, Janet Weiss...

                - Veiss !

BRAD:           You have a phone we might use...

                - Look between Janet's legs

JANET:          Yes, it's raining

                - No shit, Sherlock-Are you an asshole, Brad ?

BRAD:           Yes...

                - Are you on drugs, Riff ?

RIFF:           Perhaps you better both...

                - Get lost

RIFF:           Come inside...

                - I don't care where you come, as long as you clean it up.

BRAD:           Hunting lodge for rich weirdoes...

                -Yeah ! Rich weirdoes... Hey Riff, which way ?

RIFF:           This way...

                - Follow the Bouncing Thumb

JANET:          Are you having a party ?

                - No, it's my sister's Bar Mitzvah

RIFF:           It's one of the master's affairs

                - Which one ?

(Clock chimes)

                - Hey Riff, show us your mother

RIFF:           I've got to...

                - Smoke a bowl

RIFF:           I remember doing the time warp...

                - 1, 2

(Before criminologist)

                - How is it done ?

MAGENTA:        Into the time slip...

                - Work that bird

(Columbia's tap dance)

                - 2,4,6,8,10,12,14, Eat your hart out Ann Miller

JANET:          Say something...

                - Say something stupid

BRAD:           How to do the Madison...

                - I do the rock myself, I do the swim

BRAD:           In a bit of a hurry...

                - Left

JANET:          Right...

                - Left

BRAD:           We don't want to be any worry

                -(Simultaneously) We both want to fuck Tim Curry

FRANK:          Stay for the night...

                - Night !

FRANK:          Maybe a bite...

                - Bite

FRANK:          My favourite Obsession...

                - Sex

FRANK:          I've been making a man...

                - You call that a man

FRANK:          Good for relieving my...

                - Sexual

FRANK:          So...

                - What

FRANK:          Come up to the lab...

                - And fuck me on the slab

FRANK:          With antici...

                - Say it, Consta...

FRANK:          So I'll remove...

                - Your clothes. But what about those nasty symptoms ?

(Before Brad says "Thank You")

                - What do you say when Frank fucks you ?

COLUMBIA:       Too nice a job to rush...

                - Yeah, rush !

BRAD:           My name is Brad Majors...

                - Asshole

BRAD:           Janet Weiss...

                - Veiss... Hey Brad, how do you spell urinate ?

COLUMBIA:       Right arm for the privilege

                - Or their left tit.

MAGENTA:        The master does not like to be kept waiting.

                - What do you do to an uncomfortable cock ?

                (pause) Drop it ! Thank you !

RIFF:           We are simply his...

                - Slaves


(Before Frank says "Magenta")

                - What's your favourite color ?

FRANK:          Magenta...

                - Where do you get your pot ?

FRANK:          Go and assist...

                - Woof-woof

BRAD:           Brad Majors...

                - Asshole

BRAD:           My fiancee, Janet Veiss...

                - Weiss !

BRAD:           Weiss...

                - Frank, do you speak French ?

FRANK:          It'll make you feel less...

                - Naked

FRANK:          Offer them...

                - Horse brutality

BRAD:           Ungrateful !

                - Superman !

FRANK:          Perfect specimen of manhood, so...

                - Big

FRANK:          Proud of him, Janet...

                - Hey, Janet, are you a slut ?

RIFF:           Merely await your word...

                - (pause) Hey, Frank, when's the orgy ?

FRANK:          An accident to make it happen...

                - A what ?

FRANK:          That elusive ingredient...

                - Who's your favorite on Star Trek ?

FRANK:          Breath of life...

                - Are you going to fuck everyone in the audience tonight ?

FRANK:          Yes...

                - Do you know about gay sex ?

FRANK:          I have that knowledge...

                - What do you hold under your arm ?

FRANK:          I hold the secret...

                - To Life ?

FRANK:          Destined to be...

                - Fucked !

FRANK:          OK ?

                - Hey Frank, How do you kill roaches ?

FRANK:          Do better than that...

                - Why don't you ask Brad and Janet ?

FRANK:          What do you think of him ?

                - Lie, Janet

JANET:          With too many muscles...

                - Just one big one

FRANK:          Make him glisten...

                - What's your favorite toothpaste ?

FRANK:          Snatch, clean and jerk...

                - Off

FRANK:          One from the vaults

                - A greaser from the freezer, a bat out of hell

FRANK:          Oh Baby !

                - I'm upset

FRANK:          It was a mercy killing...

                - Mercy, mercy, mercy

FRANK:          Make me...

                - Ooh ! Dance with a midget.

FRANK:          Take Charles Atlas by the...

                - Balls

FRANK:          In just seven days...

                - That's a week

FRANK:          Just Dynamic Tension...

                - Sing it bitch


(As scene begins)

                - I say that life is an illusion

CRIM:           Life is an illusion...

                - Like your neck

CRIM:           Figment of our imagination...

                - Like your neck

CRIM:           Somber Bridal...

                - Sweeeeet !

CRIM:           A feeling which...

                - Greeeew ! Unlike your neck.


JANET:          Come in...

                - And out and in again

FRANK:          Why, nothing...

                - Yet !

FRANK:          All bad, is it...

                - It isn't all Brad either

FRANK:          Not all spent yet...

                - For a nickel I will

FRANK:          Cross my heart and hope to die...

                - Stick a Dildoe in my eye


BRAD:           What have you done with Janet ?

                - Fucked the shit out of her

BRAD:           Never, Never...

                - Never, Never

BRAD:           I thought it was the real thing...

                - It is !

FRANK:          Giving your self over to pleasure...

                - It is in New Jersey

FRANK:          Coming !

                - So is Brad


JANET:          Oh, Brad...

                - Oh, Janet

JANET:          Brad, my darling...

                - Janet, my fish

JANET:          How could I have done this to you...

                - It was easy. But it would have been easier without the


JANET:          If only we hadn't made this journey...

                - But you did

JANET:          If only the car hadn't broken down...

                - But it did

JANET:          If only we were amongst friends...

                - But you aren't

JANET:          Or sane persons...

                - Two out of three ain't bad

ROCKY:  (Crying)

                - Leave him alone, he's monster bating.

JANET:          Did they do this to you...

                - They sure did ! Those snivelling shits !

JANET:          Dress your wounds...

                - And undress mine

JANET:          Baby there...

                - That's no baby Janet 1, 2, 3, Hey Janet, you wanna fuck ?


CRIM:           Mental state...

                - And you can only read about it, Shitlips

CRIM:           A highly and irrational...

                - Mouthwash

CRIM:           Janet was indeed...

                - A nymphomaniac


JANET:          I was feeling done in...

                - And pushed up

JANET:          Couldn't win...

                - Like the Mets

JANET:          I only ever kissed before...

                - What a crock of shit

JANET:          I thought there's no use getting...

                - Laid

JANET:          And seat wetting...

                - Yeah ! Wet seats !

JANET:          I want more...

                - More, more, more

JANET:          And rub you down...

                - Down, down, down

(As Frank starts whipping)

                - Hit him ! Hit him, again ! Hit him, harder !

RIFF:           Master, we have visitor...

                - What does Captain Kirk say to his Chief Engineer ?

BRAD:           Happens to be a friend of mine...

                - What's your favorite fruit drink ?

FRANK:          You came here on...

                - A porpoise !

BRAD:           I was telling...

                - A lie

RIFF:           The intruder has entered the building, master...

                - Where could he be ?

FRANK:          In the Zen Room !

                - Not the Zen Room !

FRANK:          In person...

                - Oh, no, not the Triple-Contact-Electro-Magnet

SCOTT:          Frank-N-Furter...

                - Mit Kraut !

SCOTT:          We meet at last...

                - No, we meet at first

SCOTT:          Brad, what are you doing here ?

                - Oh, just fucking around

FRANK:          What Brad Majors is doing here...

                - Getting a good head

FRANK:          I know Brad is...

                - You promised you wouldn't tell

SCOTT:          To find Eddie...

                - Sweaty

FRANK:          What do you know of Eddie, Dr. Scott ?

                - Get conceited !

SCOTT:          Eddie happens to be...

                - My dinner !

(Janet moans)

                - You blew it, bitch !... Musketeer role call, sound off

(Repeat all names, after each "Rocky")

                - Uhhh !

MAGENTA:        Master, dinner is prepared...

                - And we helped ! What do you think of oral sex ?

FRANK:          Formal dress to be optional...

                - Toga ! Toga ! Toga !


(Various ad-libs while dinner is served)

FRANK:          A toast...

                - To cannibalism

FRANK:          Happy birthday to you...

                - Woo !

FRANK:          Happy birthday to you...

                - Woo !

FRANK:          Shall we ?

                - Hey Riff, deal me a slice

FRANK:          Another slice, anyone ?

                - And you took the food right out of my mouth, oh it must have

                been while you were chewing me.

FRANK:          Dr. Scott...

                - Janet, Brad, Rocky, uhhh !

SCOTT:          From the day he was born...

                - Not the night, but the day

SCOTT:          He was trouble...

                - Not monopoly, but trouble

SCOTT:          He was the thorn...

                - Not the rose, but the thorn

SCOTT:          In his mother's side...

                - Not the back, but the side

SCOTT:          She tried in vain...

                - Not the artery, but the vein

SCOTT:          Nothing but shame....

                - Shame, shame, shame...

SCOTT:          He left home the day she died...

                - It's rockin' Scott

(After next four lines...)

                - Shoo-Bop, Shoo-Bop, Bop

CRIM:           Low-down cheap little punk...

                - Yeah, punk !

SCOTT:          But he must have been drawn...

                - Shoo-Bop, Shoo-Bop, Bop

(Also after next two lines)

SCOTT:          In a note which reads...

                - What's it say, what's it say ?


BRAD:           You mean...

                - A vibrator

CRIM:           And then she cried out...

                - More ! More ! More!

JANET:          You're a hot dog !

                - Who's Tim Curry ?

COLUMBIA:       I loved you...

                - What did you say ?

FRANK:          Not easy having a good time...

                - Try Disneyworld

FRANK:          And you shall receive it in abundance...

                - What tastes good on corn flakes ?


CRIM:           Brad and Janet had both tasted...

                - Frank's cock

CRIM:           Forbidden fruit...

                - Yeah ! Frank's cock !

CRIM:           Of little morals...

                - Yeah ! Little morals !

CRIM:           And some persuasion...

                - Yeah ! Persuasion !

CRIM:           And what of the Floor Show

                - Yeah ! Floor Show !

CRIM:           What indeed...

                - Where do you masturbate ?

CRIM:           In an empty house...

                - When do you masturbate ?

CRIM:           In the middle of the night...

                - The rates are cheaper

CRIM:           Crazed imagination...

                - Yeah ! Diabolical plan that seized Frank's crazed imagination.

CRIM:           That this was going to be...

                - A picnic ?

CRIM:           No picnic...

                - Oh shit ! And I brought the ants !


COLUMBIA:       The only thing that gives me hope...

                - Is smoking dope

COLUMBIA:       My love of a certain dope...

                - Yeah ! Dope

ROCKY:          I am just seven hours old...

                - And can't dance

ROCKY:          The only thing I've come to trust...

                - Is Janet's bust

ROCKY:          Rush of lust...

                - Yeah ! Rush !

FRANK:          Whatever happened to Fay Wray ?

                - She went apeshit !

FRANK:          As it clung to her thigh...

                - What ? The apeshit ?

FRANK:          How I started to cry...

                - I'd cry too, if I had apeshit on my thigh

FRANK:          I wanted to dressed just the same...

                - So did I, honey

(Various ad-libs while Frank is in Pool)

SCOTT:          We've got to get...

                - The fuck

SCOTT:          My mind may snap...

                - Crackle and pop

SCOTT:          My life will be lived...

                - Ok ! America, show us your underalls

JANET:          God bless Lili St. Cyr...

                - Hey Frank, whose pool is it ?

FRANK:          Wait...

                - Can you explain ?

FRANK:          I can explain...

                - This better be good, you got shot the last time.

(Start of "I'm going home" music)

                - Ladies and Gentlemen, for one night and one night only,

                Alfalfa's shadow.

FRANK:          I want to come again...

                - So does Brad !

MAGENTA:        How sentimental...

                - You bitch

SCOTT:          Society must be protected...

                - Fuck society !

RIFF:           Say good-bye to all of this...

                - Good-bye, to all of this

RIFF:           And Hello...

                - Hello

RIFF:           To oblivion...

                - Hi oblivion, how's the wife and kids ? (pause) First one to

                scream gets it right                      between the tits.

MAGENTA:        They liked you...

                - Get paranoid, Riff

SCOTT:          You did right...

                - Slowly I turn, step by step, inch by inch

SCOTT:          You OK by me...

                - Na-Nu, Na-Nu

RIFF:           I'm sorry about your...

                - Dinner ?

SCOTT:          Eddie ?

                - No, Penelope-What should they do ?

RIFF:           My most...

                - Ugly Q-tip

MAGENTA:        Ah, sweet Transexual...

                - You called

MAGENTA:        Land of night...

                - And high electric bills

MAGENTA:        To take that...

                - Start's with an "S". Stu...Stu...


CRIM:           And crawling around on the planet's face...

                - What are disco people ?

CRIM:           Lost in time...

                - What's your favorite TV show ?

CRIM:           And lost in space...

                - What does this movie lack ?

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