Prop List

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During the showing of the film, some people like to add to the enjoyment by pulling out props.
Due to the facility (my house), some props can't be used but the ones listed below are fine for household use.

NEWSPAPER - During a thunderstorm, Brad and Janet are forced to vacate their car as it has a flat tire. As they proceed to head towards a castle they spotted "back there", Janet places a newspaper ( specifically the Plain Dealer ) over her head. You should do likewise because of the next prop that occurs.

FLASHLIGHTS -  In the song "Over at the Frankenstein Place", the verse of "...there's a light" should compel to you to light up with what you have available. There is also an option with the smokers to use a lighter, but remember if you burn down the house, you pay for it.
Also, newspaper from the scene just prior tends to burn quickly with open flames. If you burn anything except a cigarette, you will not be coming back, period.

SURGICAL GLOVES - Preferably new ones. Dr. Frank N. Furter has a habit of snapping his gloves on his wrist during and after the creation speech. Audience participation requires crucial timing in this event to add to the effect.

PARTY MAKERS - Virtually anything that makes noise and is used at parties and/or New year's Eve celebrations. After Frank finishes his "Mad Doctor's Creation Speech", the Transylvanians and the audience should offer noise and applause.

PARTY HAT - Frank leads the table members into donning their party hats for the festive occasion. Feel free to join in and put yours on. Any color is fine and tassels are optional.

BELL - When Dr. Frank N. Furter asks the question, "Did I hear the bell ring ?" during the song "Planet Schmanet", you can ring your bell or jingle keys for an answer.

CARDS - Any kind of cards will do during the song of "I'm Going Home", when Frank sings the phrase, "cards for sorrow, cards for pain." It is advisable not to use credit cards.

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