People's Problem with 1/Lizzie and 3/4

by Tako

I thought of a crazy theory. I always wonder why people in general are crazy about 3/4 but they hate 1/Lizzie. The couples, 1/Lizzie and 3/4, are similar in the way that they have (I think) the most canon evidence, but more people still lean toward 1/5 rather than 1/Lizzie. Why is this? Well, I thought of a crazy theory: people have a problem with a small guy paired up with a larger girl.

Let's take 1/Lizzie first. While around the same height, Lizzie is definitely larger. I think, to most people, it just looks kind of wrong to see smaller male with a larger female. Therefore, most people deem this couple an awful mismatch doomed to obscurity and oblivion. On the other hand, Numbuh 5 is about the same size as Numbuh 1....

That said, let's take 3/4. Does it fit under this same category? YES. Numbuh 4 is quite obviously shorter than Numbuh 3. Aha! A hole in my theory, isn't it? If people find short guy/tall girl a bit disturbing, then why is this the most popular KND couple, by far? Part of it must be that there are countless 3/4 hints in the show and also that their relationship isn't as tumultuous as Numbuh 1's and Lizzie's is. However, I have--from my [limited] fanfiction-reading--found a disturbingly common pattern: stories one or more years ahead of the show's timeline often have a Numbuh 4 who has just had a growth spurt, conveniently placing him taller than, yes, Numbuh 3.

Why the urge? Why the need? I can't be sure, but I think that my theory is at least partially behind this. What do you think?

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