Couples: Mix

Romance: List -- Internal -- Mix -- External

1/86 | 1/Lizzie | 1/Katie | 1/blonde DC | 2/86 | 2/Cree | 3/30C | 3/86 | 3/Sandy | 3/the Kid | 4/86 | 4/Lizzie | 5/274 | 5/Heinrich | 5/helmet DC | 5/Stickybeard

This section is for couples involving one member of the main five KND (Numbuhs 1-5) and one person not of the main five characters, thereby a mix between internal and external. You may have also noticed that most of the KND/DC couples were taken off. The reason for this is because the ones I had up here were completely arbitrary. Really, there are 25 possible KND/DC ones, and I only had 5 of them, which were chosen by methods I have no idea of. Also, they weren't very helpful. There wasn't a listing of proof and all of the opinions were basically the same, so I removed most of them.

#1 and #86

  • In Operation: F.U.G.I.T.I.V.E., they argue a lot, and Numbuh 86 is usually right next to Numbuh 1, telling him that he's doing everything wrong.
  • In Operation: E.N.D., she attempts to decommission him (and I'll add that she seems to enjoy calling him "Nigel") and says things like, "It's always the hard way with you, Nigel. Just the way I like it!" and, "Now it's personal!" I interpret those as hints. ^_^
Tako's Opinion: Hehe, I like this one. I think it's rather cute how Numbuh 86 picks on him. I bet, in addition to having gone to kindergarten together, that they also see each other when Numbuh 1 has to decommission people.
Ika's Opinion: I don't really like it. I can see where people are coming from with this couple, and there was a lot of evidence in E.N.D., but I still don't really like it. First of all, they don't seem to have a very good relation with each other after F.U.G.I.T.I.V.E. As for E.N.D., I found the evidence kind of creepy, with the "That's how I like it" thing. If I had to choose a couple for Numbuh 1, this wouldn't be my top choice.

Well, I know this picture doesn't have any proof about it, but doesn't it seem that Numbuh 1 is concerned for Numbuh 86?

#1 and Lizzie

  • In Operation: L.I.Z.Z.I.E., well... she's his girlfriend. 'Nuff said.
  • In Operation: Q.U.I.E.T., she comes in the middle of the night just to see #1 and won't leave until he, or someone dressed like him, comes.
  • In Operation: D.A.T.E., they go to the dance together and hold hands at the end.
  • In Operation: C.A.K.E.D.-T.W.O., Lizzie loses #1's trust but regains it with her daredevil dive that defeats the Delightful Children's cake (whew).
  • In Operation: L.E.A.D.E.R., they were going to go to a football game together as a date.
  • In Operation: P.O.O.L., #1 can tell that Eizzil isn't Lizzie by looking at her eyes and they also hug and hold hands a lot and Lizzie gets jealous when #1 was talking with Eizzil.
  • Lizzie is rather pushy, resorting to using a helmet that can fuse into people's brains. She also isn't fond of the Kids Next Door.
  • She can't tell the difference between #1 and #4-dressed-up-like-#1, or even worse: she can.
Tako's Opinion: Well, this is kind of an existing couple, even though it's not the most stable of couples. Oh, well, I personally think that the two of them will stick together and that this couple is rather cute, especially with the other members of the KND teasing #1 and the fact that #1 and Lizzie always make up after their arguments. Also, their relationship is just so funny.
Ika's Opinion: I think it's cute. Since they already go out, it's very probable, so you don't have to worry about the likeliness. Ever since I saw L.I.Z.Z.I.E., I have thought that they're a good match for each other and look really cute together.

Numbuh 1 and Lizzie walking away from the mess of the restaurant holding hands.  Aww...

#1 and Katie

  • #1 blushed when she smiled at him when they first met. There is a chance that Katie could be real because, assuming that she's a reflection of what #1 thinks is the "perfect girl", then there's a high chance that a) a girl like that exists somewhere in the world, or b) #1 knew someone like that when he was young. Does that make sense?
Tako's Opinion: I must say that maybe it could possibly happen, but I don't know... Katie annoyed the heck out of me when I first saw her, so I wouldn't really like #1 to be with her, but that's just my opinion.
Ika's Opinion: I thought it was really creepy how Katie would not give Numbuh 1 some time to himself. At first, when they were exploring the island together, I thought it could work out, but when #1 started getting suspicious, I think he didn't like her anymore, so I don't really like this couple.

Katie watches Numbuh 1 with concern.  (Operation: U.T.O.P.I.A.)

#1 and the blonde-haired girl from the DCFDTL

Proof: None.
Tako's Opinion: It's um... interesting, but... I don't know, the blonde-haired Delightful Child doesn't seem to be #1's type.
Ika's Opinion: Well, all KND/DC pairings are kind of iffy and lack evidence, but I guess #1 and the blonde DC are the main ones that would be paired together. I don't think it could work out between them, but it's not that bad.

#2 and #86

  • Well... in Operation: P.I.N.K.-E.Y.E., #2 was kind of flirting with her, with his offering to walk her back to class and calling her, "toots" and stuff.
Tako's Opinion: Wow, I used to not really like this couple, but after seeing PINK-EYE, I think the proof was really cute and pulled off so nicely that I started liking 2/86. It's not my favorite 2-couple, but I think it's really cute.
Ika's Opinion: Hm... I think that PINK-EYE was kind of cute, but #86 was kind of scary when her nostrils flared. Like Tako, I think the evidence was done pretty well. However, I still don't like 2/86 that much.

#2 and Cree

  • In Operation: S.U.P.P.O.R.T., it is very obvious that #2 has a crush on Cree. Also, Cree takes out her anger on #1 a WHOLE LOT, but leaves #2 alone. But then again, that may be because he was hiding under the bed.
  • In Operation: K.I.S.S., it's still very obvious that #2 likes Cree and Cree likes teenage #2. They can sit in a restaurant just looking at each other and sighing.
Tako's Opinion: Hm... I think this couple is really cute, even though there's a big age difference. The only thing compromising this couple is that Cree is kind of disgusted by Numbuh 2, but if she came to like him, I think it would be really cute. I must say that I prefer the couple of 2/5, but 2/Cree is also a cute couple.
Ika's Opinion: I think this couple is cute because Numbuh 2 obviously has a crush on Cree. I think that Operation K.I.S.S. was really cute, but I guess a little sad how Cree now hates Numbuh 2. This couple may be a bit unlikely, but I think it deserves a chance.

Is this the cutest picture or what?  Numbuh 2 and Cree smiling at each other.Numbuh 2 realizes he's been holding Cree's hand the entire time...

#3 and #30C

  • In A.R.C.T.I.C., #3 thought #30c was cool and #30C thought that #3 was cute, and #3 also said in her happy voice, "Be careful, 30C!"
Tako's Opinion: Hm... I like this one. Not only do they both like each other, but their names rhyme. ^_^;; One problem, though, is that Numbuh 30C is a really minor character and he's only appeared once. Also, he doesn't really strike me as the kind of guy that would spend too much time with a girl.
Ika's Opinion: I think this one is really cute. I don't think that a relationship would work out between them because he's a minor character, and it justs seems that he doesn't really get involved with serious relationships. But it would still be cute if he came back and there was more evidence.

#3 and #86

  • At the end of Operation: S.L.U.M.B.E.R., #3 offered to be #86's friend even though no one else did.
Tako's Opinion: For some reason, I can see the two of them being really cute friends, but not really anything more than that.
Ika's Opinion: I don't see a very strong relationship between them because #3 doesn't seem to especially like #86 (like at the end of FUGITIVE), and #3 is the type of person to want to be friends with everybody.

#3 and Sandy

  • They er... almost got married in B.E.A.C.H. Numbuh 3 also commented that she thought that Sandy was kind of cute.
Tako's Opinion: I'm not sure if there's anyone who supports this couple. My opinion is that I think it's not really possible because #3 was only pretending to marry Sandy.
Ika's Opinion: Sandy is pretty pathetic, but I feel sorry for him, so I don't think there's anything wrong with this couple.

#3 and the Kid

  • They sure were flirting a lot in Operation: C.A.K.E.D.-F.O.U.R.
Tako's Opinion: Ehm... I'm more of a 2/the Kid kind of person. I really didn't enjoy the part of the episode where they were flirting. It's also been done before (with 3/30C and 3/Sandy), so it's getting a bit old.
Ika's Opinion:I didn't really like it either because that kid seemed a lot different than the kid in D.O.G.F.I.G.H.T. I mean, he didn't even sound the same. But anyway, I think the kid should end up with someone other than #3.

#4 and #86

  • In Operation: E.N.D., #86 admits that she always thought that #4 was kind of cute.
  • Not sure if this counts, but in Operation: F.U.G.I.T.I.V.E., #4 was really happy to guard the dandelion, even though he's usually grumpy.
  • In Operation: S.L.U.M.B.E.R., #4 sure was eager to go on a super secret mission with #86...
Tako's Opinion: After watching E.N.D., I can see how this couple is backed up, and I think it's kind of cute, but I'd like to point out that #86 merely thought that #4 was cute (which is different than having a crush), and he wasn't nearly cute enough to get out of decommissioning. Oh, well, it's still a cute couple.
Ika's Opinion: I agree with Tako; I really don't think it's a crush kind of thing. I don't know, I don't really like this couple. They don't really seem to like each other.

Numbuh 86 confesses a secret to Numbuh 4.

#4 and Lizzie

  • Well, um... Lizzie evidently did kiss him a lot, even though he was disguised as #1 in Operation: Q.U.I.E.T. �_�;; And his bald cap was falling off, so Lizzie should have known it wasn't #1.
Tako's Opinion: I think it's really funny and cute, but I don't really consider it seriously.
Ika's Opinion: This couple is more of a joke couple, really, but it's funny and kind of cute.

It's hard to get a picture of Numbuh 4 and Lizzie together, so this is all we have (Operation: Q.U.I.E.T.).

#5 and #274

  • In Operation: C.H.A.D., he carried her to the KND ship when her leg got blasted by Mega Mom's ray, and #5 put her hand on #274's shoulder when she thanked him for saving her.
Tako's Opinion: Eh, previously, I said that I didn't like this one. That's strange. I actually do like this couple. I think it's really interesting. It's kind of odd that more people don't like it.
Ika's Opinion: I think it's cute. I wish they would do more with it, but sadly they haven't and they probably never will.

Numbuh 274 rescuing Numbuh 5 from Mega Mom's blast.

#5 and Heinrich

  • Well, in J.E.W.E.L.S., there's not really any solid proof, but they evidently have some history together, and Numbuh 5 also teases him by calling him "Heiny". Also, once, Heinrich called her "Abigail liebchen-honey" (where "liebchen" means "sweetheart" or "love" or whatever).
  • In R.A.B.B.I.T., #5 yells in concern when Heinrich fell into the chocolate volcano.
Tako's Opinion: I think it's pretty cute. I definitely can see it happening. However, Heinrich wouldn't be my first choice if I wanted to pair Numbuh 5 up with somebody.
Ika's Opinion: It's okay. I think it was kind of cute how he seemed so hurt about the events in Guatemala, and from the conversation in the episode, it seemed that there was some sort of misunderstanding between them, and so Heinrich became mad at her, or something. But, anyway, I think it's kind of cute.

#5 and the helmeted boy from the DCFDTL

Proof: Zilch.
Tako's Opinion: I think it'd be really funny if sometime in the future, a person mentions a lice epidemic going around the school and then #5 and the helmet guy both say, "Ugh, lice," and then they turn to face each other and both say, "You hate lice too? Wait a second, you're the one that gave me lice!" ^o^ Yep, that'd be funny.
Ika's Opinion: I think it's kind of weird, but I guess it is one of the better KND/DC couples.

#5 and Stickybeard

  • Well, in Operation: P.I.R.A.T.E.,
    1. when #5 refuses to give up her special stash of candy, Stickybeard says (and I quote): "As you wish, my sweet-toothed maiden. I'll take ye both."
    2. Then, when #5 tries to escape, Stickybeard offers her the position of first mate. Sounds to me like the pirate equivalent of a proposal. XD
    3. #5 also calls Stickybeard, "Stickybun." XD
  • In Operation: Q.U.I.E.T., #5 catches Stickybeard when he comes swinging through the window.
  • At the end of Operation: A.F.L.O.A.T., Stickybeard saves #5's life and they end the episode on a very friendly note.
Tako's Opinion: To tell the truth, I've liked this couple for a long time, but I've been too shy to put it up because of the large age difference they have. But now that I know that there are other people that like it, I must say that I think it's cute. Stickybeard really seems like he fancies #5.
Ika's Opinion: I think this one is kind of cute, but I don't think I like it much as Tako... They do both like candy, so I guess maybe it could work. I also think Tako may be stretching the proof a bit, but that's okay.

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