Maid Service 07

What seemed like a week later, Gustav cornered Tom and demanded to know what he did that caused Bill to mope around the house, doing housework without conversing or smiling. The first time this happened, Tom shoved Gustav away, saying it wasn't his fault for Bill's moody behaviour. The second and third time he was cornered happened in a much similar fashion, but by the fourth time, he was just annoyed with Gustav and told Gustav everything. Gustav didn't believe him at first, but started believing once he saw Bill glance at Tom and flush deeply before going back to whatever it was that he was doing. It was strange, really, to see Bill acting in such a way and he planned on rectifying that soon...

Which, in actuality, prooved to be harder than what it looked like. Bill dodged his questions and hardly ever answered him, ignoring him when he got too persistent. There was that one time that Gustav pushed Bill too far and landed himself with a faceful of soap suds, which resulting in a sudsy type of war and leaving both men covered in the suds from head to foot. When Gustav glanced at Bill, Bill was smiling. He went up to Gustav and hugged him tightly, thanking him profusely and confusing poor Gustav. Gustav had asked Bill why he had been thanked, but Bill just smiled and hugged Gustav tighter.

Things got back to normal after that...or as normal as one could get in the household of four teenage men with raging hormones and tension abound.


"I thought I had told you to not touch the planting seeds until you consulted me first." Bill scowled at Tom, arms crossed over his chest.

"You've been busy the past few days," Tom said, trying to reason with the irritated male. "I didn't want to bother you, so I did it myself."

Bill sighed heavily, shaking his head. "I can only hope that you didn't do a too bad job," he murmured, looking up at Tom expectantly. "Well, come on. Show me what you did."

Tom smiled lightly, taking hold of Bill's hand and lead him to the backyard where the garden had been recovered. He bit his lip and stood on the back porch as Bill went to investigate the moderately sized garden, making small noises of appreciation here and there.

"You did a good job," Bill commented, standing upright and turned to Tom, smiling. "I'm surprised."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tom asked, raising an eyebrow.

Bill shrugged. "Not much of anything," he replied. "I never thought you'd be the kind to actually have the talent to plant seeds and then grow them." He grinned. "I do hope you don't mind caring for the garden once I'm gone."

"Not at all," Tom said, returning the smile. "I find it relaxing to be out here, really."

"Well, that's good," Bill said, smiling. "Care to join me in making lunch?"

Tom stared at Bill. "I thought you hated other people in the kitchen when you made food."

Bill flushed pink, biting his lip. "I'm slowly trying to get over that," he mumbled. "Gustav's already helped me on numerous foods already. I guess I'm just nervous someone will learn the recipe for my specialities."

"Only you," Tom said, chuckling softly. "Well, I can't resist such an offer; lead the way."

Bill smiled and lead Tom into the kitchen, ordering him around the kitchen when he deemed fit, only getting tiny complaints from Tom as he did so. Halfway through making the large dinner Bill was planning, Tom decided he was bored of sitting on the stool Bill had him on and, seeing the flour in front of him, picked up a handful and proceeded to sneak up on Bill and drop the flour on top of Bill. Bill, not noticing the flour at first, noticed when Tom failed to keep his giggles quiet. He slowly turned to Tom, a playful scowl on his face.

"You do realize, that this means war." That was all Bill said before he tackled Tom to the floor, knocking over the bag of flour in the process. Chaos was what the kitchen looked like when Gustav wandered in, wondering when dinner was going to be served. He first looked around the kitchen before searching out Bill and, unknowingly, Tom. Not seeing either, he shook his head.

"Bill?" Gustav saw a flour-covered head pop up from behind the island and eyes rimmed in black staring at him.

"Can I help you?" Bill blinked slowly at Gustav, surveying the damage done the the kitchen at the same time. You couldn't tell, but he was smiling.

"Yeah, what did you do to the kitchen?" Gustav raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. "It looks like a warzone in here."

"Technically, it is a warzone," Bill said, giggling softly. "Tom started it all. It's not my fault."

"Bullshit." Tom's head popped up from behind the island next to Bill's. "You were the one who started throwing the whipped cream."

"Oh, hell no," Bill said, turning to face Tom. "I never had the whipped cream out and you're retarded arse went in the fridge and got it." He pouted. "I was saving that for desert, too."

"Amoung other things," Tom muttered, earning himself a smack on his head for it.

Gustav shook his head, sighing softly. �Any idea when dinner�s going to be?� he asked.

�To be honest,� Bill said, looking around; �I think it may be another hour or so before I can even think about finishing dinner. This place is a mess!�

�You can clean it up later,� Tom said, lifting himself up.

�And let the insects get to it?� Bill retorted, raising an eyebrow. �No, thanks.�

�Then Tom and I will do it while you finish dinner,� Gustav said, stepping further into the kitchen. �I do believe we�re all hungry.�

�Hagen�s always hungry,� Tom quipped, brushing off the flour on his being as best he could.

�You are, too, you bottomless pit,� Bill teased, standing and brushing down his outfit and hair. �This is going to take forever to wash out.�

�I may be a bottomless pit, unlike Georg, who�s a black hole.� Tom grabbed the cleanest rag he could find and started wiping away the flour on the island.

�Too true.� Bill tiled his head side to side briefly before wandering through the mess and to the fridge, taking out some items before closing the door and wandering through the mess again.


Dinner was served with Bill and Tom still covered with flour and Gustav with little dabs of flour here and there. Georg looked at them all before shrugging and tucking into his dinner with gusto, beaming his praise throughout. The kitchen managed to get clean before then, but there was a need for another shopping trip soon; more than half of the bag of flour was gone and the whipped cream was gone thanks to Tom.

It wasn�t until dinner was finished, Georg and Tom heading upstairs for some time alone, that Gustav pulled Bill aside, pinning him lightly against the nearest wall.

�What�s going on between you and Tom?�

�What makes you think Tom and I have something going on?� Bill shot back, frowning lightly. �We�re only friends, nothing more.�

Gustav frowned also, staring into Bill�s eyes as if they had all the answers. �You sure?� he asked softly, leaning close to Bill.

�One hundred percent,� Bill replied, leaning forward a little, eyes hooded.

Gustav pulled away suddenly, nodding. �Just wondering.� With that, Gustav headed out of the dining room without another look back, leaving Bill to lean against the wall.

Bill blinked, unmoving until he realized that the dishes had to be done before he could retire for the night. Shaking his head, Bill collected the dishes, putting the leftovers in the fridge before getting to work on the dishes.


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