Parasite 08

Rated: NC-17 ~ Warnings: mild horror, twincest, angst, MPREG, beastiality/xenophilia ~ Pairing: none ~ Notes: I implore y'all who are reading this - tread carefully. I don't want to get hate mail from people who don't read the warnings and read on.

Rowen watched Lucas squirm in place, frowning. In the past several hours he had watched Lucas, Rowen had thought Lucas would die when he saw what was happening before his eyes. He watched Lucas' body expand, shrink, and bleed profusely. He had watched Lucas' skin go from the healthy tan he had loved so much pale into the perfect moonkissed skin. He had fallen asleep while listening to his twin make all kinds of noises, so many of them from pleasure. The darkened arms and legs was new to Rowen, as were the tattoos.

Lucas looked at him, arms unconciously wrapped around his stomach. "Hi," he said softly.

Rowen blinked, frowning. "Hi?" he echoed. "That all you can say to me when I've been worrying about you for the past day! What the hell, Lucas?!"

Lucas winced. "What do you want me to say?" he asked.

"What the hell happened?" Rowen retorted, frown still in place.

Lucas led Rowen silently back to the bedroom, both sitting on the edge of the bed. Rowen stared at Lucas, looking him up and down, staring at the small bluge there.

"What the hell?"

"You seem to be attatched to that phrase," Lucas teased lightly, smiling. "I think it'd be better if you went through it yourself, but..." He trailed off and shrugged.

"What do you mean 'go through it'?" Rowen questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Lucas sighed. "We have been chosen," he whispered. "You wouldn't know until you were shown."

Rowen blinked and shook his head. "Joshua must have hit you harder than I thought," he said slowly.

"Where is Joshua, actually?" Lucas asked, looking around. "Scott, too, for that matter."

Rowen shrugged, not answering. He kept staring at Lucas' stomach, wondering if he was seeing things when his twin's stomach gave a shiver and grew ever so slightly. He shook his head and looked up at Lucas, seeing him smiling and looking down at his stomach.

One of us.

Lucas looked up just as Rowen looked around frantically. Lucas only smiled and went back to staring at his stomach, rubbing it gently. Rowen eyed Lucas warily, knowing he had heard it as well.

Do not resist. Your twin accepts us, just as you should.

Rowen looked at Lucas, whom was nodding. "Don't fight, just let it happen," Lucas whispered. "It only hurts if you resist." Lucas' hands were cradling his stomach gently.

A haze creeped into Rowen's mind. He tried to fight it at first, but the pain engulfing him had him submitting to the fog, falling into unconciousness. Lucas watched Rowen submit to the creatures, smiling lightly. Everything would be alright now.


Rowen awoke, sitting up quickly and looking around frantically. He saw a brief light in the distance and getting closer. It was almost like a train coming towards you, but then it also was like walking into the light after you've died. The light bathed Rowen in its warmth, bringing a smile to Rowen's lips.

One of us.

Silently, Rowen nodded, feeling a presence around him, caressing him gently, lovingly.

You are quick to accept. Do you accept the great and precious task given to you?

Again, Rowen silently nodded. The light faded, revealing a dark creature with pale, piercing eyes. Rowen stared up at the creature in a semblence of fear and awe. This creature called to him, making him want to do things that would otherwise terrify him. Had this how Lucas felt?

Your twin was more reluctant to submit. You accept fate for what it is?

"I do," Rowen whispered, watching the creature kneel before him. A clawed hand came up and cupped Rowen's face while another clawed hand went to his stomach.

Lay down. Do not move. It will only hurt more, should you move.

Like an obedient puppy, Rowen lay down and let the creature tower over him. The clawed hand resting on his stomach clenched and tore into the soft flesh of his stomach. As the claws dug into his stomach, a numbing effect came over Rowen, not allowing him to feel the pain of the creature was surely making by digging a small crevice in his stomach. The pleasent warmth the claws were giving off had a pleasing effect on Rowen, allowing the hazy pleasure to wash over and cover him like a blanket. He felt the creature curl its clawed hand into a fist just before the potent stench of rotting flesh and copper reached his nose. He scrunched his nose up and ignored the stench. Surely, even if it stunk to high heaven, he'd be fine.

Rowen watched the creature bend low and laved at the pool of black blood that stunk of rotten flesh and copper, laving at the torn rim of the shallow crevice. Rowen brought a curious hand down, letting his fingertips dip into the black pool, bringing the tips to his lips and licking them clean. He closed his eyes, feeling his body absorb the blood and closing the wound. Another pleasent haze washed over him; an acceptence. The scar he now bore on his stomach was that of great honour - a match to Lucas'.

The ache of pleasure was growing to be painful. Unknowingly, Rowen spread his legs, exposing himself to the creature with a soft, keening moan. The creature blinked; Lucas had taken longer to accept the change, but it seemed to come naturally to Rowen. The creature leaned forward again, running damp claws against Rowen's exposed bottom, teasingly dipping a tip in before going back to caressing the pert bottom. Rowen's breath hitched, his own fingers trying in vain to entre his hole entirely; he was aching to be filled in given way. The fuller he was, the better he felt.

Pleasure must build up. Preparation must be done. The creature then slipped a claw into Rowen, grinning as Rowen gladly accepted the intrusion, pushing back, asking - aching - for more. Your pinnacle rises higher and faster than your twin's. Another claw was added as the creature relished in the eager acceptence of its claws. Let the pleasure build. The creature wrapped its other clawed hand around Rowen's length, stroking it until it was rigid in its hand before cutting off the pleasure of release. This will be needed, but not too soon. The more rigid your body becomes, the greater chance there is to keep you permanently.

Rowen whimpered when his released was forestalled. "Fuck," he whispered quietly. The pleasure overpowered the pain, making him all the more hungry for the relief of release.

The creatures entire clawed hand was deep inside Rowen, yet Rowen was still aching for more. Curiously, the creature kept Rowen's release away from him as the creature slid yet another claw into Rowen's eager body. Rowen bit his lip to keep from crying out. The pleasure was intense, forcing a small whimper from his tightly clenched lips.

"Do it." Rowen arched his body. "Fuck, just do it."

The creature didn't heed Rowen's words, slipping out a claw as it closed its hand into a fist and pounding against Rowen's pleasure spot. Rowen's eyes shot open, nearly screaming from the intense pleasure he was recieving.

One of us.

Rowen nodded frantically, clenching his arse as the creature slowly removed its clawed hand. Rowen knew he was bleeding, mixing with a cool substance coming from inside of himself, creating a pleasing tingle through his body. He looked at the creature, letting his head fall back as the creature leaned forward and swiftly entred him. Release was so close yet so far for Rowen, clenching tightly around the creature, trying to milk something, anything out of it. He was pleasently filled, but it wasn't enough. He nearly squealed when he felt the creature split into tentacles that became engorged and long, stretching Rowen to new limits, limits he was thoroughly pleased with. He purred, fingertips brushing the creature just outside of his hole, feeling the slightly leathery skin dotted with smooth scales.

The creature lifted its eyes skyward, forming an oval with its tentacles and concentrating. Its face contorted in pain as it released a long, thin embryo inside of Rowen, feeling it quickly expand to please Rowen's ache for being filled so completely. Rowen felt the embryo fill him, stretch him beyond limits he had thought impossible. The smooth embryo caressed Rowen's insides, still expanding to please its host. The creature slowly removed itself once it was accepted by the embryo, watching as the embryo stretched Rowen far more than it had with Lucas, yet Rowen seemed to only want more, moaning as the embryo stretched to its limits when Rowen was finally satisfied. Quickly, the embryo oozed out of Rowen, shuddering violently like a vibrator, coating Rowen's cock and balls and tightening almost painfully. This only seem to make Rowen moan louder and quiver. The embryo slid in and out of its host, pounding against Rowen's prostrate.

Rowen's back arched as he came hard, moaning loudly. Despite the embryo drinking in Rowen's release, Rowen was still hard, still aching for more. The embryo was growing quickly, feeding off of its host pleasure - it would procure many additions, as it would with each release Rowen had.

You will be highly vaulable to our kind. You are more vaulable than your twin; you are more eager for the fill and release.

Rowen moaned, one hand rested on his already massive stomach while the other gently tugged at the embryo's skin, pleasing the embryo and rewarding its host. It thrust violently into Rowen, vibrating like it was the last thing it would ever do, pounding brutally at Rowen's spot. The creature couldn't understand how Rowen was gaining pleasure from this; it looked highly painful and ready to tear Rowen apart. Yet, as the creature continued to watch, the embryo broke away from its ooze, still gripping painfully to Rowen as a hole ripped viciously open behind Rowen's balls, splattering blood and dark, sluggish fluid. Rowen pushed at his stomach, squirming to and fro as onyx-coloured ovals poured from his body through the gaping, ragged hole behind his balls.

Onyx was rare. The creature stared at the display it was being given. The ovals steadily started vanishing, yet more were still coming from Rowen's body in an endless fountain. The creature was in awe. Such a display had never been witnessed before - its eyes watching Rowen's free hand pushing roughly into the ragged hole, making more blood and dark fluid leak out, the fluid clinging to Rowen's fingers. Rowen made a soft sound and brought his hand up to eye level, blinking at the dark fluid. Tentatively, as if afraid he was going to be poisoned, Rowen licked at the dark fluid, moaning as sweetness burst on his tongue the second the fluid touched his tongue. The embryo shuddered, making Rowen shudder and release more onyx ovals, his fingers delving into the ragged hole as the ovals slowed and stopped.

Rowen's stomach quivered briefly as Rowen kept a steady hand at pushing it down, giving way for more ovals to be released. The embryo seemed to have run on dry, trying to please its host, but it couldn't keep up with Rowen's demands. The creature noticed and leant forward, placing a hand on the large bulge, slowly receding, catching Rowen's attention.

Your demands must be met. The creature watched as the embryo released its final breath before sinking into Rowen. Rowen instantly knew he was empty and gazed at the creature with the blantant desire to be filled in his eyes. You demand to be filled and pleasured. Your body can take great strain, much more than your twin. Your demands have been seen and shall be met. Slowly, the creature lifted its other hand and gestured into the darkness beyond the soft glow of light. Immediately, a larger creature appeared, eyes gleaming.

One of us. The larger creature stared at Rowen, knowing the potential he had. Precious one. You desire to be filled, pleasured. You please us greatly, but youngers cannot keep you satisfied. I can. Kneeling, the larger creature leaned forward and entred Rowen before Rowen knew what was happening.

Rowen's eyes widened before shuttering in pleasure. This was the pleasure that was eluding him. His body could stretch to impossible lengths, making him wonder if he were truly human before all thought was wiped away when the larger creature split into tentacles, thickening in girth, stretching to great lengths. It was much larger than the first creature, giving Rowen pleasure he had been denied. The creature released a thick embryo inside of him, immediately expanding to please its host, vibrating gently. The larger creature slid from Rowen, watching as Rowen immediately started to stroke the embryo to give it as much pleasure as it was giving him.

The perfect host.

Rowen's stomach bulged, his hips widening enough to accept a larger girth. Rowen placed a hand on his stomach, immediately pushing down on it. The ragged hole, only starting to heal, ripped open again, spilling blood, dark fluid, and onyx ovals. The embryo inside of Rowen expanded further, unknowingly forcing Rowen's sides to start tearing open. The larger creature noticed, its eyes going wide.

Pleasure of pain...he will be killed if we do not stop him. The larger creature kept its eyes glued to Rowen, watching the embryo shrink, allowing the skin of Rowen's sides to heal. He may not know, but the embryo does, making it feel like it has failed its host.

Rowen seemed to finally start slowing down as if hearing the larger creatures words. The pleasure of such intense size left him in a daze as he continued to push at his stomach, still pleasuring the embryo as it pleasured him. The embryo realized the exhaustion its host was experiencing. Slowly, it shrunk enough to make Rowen look presentable, gently vibrating to keep Rowen content. Slowly, Rowen sat up, covered in sweat. He turned tired eyes to the two creatures, smiling lightly.

The perfect host. The larger creature went up to Rowen, kneeling before him. Go back to the land of the living and remain with your twin. Do not interact with those not worthy of the gift. A clawed hand rested gently on the large bulge of Rowen's stomach. They will destroy you and our species. And remember, young one... The large creature pinned Rowen with its gleaming eyes. I will find you soon.


Slowly, Rowen woke up and looked around. He felt sluggish and too exhausted to do much of anything. Idly, he placed a hand on his largely distended stomach, rubbing it gently. He heard a door opening and turned his head, smiling when he saw Lucas.

"Okay," Rowen whispered. "You were right."

"I usually am," Lucas whispered back, waddling into the room and plopping himself next to Rowen. "...You're huge.�

�I�ve noticed,� Rowen mumbled, still rubbing his stomach, �but it feels so good.�

Lucas nodded. �You get used to it,� he eventually mumbled.

Rowen shrugged, not commenting. He knew he was different from Lucas, if only by a small amount. He knew what had to be done to keep himself happy. He knew he had to avoid everyone but Lucas. He knew all this and didn�t care. Idly, Rowen wondered if he was wearing anything when he suddenly pressed down on his stomach. There was an annoying itch in his stomach and Rowen had a feeling it had to do with having to release before the itch would go away. The embryo inside of him shuddered, slowly opening the hole behind his balls, making sure to catch any blood or fluid that oozed out. Rowen pressed at his stomach again, sighing with satisfaction as several onyx ovals slid out and the itch slowly faded to nothing. No longer feeling the itch, Rowen stopped pushing at his stomach, the embryo placing a veil over the hole, easily breakable should Rowen have to release again.

Lucas had watched Rowen, watched how easily he handled releasing, how relaxed he seemed with it all. Lucas knew it would be a long time before he would be truly relaxed and content with things. For now, however, he could deal and go along with it, all the while slowly accepting what he was doing and what his body was being used for.

�You�re thinking loudly,� Rowen mumbled, scratching his stomach lightly. �What�s on your mind?�

Lucas swallowed and shrugged, staring up at the ceiling. �Just thinking about how much things have changed,� he muttered. �How much we�ve both changed, how easy you are to accepting all of this.�

Rowen chuckled lightly, scrunching his nose when the itch had returned. �Believe me, I�m still trying to grasp at what�s happened, what�s still happening,� he said softly, pressing at his stomach to relieve himself of the itch - onyx ovals slid out, yet he still itched. �I may be all calm and collected, but my rational mind is freaking out, trying to take it slow and accept it for what it is, but...� He pressed more firmly to try and relieve the itch that wouldn�t leave; �it�s all happening so fast. Just accept it for what it is and just go with it.� He grunted then, bringing his other hand up to press at his stomach. �Damnit!�

�What�s wrong?� Lucas asked, looking at Rowen.

�This fucking itch!� Rowen ground out, spreading his legs wide and pressing his stomach down firmly, yet only a couple ovals slid out and still no relief from the itch. �It won�t go away no matter what I do!� His hands brushed his member, making him suck in a breath, the itch briefly fading before coming back, worse than before.

�You probably need release in another way,� Lucas suggested.

�Perhaps,� Rowen said, letting a hand wander between his legs to gently caress the embryo inside of him.

The embryo vibrated in retaliation, expanding briefly before shrinking back. Rowen closed his eyes, focusing on the pleasure instead of the itch that had begun to encompass him. Lucas had slowly gotten up and left the room, leaving Rowen to what he had to do. When Rowen had spoken of an itch, an answering itch echoed inside of Lucas, making him quickly walk into his own room and lay on the bed, pressing a hand against his stomach. He had felt the embryo break from the ooze around his cock and balls, slowly opening a hole behind his balls, catching any blood that had escaped.

Pressing a hand more firmly against his stomach, Lucas shuddered when he felt several yellow ovals slide out, but the itch was still there, pulsating through Lucas. Lucas grunted, bringing his other hand down to gently stroke the embryo inside of him, feeling it vibrate and caress his insides in kind. The skin around his cock squeezed him, feeling the embryo expand to give some relief to the itch. Lucas suddenly felt like he wasn�t full enough, bringing forth the thought that he wanted to be as filled as Rowen was yet he was unable to realise it until now. Groaning softly, Lucas pressed against his stomach, feeling yellow ovals slide out, his stomach shrinking into nothing but smooth, flat skin, the embryo sinking into his skin and giving him a decidedly empty feeling.

Lucas wanted to be full, to be filled to his limits. He closed his eyes and slid into unconciousness.


You return.

Lucas gazed up at the large creature, eyes blatantly showing what he wanted. �I have,� he whispered.

You want to be as full as your twin? You desire to be stretched to impossible lengths? The large creature kneeled between Lucas' spread legs. You are eager this time. I shall enjoy taking you.

Lucas closed his eyes as the large creature entred him, eyes snapping open, mouth wide open as the creature split and grew. He was stretched to the limits, yet he couldn�t get enough. He felt the oval shape the creature made inside him, watching the eyes look skyward and take on a look of great pain. Suddenly, Lucas felt the embryo slide into him, expanding past the limits of his first hostings and stretching him further than he could imagine. The creature slid out of him just as Lucas' hips widened to aid him in the girth he was now carrying.

Lucas pressed a hand to his stomach, pressing down for the first release, shivering at the glossy feel of the ovals sliding out. His itch abated for the time being, Lucas opened his eyes and looked at the creature.

�You�re not like the things I see in my nightmares,� Lucas whispered.

They are not us. Tainted. Impure.

Lucas blinked, rubbing his stomach. �What do you mean?� he asked.

Not one of us. Used to be, but no more. Those to avoid. They will destroy you and all of us. The large creature gazed at Lucas. Return now to the living. You will be well enough until we find you and your twin.


Lucas awoke slowly and sat up, waiting a few seconds before standing and wandering out of the room. One hand went to his stomach while the other suconciously rubbed at his wider hips. This was the turning point; no turning back. His body was changed, altered to aid an intelligent supernatural species, mutated by idiots who thought they could do something for themselves and use the species for their own benifits. Lucas snorted, but grunted when the embryo gave a twitch and expanded, making his stomach grow a bit.

So, he and Rowen were what now? Hosts to a species who needed them to make their population grow and theirs to slowly go extinct. Lucas wished he knew what the ovals came out to be or at least where they went after they were released from his body.

We look like you. We are just...different. Hatched from eggs, we look like reptiles, but gain a human body as we grow older.

Lucas blinked, but nodded. A new species of human, hopefully aiding the world instead of destroying it. Wandering back into his room, Lucas lay on his bed and rubbed his stomach, pressing his hand down and releasing several smooth ovals, pale yellow in colour. As he was releasing the ovals, Lucas wondered what else he could do instead of constantly releasing ovals and lying around like a couch potato. He was getting restless with sitting around, doing nothing.

Lucas was startled back into reality when his stomach gave a lurch, shuddering lightly. Nothing felt off, but the annoying itch that could never be sctratched away. His stomach lurched again and grew; Lucas watched the briefest of tears appeared on his stomach, oozing dark blood. His eyes widened - had he said something wrong? Was the embryo rejecting him?

As if hearing the last question, the embryo inside of him vibrated, indicating that it was content with its host. Lucas smiled briefly, but faltered when he saw the tear in his stomach grow as his stomach continued to expand. Swiftly, Lucas pressed both hands to his stomach and pressed down firmly, ignoring the blood he was getting on his hands. Lucas winced as the ovals slid out, feeling much larger than the others. They stretched the small hole, making Lucas feel pleasure as they caressed his hole as they slid out, stretching him pleasently.

Lucas briefly wondered what it would feel like with a hard object pressing in and pounding his hole, abusing it in all the right ways when he suddenly felt the embryo give a shudder. It stretched outside of him, forming a long and hard shape before pressing deeply into the hole behind Lucas' balls, thrusting and abusing exactly as Lucas had wondered. Lucas let his head fall back as a moan was torn from his throat. The embryo catered to its host, it seemed, bringing pleasure to their host as often as possible in order to release more ovals.

Lucas clenched around the embryo, feeling it expand in the tiny hole and lubricating it for easier thrusting. This went on for several minutes, the embryo thrusting savagely into Lucas to bring him release that seemed to be just out of reach. If only, he idly wondered, if the embryo could release inside of him. Then, he knew, he would come. As if sensing its hosts thoughts, the embryo gave a shudder and released warm liquid into Lucas and coating his insides, causing him to give a choked moan as he was granted release. Slowly, the embryo slid from Lucas' hole, shifting back into the great size it was inside of Lucas' arse, vibrating gently.

As Lucas came back to reality, he felt the pleasent burning sensation of his abused hole, yet he couldn�t find himself to truly care. The liquid coming from his hole eased the pain as his hands came up to press against his stomach. Several ovals slid out, their smooth exterior caressing the abused hole lovingly, but still managed to stretch him without much pain.

�I see you also found the pleasures of the embryo.�

Lucas started and looked at Rowen, whom was standing in the doorway, hands rubbing at his stomach. Slowly, Rowen entred the room and lay next to his twin, still rubbing his stomach.

�...Ever wonder if anothers embryo could pleasure another person?� Rowen suddenly asked, glancing at Lucas.

Lucas blinked. �Would it be possible?� he asked softly.

�Embryos live for their hosts,� Rowen murmured. �They feed off their hosts pleasure, making sure to give as much as they want or need.� He looked up at the ceiling. �Would it be possible for another�s embryo to pleasure someone they want pleasured?�

�I don�t know,� Lucas whispered. �We could try.�

Rowen's eyes lit up, licking his lips. Lucas closed his eyes, keeping the firm thought that he wanted Rowen pleasured in the way he desired. The embryo inside of him shuddered, but complied, forming the long and hard object it had to pleasure Lucas. Slowly, it inched towards Rowen, gently teasing the hole behind his balls and entring in one swift thrust. Rowen's embryo had worked quicker; the simple thought of wanting the embryo to please Lucas immediately had a part of it inside of Lucas, thrusting inside of the small hole with almost brutal force, lubricating itself at each outward thrust. It briefly removed itself from Lucas to caress his cock and balls before thrusting back inside the small hole.

Lucas cried out at the abuse his hole was being subjected to, but it felt far too good to stop. He let Rowen's embryo use his hole, using it to bring him pleasure and release. A brief thought flitted through his head, wondering if Rowen's embryo would grow in size and form small studs to heighten the pleasure. He heard Rowen moan just as Lucas felt the embryo abusing his hole halt. It grew in size, stretching the small hole to the limits and formed small studs. Slowly, tentatively almost, it started thrusting again, picking up speed as Lucas' moans couldn�t be held back, encouraging it to return to its brutal abuse to the small hole. They were close. They knew what they wanted to finally achieve release. Simultaneously, their embryos coated their insides with warm liquid, giving way to their own releases.

Chests heaving, Rowen and Lucas felt their embryos slowly slide back into itself. As one, they pressed their hands against their distended stomachs and pressed, sighing softly when several ovals slid out, caressing their sore holes with their smooth surfaces.

�So, this is our fate, eh?� Lucas mumbled. �Being surrogates to a new species?�

�Could be,� Rowen mumbled back. �When they find us, we�ll ask them.�


Yawning, both twins rolled over and fell asleep, curling around each other despite their current conditions.


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